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The Scouring


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In the mission 4, the scouring, the primary objective part says that each player receives 1 victory point for each enemy fast attack unit that has been completely destroyed. Do dedicated transports for fast attack squads count as a separate unit?


Wait, it's not as simple as you first think. A rhino bought as transport is a separate unit as far as kill points are concerned. However a rhino alone is not fast attack. Buying a rhino for a fast attack squad does not make it a fast attack vehicle. It does not get the fast attack rules for moving and shooting, etc. Does buying it for a fast attack squad make it worth an extra kill point in the scouring mission?

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You get one VP for each Fast Attack choice and dedicated transports are from the same force organization chart as the squad that bought them. So when you get a VP per unit that they destroy then the Vehicle and all Fast Attack are worth 2 VP instead of one. One for being destroyed and two for being fast attack.
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A transport bought for a fast attack choice is itself a fast attack unit.


Meaning that you get a separate a KP for the transport as well as one for the Fast Attack unit.

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