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Building better scouts

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IMO, the space marine scout box is the worst plastic kit GW has ever produced. This is a problem because I really like SM scouts as a codex entry. I want to include 2-3 units in my marine force, so as to make early real-estate grabs and to have synergy with the terminators in my list.


I rarely see scout squads I like, because in addition to the kit being crap they're typically painted in the same scheme as the regular brother-marines. They're supposed to be light infantry and they never look the part.


The following is my attempt at modelling a good looking squad with some low-cost kit-bashing. (My really good camera isn't in my posession at the moment, so I apologize for the quality)



The entire squad minus half-painted sergeant.



Side view of the rolled-up camo cloaks. Made by painting gauze with watered down PVC glue, straps and buckles are simple greenstuff.



Close up of camo cloak from the rear.



Two more scouts



IMO the best looking one, but also the worst picture.



Missile launcher with extra ammo, camo cloak, and holstered pistol in the small of his back.



I wanted to make these guys look like they were heavily burdened with gear and extra equipment. Backpacks weren't an option because the scout torso has a really weird shape. Also, since the scout's holsters are modeled as being empty, had to cut several pistol grips and insert them.


Paint scheme will be dark urban colors with all exposed skin being completely covered in camo paint.


Looking for comments, suggestions for improvement, and examples of other good scout squads you've seen.

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