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allies in 6th

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I think it does both. On one hand, you have the ability to field the forces that have been created in the fluff. You can finally recreate the epic battles that we have all heard about and even make your own. What's bad is now we have people trying to min-max from multiple codices trying to make the ultimate list in hopes of power gaming everyone. I feel like that right there is going to turn a lot of people off.


As a side note, I have to hand it to GW for an amazing marketing technique. They made their most popular game even more popular by allowing people to field multiple armies.


Sun Reaver

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Personnaly I made a vow to never ally with any faction that fought blood angels cause I don't want to interfere with fluff and I agree it does alittle of both I don't want to have to play against someone playing 6different armies so that they van win every time ill leave that to the tournament players
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It is a great market technique. It is also smart with the fortification to get more sales on that too. I mean I love that now I have a cheaper troop option outside of our standard troops to get more scoring units that what we have access to. I mean for the same point cost of a full assault squad (for an extra scoring unit) I can not get three infantry squads and a command squad in guard. I am just saying.
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The guys in our local gaming club (late night Thursdays at GW) are going big on this "Forging a narrative" lark... Trying to encourage players to come up with stories behind their alliances, army lists, fortifications and heroes. It worked quite well the other day.


The staff were strolling around between tables asking good questions about the lists and terrain pieces and we were whisked up into telling stories for our battles without even thinking about it. If a unit didn't really fit the narrative we generally dropped them (apart from one guy who brought a Thunderwolf list with Deathwing allies but then he didn't get a game).

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Personnaly I made a vow to never ally with any faction that fought blood angels cause I don't want to interfere with fluff


You mean that fought with Blood Angels... ever?


Imagine if real life worked that way. What if the USA had sided with the Axis Powers in WW2 because England was on the Allies side and people were still remembering the United States' war for independence. Or England and France sitting WW2 out because of all their history together, for that matter.


Now remember that this is a game with a 10,000 year timeline.


Also also, I think people are vastly overestimating the relationships "Allies of convenience." The very name implies that you're only siding with them because, like... they're there, and not in your way. It doesn't make you friends, and it doesn't mean you won't be fighting each other the next time you see each other. Sure a list may be recycled, but from a fluff standpoint it could be a one-time thing.

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It would be legal to grab a Master of the Forge through allies now.


Alliances I expect to be popular:


Dark Angels to get Terminators as troops.


Codex Marines to get Bikes as troops.


I think Sisters could be a good ally choice.

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Personnaly I made a vow to never ally with any faction that fought blood angels cause I don't want to interfere with fluff


You mean that fought with Blood Angels... ever?


Imagine if real life worked that way. What if the USA had sided with the Axis Powers in WW2 because England was on the Allies side and people were still remembering the United States' war for independence. Or England and France sitting WW2 out because of all their history together, for that matter.


Now remember that this is a game with a 10,000 year timeline.


Also also, I think people are vastly overestimating the relationships "Allies of convenience." The very name implies that you're only siding with them because, like... they're there, and not in your way. It doesn't make you friends, and it doesn't mean you won't be fighting each other the next time you see each other. Sure a list may be recycled, but from a fluff standpoint it could be a one-time thing.


No retreat

No surrender

No mercy

No allies

No compromises


It would have been awfully convenient for Sanguinius to take Horus' offer and just walk.


If the Primarch could face Horus with compromising, I can face anything on the other side of the table.



If there are Guardsmen or Ultramarines standing and fighting, my marines are on the wrong battlefield.

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I like the idea of a plantery defense force with Imperial Guard. I mean it gives us gun lines for cheap. I used a 40 man blob squad of guardsmen shoot a carnifex squad with primaris power in divination. To get re roll to hit and took down 2.5 Carnifex in one round of shoot with first rank fire, second rank fire at 12"s.
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Is anyone else just going to use their BA's as Marines in order to unlock some other units and characters? I'm thinking Space hulks psycho haminator would make an awesome Lysander. Or is this just me?


Also would people see it as cheating or perfectly within the rules?

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Such purity of thought and action expressed here. I am intregued by the combinations and matches possible. Yes min/max attempts will be made but they will not be all that effective when you need to take a HQ and Troop to get what? At best a squad of tanks?


The real winners will be those taking BA as allies and getting Mephiston and a Death Company with out having to buy anything else to support it. Fortunately at least we know how to handle those two units should we meet them on the field.


