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Tower = Imperial Bastion?


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So, anyone else thinking about making a tower of Tzeentch out of the Imperial Bastion? Or do you think there is a chance we might get a custom chaos fortification in our codex?


Either way Fortifications seem pretty good.

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I think you could TS-up a bastion nicely. There are rules for Silver Towers of Tzeentch in Apoc but I think in a standard game of 40k a well-converted Bastion would be great. Perhaps one still attached to the ground, and model the weapons as sufficiently Chaos-twisted ones (thralls lobbing bolts of warp fire rather than heavy bolters, perhaps).

I plan to make a Silver Tower for Apoc use sometime but will probably either scratch-build it to resemble the old Epic models, or use WHFB scenery rather than a Bastion, though that's not to say the basic kit doesn't have potential.


Pics or it didn't happen, of course :P

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