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Chaos Contemptor with Butcher Cannon


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i want to add an Chaos Contemptor to my Models. After looking into the Model and possible arm options, i´m not sure which arms to buy :/

i want to play the Contemptor with this loadout:


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought

- Dreadnought-Close Combat Weapon + Soulburner

- Butcher Cannon

- Dedicated to Nurlge

- - - > 265 Punkte


For the Butcher Cannon, there is the Kheres Assault which as far as i remember has the same stats as the butcher cannon. on the other hand, there is the butcher cannon of the decimator demon engine.

the arms are suitable for both sides, left and right. on the pictures can be seen that the junction where the weapon and the arm fits together are looking the same for both contemptor and decimator. but the part for assigning the arm to the shoulder comes only with the contemptor arm.


so, here are the questions...

does forgeworld deliver 2 parts with each arm, to fit the arm to the left or right shoulder part, or is it just one part that fits at both sides?

should i buy the kheres assault launcher, or is it possible to use the decimator butcher cannon instead without running out of parts?

does the decimator butcher cannon even fit, or does it come in another size which looks simply stupid if attached to the contemptor?


Does anyone have pics?



thanks in advance ^_^



greetings, Martin

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Mine got dual BC.





The "arms" are it one part. They fit to both sides.


A thing of dark, stark beauty.


Thank you :).


The Decimator is really a beast. Pretty intimidating model. Lots of details, good sculpt, takes some time to put every parts together (those legs...), but yeah, there's nothing like that colossus in a Zone Mortalis game.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Decimator's Butcher Cannon MAY fit, but you need the arm joint that fits into the pauldron to use it anyhow. I personally picked up a Kheres Assault Cannon, hacked it down, and added three plasticard tubes as barrels, instead. Gives it a Nurgle feel, and doesn't look like a Loyalist weapon slapped onto a Chaos Contemptor. If you'd like, I can attempt to get some pictures... it's still a WIP.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Apologies for the delay, I didn't forget about this. Both PCs in my house have decided to stop working, and accessing personal email at work is forbidden, so I'll have some pics up relatively shortly.
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Sorry for the delay, but here you go!







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Thank you everyone. I don't really want to take over the OP's thread, so I will get back to the subject at hand: As you can see, with a little ingenuity, you can easily come up with your own Butcher Cannon. I was also considering the Decimator, but as I said, you need to piece that joins the weapon to the Contemptor's pauldron. I suppose you could get an arm and cast the piece as well, but that's a dicey situation... I've always seen it as if you're casting the pieces for yourself it's fine, but that's just me and I don't like seeing FW lose business. If you're good with plasticard & green stuff, you could also try your hand at something similar to the Plague Hulk's arm cannon. Whatever you do, please keep us updated and try to post pictures, Chaos Contemptors seem to be few and far between thus far.
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