I am having some fun developing detachments to work with my Blood Angles. I do have some standards though and I do refuse to play with the the zenos, the witch, the mutant or the heritic. I will seek out only Battle Brothers. I can see a time when a mate and I may play each other or another team and we provide a detachment of our army to one another for the game. You know, just for fun.

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Personnaly I made a vow to never ally with any faction that fought blood angels cause I don't want to interfere with fluff


You mean that fought with Blood Angels... ever?


Imagine if real life worked that way. What if the USA had sided with the Axis Powers in WW2 because England was on the Allies side and people were still remembering the United States' war for independence. Or England and France sitting WW2 out because of all their history together, for that matter.


Now remember that this is a game with a 10,000 year timeline.


Also also, I think people are vastly overestimating the relationships "Allies of convenience." The very name implies that you're only siding with them because, like... they're there, and not in your way. It doesn't make you friends, and it doesn't mean you won't be fighting each other the next time you see each other. Sure a list may be recycled, but from a fluff standpoint it could be a one-time thing.

Yes ever BA hold grudges and anyone who's harmed my marines will never see :the winning side of the war again. Screw xenos and mutants if your not a battle brother I'm going to put a bolt in you before you can even blink

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Can you elaborate, James? What do you think Sisters have to offer a Blood Angels army? I haven't been able to get a hold of their codex.

If I recall correctly, rending heavy bolters. Could be very useful for some gunline defense.

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I think anyone who can use eldar warlock or w.ever that psyker has, will do use him becouse of his 3d6 table wide psy test. Moreover those rangers are nice troop choice now...


Anyways GK sound cheesy with draigo and his pallychees...

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I want to keep a fluffy army so I am probably going to run C:SM as an FOC extender. Run a Capt on a bike then run some Bikes as troops letting me run some other units.

That was my plan so that I can use my bikes as scoring units and so I can run a master of the forge and stormtalon

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Personally I'm dead against gaming the system, so I'll only be using allies I can justify fluff wise to mix things up a bit, nt for any particular gaming advantage. A few of the ideas I've had are:


Imperial Guard: Either adding a squad of veterans or deathwatch who are supporting the guard ala Space Marine or Dawn of War, or using some guard with my Angels Sanguine to represent local PDF. I really like this option as it backs how I see Space Marines being used, i.e. as a precision stike at the key points of a larger battle.


Sisters/Grey Knights: Either adding sternguard as C.A. Deathwatch to run alongside an Ordo Xenos inquisitor, or else a small group of Grey Knights or an Inquisitorial retinue accompanying my strike force to deal with a particular threat.


Other Chapters: Mostly a way of gaining access to another fighting style and Space Marine Wargear we should have anyway. As a first founding legion there's no reason the Blood Angels (or their second founding brethren for that matter) should have the likes of Storm Eagles/Talons, Land Speeder Storms, Masters of the Forge, thunderfire cannons etc. If you want to field the 6th Company, you could take a SM Captain on bike, or field some Ravenwing to get bikes as troops. Likewise Deathwing allies would allow you to bulk out your Termies, whilst Kantor makes Sternguard scoring, so a 1st Co army would be viable. Templar Crusade Squads and Grey Hunters would make characterful 'counts as' units in a Flesh Tearers army too.

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Imperial Guard: Either adding a squad of veterans or deathwatch who are supporting the guard ala Space Marine or Dawn of War, or using some guard with my Angels Sanguine to represent local PDF. I really like this option as it backs how I see Space Marines being used, i.e. as a precision stike at the key points of a larger battle.


It is fluffologicaly defendable that way, but even tyhen, not as much as you might think.



The, reality, if you will, is that even if Guard and Marines are fighting the same war, they are unlikely to be fighting the same battles.



The way I picture it

Imperium assaults a planet


Navy clears the space lanes and supresses surface guns enough for Guard transports to land with acceptable losses.

Guard land, and over the course of a few days mass enough forces to begin prosecuting the world

6 months of hard slog and the rebels/aliens die



If space marines are involved, sometime between the Navy clearing the space lanes and the guard landing, a Strike Cruiser Varlok (ten fluff points if you get the reference) breaks out of the warp, makes an orbital pass of the enemy capital, drops pods, hawks and ravens (*arent ravens bigger than hawks?) containing a battle company.

Battle company slaughters enemy HQ, burns the city to the ground and gets picked up for the next "important" battle that they are needed for. Guard land in the confusion and finish the job.


The blood angels refighting of Market Garden on Armagedon is unique rather than standard,




Or thats my view anyway

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