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IA character + command squad?


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I saw a thread from last year where a few people were clarifying the whole "X character can't take Honour Guard because it doesn't specifically say they can" thing and while (to me) it seemed perfectly clear that this would also extend to Command Squads, a few people were trying to say otherwise.


So if I take Thulsa Kane from IA, I can't give him a command squad or honour guard or anything of the sort, correct?

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How Honour Guards and Command Squads are obtained in a Codex Space Marine army is not handled via an entry in the character's rules, but in an entry in the Honour Guard and Command Squad rules on page 131 and 132 of the army list. Essentially, you can take one Honour Guard squad for each "Chapter Master" in your army, and one Command Squad for each "Captain" in your army.


IIRC GW had clarified in an earlier FaQ (the current one does not seem to say so) that Vulkan He'Stan can indeed not get a Command Squad, since he is not a Space Marine Captain. So as far as I am concerned, additional WD or IA characters that are used with the Codex Spae Marines that are described as Chapter Masters or Captains can get a Honour Guard or Comman Squad.


However, Thulsa Kane is the High Chaplain of his Chapter, and neitehr a Captain nor a Chapter Master. So he would definitely not be able to get one of those squads.

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