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Chaos spawn any better?


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ok because i cant get my grubby hands on the new rule book yet, how did our poor lil spawn fair? I know under the last set of rules they STUNK. But with a universal rules update did they get any better? i really like the models and id like to make a few but dont want to spend the money if they still stink.
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Well, since Slow and Purposeful no longer is random distance they finally get full use of their movement being beasts and all.


And new spawns created though Gift of Chaos evidently don't provide victory points anymore. Always a bonus.


But the lack of a save whatsoever still hampers them too much in my opinion.



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cool so sounds like migth be fun to spawn people then, or mabye use them in a small game or 2. thanks! hopefully they become wargear again or mabye a larger unit size with teh new codex. id take a big unit of em just to flood the board. lol
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Even I think spawn are a waste of a Fast Attack slot and points. I can however use my Beasts of Nurgle as Beasts of Nurgle now, not sure I want to... I'm taking a wait and see approach until the new Chaos Codex but I don't anticipate spawn becoming awesome nor do they factor into my plans. In 40K you can't have "Plagueriders" not that I think there is any official models for that. You could also have chariots pulled by Beasts of Nurgle in the square base game at one point. I've never done that either...


If Beasts of Nurgle go back to being pets for Chaos Lords of Nurgle I'd probably use them like I did back in 2nd Edition. If spawn remain mindless random moving fast attack choices I think most people will opt for bikes, raptors, or whatever the new Chaos flyer option is.

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It's not just 3 spawn you have running out front, it is X points you could have spent on something else or 1-3 FA choices. I'm all for providing rules for models. I remember the days when there were models with no rules, not just OOP models with no rules. Now generally if a model gets made there are rules for it. GW also knowns damn well that models that perform better in the game they can charge a higher premium for. So a box of terminators costs more than some other plastic marine kit, regardless of how much plastic is used in the construction.


Finecast could also be seen as an attempt to justify higher costs or an incentive to replace a perfectly serviceable Space Marine Captain with a new "finely cast" Space Marine Captain.


I've still yet to buy or paint one of the finecast models, but that is more a reflection on my life and painting backlog than any consumer stance...


If they were fun I could see fielding them, but when I fielded spawn they went straight forward and died. There isn't even a need to shoot at them in the first turn in the old rules. They can only run so fast and have no ranged attack. I wouldn't even bring them if I knew I was playing Tyranids or foot slogging orks. They (Beasts of Nurgle) didn't work much better in Warhammer 8th Edition. Any model with zero ranged attacks and lacking some sort of increased mobility is ill advised.


I have a Blood Slaughter of Khorne model which I won. I don't anticipate it being much use in winning games, but at least it is a cool looking model and with the demon rules plus X hull points could be resilient enough to reach an opponents lines. They updated Forgeworld stats today but I didn't give it a lot of thought, regular Defilers seem better...

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Are you kidding? A Blood Slaughterer popping up in front of my forces (it was used in a daemon army) was one of the most terrifying things I've experienced in my gaming experience. Now, that experience might be limited - but it still pretty much ignored a kitted out lascannon predator, a Librarian's Vortex of Doom and a devastator squad's fire. And it wasn't just my opponent's rolling that kept him going.
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I will paint and field my Blood Slaughter eventually. I think I like the Decimator better, plus my efforts to field it were stymied by my less than successful life. I did paint the bezerkers well 7 bezerkers they need one more mate and a rhino for improved combat effectiveness and style.


I'm down on all the Nurgle Daemons right now, but I just noticed one tidbit which won't help Beasts of Nurgle but will help other "Beasts" say Khorne Dogs. Beasts appear to ignore difficult terrain. This is based on the appendix on page 437...


It helps Fiends of Slaneesh which I always thought would be the best Beast in WFB 8th Edition. I even found my old one and assembled it... One Fiend of Slaneesh doesn't seem very fearsome, but they do have 5 attacks at Initiative 5 each, plus can have it's Strength increased...


I'm trying to come up with a goal list with no allies, but I'll do demon, IG, and Ork allied detachments at some point as I have the models, in many cases painted.

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