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New Sculpts?


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I spotted three minis on page 298 in the new rule book, which I have never seen before. The EC marine, the World Eater and the Thousand son. Are these new models or are they old? They look upgraded according to me.



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Jumping on the back of this, who is the chap leading the bezerkers on pg 296? The one with the gold Khorne mask for a face. Is that an old sculpt too?

Him? He was done for the 4'th edition Codex waves IIRC.



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What about the two handed chain axe wielding berzerkers on page 387? Conversions? Also there is a picture of WE terminators on page 397 which I thought were made of the FW upgrade pack, but on a closer look they seem different, expecially the champion..


edit: Eyup, they seem to be conversions..so no new models there..

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The Berzerkers seem to be conversions (I think I've seen them before, but can't be sure). Either way, they look like the plastic Berzerker kit mixed with up to date arms, weapons etc that come with the standard CSM box.

The World Eater Terminators were featured some time ago in a back issue of WD (can't for the life of me remember or find which one), but basically they were part of any army showcase. The owner made his own version of the FW stuff by cutting up the Zerker bunny ears and mounting them on the hood that hangs above the helmet.


I've gone through the new book so many times with the hope of spotting something, but unfortunately, I just don't think there is anything new there.

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If this has been mentioned earlier, just let this thread die or delete it.


I spotted three minis on page 298 in the new rule book, which I have never seen before. The EC marine, the World Eater and the Thousand son. Are these new models or are they old? They look upgraded according to me.





Those chaps are oldies, but it's nice to see them out to play in the new rulebook, the newer kits just haven't managed to top the old cult styles. I especially loved the old plastic plague marines, sure they were as static as a tray of bricks, but they had such character. Same goes for the old 'zerkers. I still have a few hiding around here somewhere.

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