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6th edition Libby + Priest + ASM setup


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I'm atm busy thinking really hard (almost hurting myself) about our troops and what I want to do with them and how to support them with HQ's and/or Priests.


Different thoughts came together into something now, which I find hard to explain in steps without showing the complete idea first:


Libririan; Bike 135

Sanguinary Priest; Bike 85

10 Assault Marines; 2x meltagun, 2x PP + Meltabomb on Serg 245



Now the ideas behind this:

-Bikes make the Libby and Priest T5. For the Libby this means that he doesnt get instakilled by S8/9 anymore. What this also means is that you get to make your FnP save against anything except S10 now. Basicly how I see it is that the Bike gives the Libby a 5+ invulnerable save now in a way. With 2 T5 wounds, this makes him decently durable. Same goes for the Priest ofc, although its a bit less relevant as he only has 1 wound.


Having bikes in a Jump Pack squad is oke, they can't jump over stuff but otherwise are fine. (Unless I missed some rules, in this case please correct me!)


-Meltabombs are strong now that they can hit MC's, hit vehicles more easily and are Ap1. This also makes me want to stear away Powerfists, as they function largely the same way, except for Instakilling characters and killing a guy or so each round in combat. Challenging with a Powerfist Sergeant is probably often not a good idea anyways, as he'll most likely gets killed before he can swing.


-Gunslinger Plasma Pistols with Precision Shots, hell yeah! 30 points, aye, but the damage output of 2 plasma shots is high and potentially sniping models is strong. However, what really makes it worth it (in my opinion) is the option for re-rolls... how? Divination psychic lore. The Primaris power (which you can always choose might you decide so) gives re-rolls to a unit. That is both re-rolls to hit and to shoot.


-All in all you have a unit with some good shooting (twin-linked, 2 meltaguns, 2 plasmapistols, Libby + Priest and don't forget the krak grenade lulz) and decent assault (re-rolls to hit, S5 for FC, HoW, Libby + Priest which you can give more weapons if wanted). And when you fail to charge? You have overwatch and still the re-rolls in the next turn when the oppenent charges you ;)


-I don't want to make this too long, but some small thingies: No CC weapon on the Serg, that is correct. I preffer the killyness of the twin-linked double plasmapistols any day, the sniping chance of it is around 40% btw. (math done quickly in my head, so might be off a bit) If you need the powerfist to win combats, you're doing something wrong.

You can challange a powerfist sergeant with your Libby any day when you charge, you'll win that 19 out of 20 times.

Don't be dumb and charge stuff you can't handle, but that should be obvious. No, this unit wont beat any deathstars out there. No that is not a problem lol.


The total package is pretty expensive (455 points), but it gives you a usefull scoring unit, quite some bodies and the Priest + Libby can (and should) still support the rest of your army too.


What do you people think about this? Potentially good or potentially 'omg you suck Zhukov go post somewhere else'? And would people find it usefull if I post more ideas like this?

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Libririan; Bike 135

Sanguinary Priest; Bike 85

10 Assault Marines; 2x meltagun, 2x PP + Meltabomb on Serg 245



What do you people think about this? Potentially good or potentially 'omg you suck Zhukov go post somewhere else'?


more like: omg you suck Zhukov why you no use shooty honor guard instead of single priest?!!iii1111




Other than that it looks great. Since turbo-boosting is now done in the shooting phase characters on bikes are a little more flexible should you need to reassign them. What kind of powers did you have in mind for the lib?

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more like: omg you suck Zhukov why you no use shooty honor guard instead of single priest?!!iii1111



I like my IC Priests to be able to join other units without having the need for an entire unit to follow him ;)


Not sure yet about the viability of Jump Pack Honor Guard either, they aren't as survivable as before because you can't take 1 or 2 storm shields to soak up the armour ignoring fire. (as wound allocation doesnt work the same, it forces you to put storm shields in front, in which case the oppenent can try to kill them with regular fire) It's a shame they can't select Bikes (then again, can't have everything I guess). Fielding them in a transport seems more attractive to me as it gives more options for blocking LoS off to snipe or protect yourselves.

Or maybe just Honor Guard with Jump Packs and 2 plasmaguns or something, putting the 2 bare guys in front. Keeps the unit relatively cheap while still doing a good job of supporting.


What kind of powers did you have in mind for the lib?

Depends, at least Prescience (the Primaris power from Divination) as I explained in my first post (giving re-rolls to hit to a unit), haven't really thought about the second one yet. Most of the other powers from Divination are usefull too though, so will most likely roll twice on the table and hope to get a 2nd good one along with Presience (which again, you can always take, yay).

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