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Ahriman's exiled cabal


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After ages of having them 70% completed and not enough to bother photographing them I finally did the last push and all but finished my warband. I haven't really gone to town with conversions or anything, and my phone camera is pretty rubbish so is either too dark or too rich apparently. So my apologies for that. The only one that is my most converted is the sorcerer in terminator armour/obliterator and even then is very basic. There are still the odd details I have yet to do like text and scroll work but that's for another day...












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I find them great too. Well made, really :P.

What color did you used to highlight those purple blades ?

Thanks guys! I highlighted the blades with 'warlock purple' and then washed it with 'levianthan purple'.

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Yeah I do...boxed up at the moment for transportation. Soon as I get them outta storage I'll post pics of them too...gotta find my landraider and dreadnoughts too, wherever I put them... :/
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So glad I'd bought another box of thousand sons already, otherwise this would have proberlly made me want to buy one so I could have a decent painted squad. Really need to strip my army ;) Seriously, that is really nice, something about it all just fits together.
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