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khornate TS

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So I've been wanting to do this for awhile. My idea was during the siege of prospero a company of thousand sons were offworld. Their leader was one of the few in the legion who had no psychic talent, because of this many without the psychic gifts were sent to this company. Upon hearing about the rubric those without gifts were enraged and slaughtered their brethren. Since that day their hatred of psychers has grown and they now worship khorne. He has blessed many of them, turning them into strange anubis-like creatures.


So im basically wondering what you all would think of this fluffwise? Its got alot of work to do but I think it could work.

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Yeah I'm not sure on the details yet. I've always wanted to do some Anubite TS though with an affinity for Khorne. So many people are against khornate psykers though so I dunno about that yet DAT. Would be cool to include a few actual psychic TS too, maybe used by the others for their power?
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Yes but its not specified how far the rubrics range was. Could also go the route and concoct a tale of how they were in a region where the rubric couldn't effect them. Color scheme I'm thinking would be red/gold? Kinda like pre-heresy, or would that not differentiate them enough?
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And unfortunately, anyone not caught up in the rubric would have mutated into a spawn a long time ago already because of their unstable geneseed...
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I always thought the mutations was a result of them being psykers and dedicated to old Tzeentchy poo who was all like, You know what they need, MOAR TENTACLES!!!

The mutations are a result of their geneseed(they were almost destroyed by it before they found Magnus), as are their masterful psychic abilities. Magnus geneseed was touched by Tzeentch before the legion was made, when he was created. It's strongly hinted that the big E made a pact with the powers of the warp to create the primarchs, and mr. T being the obvious "power dispenser" of Magnus.


[Edit]: Forgot to add in that Magnus also made a pact with Tzeentch when he was found to stop the mutations, thereby saving his sons and sacrificing one of his eyes(if I remember correctly). When the heresy closed in Tzeentch simply went back on his deal, making Russ see the mutations and leading to Nikea...and the mutating effects seen at Prospero...

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I actually had a thought about this the other day. The non psychic marines souls are still intact, just trapped in their armour. The idea was, if a rubric marines was enraged enough by the treatment of him and his non psychic to by sheer will power brake his bonds and strike down the nearest sorcerer, Khorn then gifting him the power to resist, the power to kill all the sorcerers in the warband, transforming his dust to blood, and upon receiving the sorcerer's skulls he transforms the enraged rubric into a daemon prince, and such is the awakened rage of the rubrics, fuses them with flesh hounds to become anubis like warriors with nought but vengeance on the those who enslaved them, those who turned their original body to dust after leading them into damnation.
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Remember that Abby is a special snowflake, managing to keep favours of more than one god. Tzeentch isn't going to give up his pawns just because they are a bit angry...
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He's not so strong that he can oppose the other gods openly and at will. It's as likely that Khorne would grant Thousand Sons his gifts as it is that Tzeentch would grant Khorne followers sorcerous powers(and NO, we are not talking about the DoW abomination!)...
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Then they still would have become spawn sooner or later. If they have a geneseed flaw or not doesn't depend on location...


It is heavily implied in another short story Rebirth from Age of Darkness, that this is not entirely the case. Some Corvidae TS, part of the fleet that Magnus orders scattered before the Wolves arrive at Prospero, return after the planet is desolated to sift the remains. These survivors are strongly implied to be the founders of a later loyalist chapter of space marines, which would required them to remain unmutated and free of Chaotic influence.


Oh, and who should they run into while on Prospero.....Khârn, I didn't see you there!

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