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The gems of our codex, which units?


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I see quite some threats which discuss how different units might fare in 6th and I thought a thread in which people give their ideas about our best units in 6th might be a good idea. Of course opinions will probably change when we understand 6th edition better, but it can still be usefull (and fun :lol: ) for the moment right?


My top 3 of 'best' units in our codex now:

-Attack Bikes. Their biggest (only real) weakness is gone: Vulnerability to S8/9. Missiles, lasscannons and plasma tickles now heh, assuming you have FnP. 5+ cover all the time, giving you in total 2 T5 wounds with 5+/5+ FnP. I loved them in 5th already, now I can't imagine lists without them. (Speeders are even better for suicide now with 2x melta, but I preffer killing stuff and then being hard to kill in return ;) )

-AC/LC Preds. 12" move and still being able to fire 2 Lasscannons and the AC at BS1? While being hard to shaken/stun at range? Me gusta... Lasscannons are the new missiles btw.

-Storm Raven Gunship. Hardest to kill Flier. Godly weaponry for dogfights. With the lack of widespread AA weapons these buggers will most likely rule the skies for a while. Although 6 Necron Scythes will still own you. Pretty much mandatory if you don't want Allies I think. (No, 1 Fortification with AA and hoping to roll 6's to hurt enemy fliers wont do I'm afraid)


I'm basing my current list around a core of these units atm, 2x3 Attack Bikes with 2x AC/LC Pred and a Storm Raven. 3 Attack Bikes in a squad to benefit more from Divination re-rolls.



What's yours?

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I will second Attack Bikes being amazing. Autolas preds were already a staple of my lists. The dual melta speeder is also fantastic (cheapest dual melta unit in the game, I believe). Land Raiders seem also much more worthwhile now that they can carry 2 combat squads, and can act as a wall to protect weak Razorbacks and the like. Sang Guard seem like a much better unit now too. Tactical Termies went from useable to great, and Sternguard vets are also superb. Vindies are also much much better, between the lack of stunlock from glances, randomization of weapon destroyed results, decrease of generic cover save and increased potency versus armour. Tac Squads have also had a boost, but not sure I believe they will be suplanting assault squads anytime soon.
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Agreed on the bikes, all kinds of bikes really. Great for mounting characters on, get's HoW in close combat without giving up their regular move... the list goes on. All bikes are good value now. For the first time in many, many years.


Shooty terminators. A little worse off regarding regular anti infantry fire compared to 5th but with far less weaknesses overall. A 30*terminator list (bikes for support) is likely my next project

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Red Thirst doesn't give FNP.

I think he's saying that Astorath increases the amount of FC which is good because he finds Priests worse now.


I completely agree with Zhukov on his list. All great units in 6th.

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Oh yes, bikes, bikes, bikes but I won't be using our bikes. I will be using Codex:SM for my dettachment so I can put an Artificer armored fella in there to really suck up wounds, and count the bikes as troops. I just noticed today that Space Marine Techmarines can also take a bike and are Independent Characters.


To play the trick twice Dante and Astorath are both +2 and will save more RAS marines than a 5th ed Priest ever could. Priests with Sanguinary Guard help out the odds from 1:6 to 1:9

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No one has said DC yet. Embarrassing. :teehee:


1) DC - I don't think I'm ever going to have a list without DC again.


2) SR - My first 6th edition list is being built around 2 SRs. They could drop from this position depending on how much focus people spend around anti-aircraft.


3) SP - They got nerfed a bit, but I am still probably going to have a SP in almost every list I write.


Attack bikes are pretty amazing (but I think regular bikes are still a bit overpriced). Depending on how much psychic stuff starts to dominate, I could see Librarians sneaking their way onto this list. I like SG, but they might still be too efficient as a shooting target for my opponent. Snapfiring Devs worth a look, especially since they are scoring in some scenarios.

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I agree on most said here, the only thing im concearn; At least on my meta, troops are getting even more important than on 5th, it seems that almost every mission has now more objectives, so im trying not to over-go with all these new options.


Ive had a really hard time balancing my lists with all this very good new (and old) choices.


Aside from that, it seems that bikes are quite nice :D finally i can fill my FA choices.

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The more i look the more im loving the look of Bikes again but more specifcally im looking at taking them as allys from SM as well, i think someone something similar earlier. Though rather than taking a captain and kiting him up i was thinking ko'sarro khan or however its spelt because i believe, like our dante, he gives hit and run. Comand squad with lances on bikes anyone? So for me im going to running DC with lances and dante for sure and i'm more than likely going to take a detachment of bikes.


On another note has anyone mentioned the baal pred yet? Those twin linked AC on a tank with a scout move are looking mighty tasty now for stripping hull points early on, dont you think? :P

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DC seem like the big winner with the new rules. Especially combined with the disembarking from drop pod being 6" (from what I understand anyway I may need to read up a bit more).


(Attack) Bike squads with priest on bike might be good too. The FNP on everything not S10 seems pretty decent.


I'm not really happy about the new assault rules though, I've had a tendency to roll double 1's whenever I tried to charge through cover.

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Sanguinary Guard for me. 2+ save and power axes is a nasty combo.

Stormravens are great now and my double 'raven list is looking even sweeter.

My favorite character Dante just got turned into a psychopath with his +2, power axe combo.


DC has been mentioned

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Sanguinary Guard for me. 2+ save and power axes is a nasty combo.

Stormravens are great now and my double 'raven list is looking even sweeter.

My favorite character Dante just got turned into a psychopath with his +2, power axe combo.


DC has been mentioned


Just to point out thats still a bone of contention in regards to Dantes weapon and Glaives. Many are of the opinion that they count as having special rules and as a result are AP3 weapons. Only saying this to warn you that not everyone you play will let you run them like that until GW have officially made some kind of decision on that. I for one have it set in my mind what the rules say. Like i said, just a friendly heads up :)

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They're just mad HQ hunters.

Either the enemy HQ has a weildy weapon, and cant hurt them, or he has an unwieldy weapon, and they either kill him first with claws, or kill him at the same time with hammers and shields


I'm trying to find space for 5 assaults and ten tacs!

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