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White Scar colors


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I think company representation would make a lot of sense.


Another explanation might be commemorating the attack on the Lion's Gate spaceport. I recall that having rather nasty casualties in older fluff.


But probably company representation (well, Brotherhood. You know what I mean).

I've never seen anything but red edging, which would make it a poor way of distiguishing brotherhoods.


1st Brotherhood: Crimson

2nd Brotherhood: Auburn

3rd Brotherhood: Maroon



No, not really seeing that one happening. A commemoration / mark of mourning / special honour does make sense, though. Hmmm...


I guess I was just wondering if there was any fluff supporting the addition of the edging.

Don't see many Ultramarines without yellow, either. Doesn't mean that's not what the shoulder trim's supposed to be for.


This: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/File:Wh...ursandBadge.JPG would suggest that it's supposed to be company color, and people just haven't noticed/REALLY like whatever company it is.

But there's fluff support for the Ultra's having different colors. Just because blue and gold looks the best (because I have to admit, blue and gold looks good, lol), doesn't mean the Ultras don't have walls of pics of blue and white, blue and red, even blue and purple, etc...


No such luck with the Scars. Always red and white, always.



Edit cuz you ninja'd: Hmmm. A possibility, then.

Slow ass internet? ^_^


Very true, man. Ah well, maybe if GW will ever do a proper book about the Scars, we'll find out. Personally, I always thought they used types and unique patterns of red tribal markings for company designation....

Personally, I always thought they used types and unique patterns of red tribal markings for company designation....


Must admit, that was always what I thought, so in the post heresy pic at the top the squad/company/brotherhood/whatever designation is as much about the pattern of the red 'slashes' on the legs as it is the colour of the shoulder trims? That's probably completely in my head rather than canon though...

The White Scars Illustration on page 28 of the current Codex Space Marines has white trims (with chest eagle being red), while the models depicted on page 107 have red trims (with chest eagle being golden). That made me suspect that there really is no deliberate intent behind the WS colour scheme, and each artist just uses what scheme he thinks looks good. Personally, I think the red trims look more interesting.


But then I noticed that the Rhino on page 107 has a 3rd Company badge, so from this picture alone it could be possible that the red trim models are all supposed to be from 3rd Company (which traditionally has red trims). On the other hand, the illustration on page 27 with the white trims shows a Marine with a tactical badge, so he is not from 1st Company. And on page 114 there is a single White Scars Vanguar Veteran with red trims. So apparently the red trims are not meant to denote Company affiliation after all.

For what its worth, back when Mk7 was first introduced halfway through RT GW made a big deal out of parade schemes vs campaign schemes - Blood Angel and Ultramarine parade schemes had black and white pad trims respectively because that was the colour of their beakie helmet stripes, troops on extended campaign would typically overpaint the trims in the pad colour. Blood Angels appear to still do this - a lot of people like to editionify the issue (2e vs 3e) but both schemes appeared side by side in 3rd edition IA articles (both the BA and the Armageddon 3 one). And why do I mention this? Because the White Scars RT beakie scheme had a red helmet stripe.

To throw in my 2 cents, I don't think it is codex as the White Scars don't even use companies. They use Brotherhoods as an analog but they don't follow the Codex as a literal document from the bits and pieces that I understand.


Lack Dreadnaughts

Would rather not use Devastator squads

Would rather use sponson-less Predators

Many more bikes and speeders

Apothecary armor color scheme

Librarians as Stormseers, rather than seen as psykers writ large

Master of the Hunt as a chapter specific office


I'm guessing the red trim is another deviation from Codex guidelines.



I think that over a 10,000 year period, even ultra-conservative marines like to change the colour of the curtains from time to time. If you look at the examples for something as simple as tactical squads markings for the Ultramarines there are a ton of different ways of colouring the pads and representing the squad and other markings. I think the codex says that chapter masters or captains can modify such things to personal taste. The Ultramarines even have metal and solid colour versions for each company colour.


There's lots of room for variation over the millennia including representing rank with helmet stripes, arm insignia or anything else. I think too if you go back to the legions, even if the White Scars were a smaller legion you could still expect tens of thousands of them so plenty of opportunity for each Tumen to have it's own way of decorating its armour.

Just a quick point; that picture from the Index Astartes seems to be the only one with the white trims as opposed to the red ones. All the ones in the Collected Visions (although not the height of 100% fluff accuracy) have the red trims. Also, in A Thousand Sons, during the council of Nikea; Targutai Yesugei, a White Scar Stormseer, is described as "...winter white and trimmed with crimson...". Take from that what you will, I still plan on rocking the white trim, just to separate them from current era White Scars.
Can't believe I never noticed this before, but does anyone know why the pre-heresy White Scars didn't have the red edging to their shoulder pauldrons?


They probably did. Many of them, anyway. Bear in mind that's a single Marine out of 100,000. Or back then, even a single Marine out of 10,000. And this was before the Codex.


Take in the spirit it's intended: as one guy out of many, as an example of a minor difference between The Heresy and Now. Some companies, squads, battalions, etc. will do it that way, some will do it other ways. Some will have red helmets, others will have red faceplates, others will have red shoulder trimmings, and others red knee pads, etc.

Too true. I'm just picky when it comes to painting my mini's. I like having all my details straight, thus why I was wondering if I had missed something in the fluff concerning their trim, or if it was one of those things that has never been mentioned before, or it just really didn't matter.


I kinda like the lack of red trim, think I'm gonna go with that. Thanks for all your replies, ladies and gents.

Too true. I'm just picky when it comes to painting my mini's. I like having all my details straight, thus why I was wondering if I had missed something in the fluff concerning their trim, or if it was one of those things that has never been mentioned before, or it just really didn't matter.


I kinda like the lack of red trim, think I'm gonna go with that. Thanks for all your replies, ladies and gents.


You'll post them on B&C, right? Right?


Faster, faster.


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