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Dark Apostles' Honour Guard

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I'm kinda stumped and need some opinions:


With Fearless now extending to the whole unit as long as any model in the unit has it making it so that if an IC, such as a Sorc, that does not have it gains it while attached, I am trying to figure out the better unit to run my Dark Apostle with (when I run him as a sorc). I have the option of running a unit of Possessed, or a unit of Berzerkers as they both have the Fearless rule. The benefit I see for the Zerks is that they have bolt pistols that can be used on overwatch (I think, lol) whereas the Possessed do not. Although the Possessed are a much fluffier choice... (kinda hoping that in the next 'dex they can use bolters, even if it's at a 3 for BS)


The other option I had thought of was running him with a unit of Terminator Champions, but as a Lord instead of a sorc. Though I do already run mu Coryphaus as a TDA lord with a Squad of Termie Champs, and would like to run both a sorc and a lord. (At least I think I do having seen the new powers, but still need to playtest them)...


As always, thoughts and advice are welcome



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I run a lord in terminator armour at the moment and run him with a unit of seven terminators but I think the best thing is to wait and see what happens in the new codex. Run him as you would normally. Or run him with your Coryphaus and the terminators since then they would be acting as his personal bodyguard whilst the Coryphaus is the voice through which he communicates to the rest of the host or something like that...
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there is a president in the fluff for word bearer berserkers, there is a squad of them mentioned in dark apostle i believe. They would make an effective bodyguard
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Although the Possessed are a much fluffier choice... (kinda hoping that in the next 'dex they can use bolters, even if it's at a 3 for BS)


The Word Bearers do worship the four gods as a pantheon, not exalting one above the others, but there's still a billion reasons a squad would become Plague Marines, or Noise Marines, or Berzerkers. You should be safe with the 'zerkers if you want; it's not about needing far-fetched fluff explanations, it's just about realising the breadth of possibility when it comes to worshipping a pantheon of horrors and living in a realm of eternal Hell.

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@hummus- Hadn't really even considered that....Something to think about.


@ADB- Thanks, there are many many options out there to consider, you are correct on that. I was just going off of what current models I had at the moment. I may certainly give some thought to some Plague marines, or PM counts as for him as well....


@HJL- Yup one of the coteries in the trilogy were 'zerks, but not the "honour guard" though. We see the honour guard more in the first book with Jarulek though than in the later books with Marduk...


@Lord Angrypants- was also considering that as an option as well. Especially with the rules changes to toughen up the termies....


Gonna have to give some serious thought to how I want to represent them on the field now. Thanks again all!



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