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On the subject of Lances

Hadron Ka'sel

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So many of us are now looking at taking the new power lances in various different set ups. The obivious candidates being the polearms that come in the various Grey Knight boxes. But does anyone else know of any where else that does lances that will work well, or look different/ awesome, or are reasonably priced? I'd really rather not have to try and track down peoples spares as i think there are going to be alot of people doing this.


Though on this subject i did recently see some where online a site that did Chain spears. A polearm with a chain blade at the end. Anyone know where i may have seen this?

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Go to your LGS that is where I ordered mine it could still be in the catalouge right now.



Will check that out, thanks. I still cant remember where i saw these chainblade spears though, i was thinking they might make a nice change to chainswords but i literally can not for the life of me think of where i saw them.

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