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Equipping Tacticals


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I am planning on running tactical marines now and with almost no experience I wanted to know everyone's views on outfitting the squad.


Also does everyone plan on putting power fists on the sergeants or maybe just a power ax?


So far I think I am going to run a plasma gun but cant decide about any of the other guns. What are your opinions?

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Naked sarge, plasma gun, and then the heavy weapon will vary a lot on the rest of the list: if you have no forward assault element, Plasma Cannon. Otherwise, Missile Launcher/Lascannon if you want to keep a combat squad in the back to score, or Multi-melta if you want both combat squads to advance in midfield.
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I've always thought that the strength of the tacticals were the heavy weapons. so I always used a Plasma cannon, on 5th, maybe ill change for a MM nowadays. but the ol' Missile launcher seems handy.


My both tacs are as follow:


Sgt. combi-plasma/fist, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon

Sgt. Combi-melta/fist, Melta Gun, Multi Melta.


Mainly cus seems fun to my OCD, but has played weel too.

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Remember that missile launchers (according to the appendix) are getting flakk missiles... worth considering


I think that there will be alot of flyer heavy lists early in 6th since a lot of armies lack high amounts of skyfire, so missile launchers will come in handy.


+ the fact that the missile is quite good as an all around weapon

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I run two tac teams from 5th with a meltagun/rocket launcher combo. Went well in 5th and should be even better in 6th.

Also, with flamers you get "wall of death" or whatever it's called, in overwatch mode. Roll D3 for auto hits.

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10 Tacticals w/Flamer+ML = 170pts

8 Death Company on foot with bolters = 160pts


I keep writing lists where I'm strangely attracted to using Foot-DC in place of Tacticals. Better durability, better melee, no sergeant for challenges (sometimes a bonus and sometimes not! lol) and honestly I'm not tempted to 'waste' the squad's bolter shots bc the heavy weapon wants to shoot at something else. I use Devastators for heavy weapons--- and in 6th ed, it looks like I'll be using DC for my tacticals. Just my thoughts.

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10 Tacticals w/Flamer+ML = 170pts

8 Death Company on foot with bolters = 160pts


I keep writing lists where I'm strangely attracted to using Foot-DC in place of Tacticals. Better durability, better melee, no sergeant for challenges (sometimes a bonus and sometimes not! lol) and honestly I'm not tempted to 'waste' the squad's bolter shots bc the heavy weapon wants to shoot at something else. I use Devastators for heavy weapons--- and in 6th ed, it looks like I'll be using DC for my tacticals. Just my thoughts.


What will you use for scoring troops?

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Allied IG platoons.


Yes, feel free to throw garbage at me... but cheap speed-bumps/challenge-tarpits/scorers? Units that present no threat so the enemy doesn't shoot at them? Bubble-wrapping expensive units from getting charged? And who would want to miss out on the Psychic Shriek/Weaken Resolve combo? Death Company led by 45pt Priests granting re-rolls?


This is B&C though so I'll cease the IG talk. But Allies is the way of the future-- and IG are among the best.



Edit: tying back into OP, originally too snarky ;) I'm sorry for that.



For normal Tacticals, I see the rise of the Plasmagun as the best--- for once, it is worth its points due to range and raw firepower. I think PW being AP3 now makes any AP2 weapons that much more valuable-- and I think the meltagun will be less appreciated with the meta shifting away from vehicles a tad. Plasmagun, ML, and naked Sergeant-- thats how I'd run my Tactical squad.

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Im thinking of running with full plasma and a sarge with LC for aggressive support midfield or a shield for a pushing unit, priest nearby will of course double durability.


The new glancing rules i feel make it much more worthwhile to hit a vehicle with 6-7 S7 shots then 3 S8 - even with the melta bonus o the chart.


This is excellant news for me, as i have a near fetich for plasma weapons, as evidenced in my avatar pic :)



pps; i also am taking an IG detachment (FINALLY) and am reeealy happy as i can switch out show piece units that ive longed to collect for years.Good show GW, you cunning +++expletive deleted+++.

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