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Chaos dreadnought model


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So, people say that in a pic of the BYB we can see what looks like the new Chaos dread, at least his back side.

Can someone with a rulebook tell us more about it and maybe show us a picture ?

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There are a few chaos dreads in the book. They're all conversions or forgeworld models. No preview models to be seen. Some think the "hell feaster" picture (art, not model photo) on page whatever I forget is a hint of what the upcoming starter box dread with multimelta will look like, but that's really anyone's guess at this point.
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It is green. It is a green book. And yeah, that rear shot of the dread is a FW mini. Chances are VERY good the illustration of the "hell feaster" is what the new chaos dreads will look like, though - there'll likely be a bunch of variations in different colours in the codex. Those colour-swapped 2D pictures are a really popular thing with GW right now.
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It is green. It is a green book. And yeah, that rear shot of the dread is a FW mini. Chances are VERY good the illustration of the "hell feaster" is what the new chaos dreads will look like, though - there'll likely be a bunch of variations in different colours in the codex. Those colour-swapped 2D pictures are a really popular thing with GW right now.
*points to the SM Painter link in the site banner*


They're pretty effective for getting a color scheme across, better than just showing a painted Marine.

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It is green. It is a green book. And yeah, that rear shot of the dread is a FW mini. Chances are VERY good the illustration of the "hell feaster" is what the new chaos dreads will look like, though - there'll likely be a bunch of variations in different colours in the codex. Those colour-swapped 2D pictures are a really popular thing with GW right now.


Fair point. Saw it on the interweb.

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Where the hell is it yellow? I's got different kinds of orange, brown and beige hues, together with the Dark Angel and Chaos livery ofc, but yellow???
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Where the hell is it yellow? I's got different kinds of orange, brown and beige hues, together with the Dark Angel and Chaos livery ofc, but yellow???
Calling it a Big Orange Book would shorten to BOB, and it could make for some interesting exchanges at a game store.
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They look like the back end of a Venerable Dreadnought (4 smoke stacks) so maybe they are conversions? They certainly aren't the Old and Busted block of metal (Bet they'll never make that piece of crap Finecast...)
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Page 383 to 399 you will see the part on Word Bearer (by Duncan in the GW Hobby team) vs Imperial Guards/Ultramarines (Adam Trook).


The two models dreadnought I saw are both the Forge World type. One is a Black Legion arm with Plasma Cannon. They other is by Wade & his World Eater army (can also been seen in the FW part of this month White Dwarf or on his own web site).


There also art work of a Word Bearer Dreadnought. But nothing model wise.


Same time people claim Wade Bezerker are new models, when they are converted useing the current plastic kits.




Also the Forge World Black legion model dreadnought - note the one in the rule book painted diffrent to this one.



From what I seen there is no new models in the rule book? Bile has as diffrent colour/paint on him.



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Same time people claim Wade Bezerker are new models, when they are converted useing the current plastic kits.
That army makes me want to consider playing a Khorne army again, or at least doing Word Bearers a lot better.
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