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Sergeants - potentially deadly


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So, it just clicked in my head... characters can single out enemy units in shooting.

Sergeants/ squad leaders are characters. for every 6 a character rolls in shooting he can single out an enemy model.

So, maybe a sergeant could be used as a cheap way to dispose of enemy power characters.



Assault Squad moves into position which is now ideally within 6" due to random charge range... and because now the sergeant has the ability to use an infernus pistol to snipe an enemy power character that could wreak havoc in close combat. So your sergeant just wasted an enemy HQ unit.. they wouldnt get an armor save or feel no pain. Still have to deal with invulnerable saves and look out sirs...


It doesnt work all the time, it is only 1 in 6 chance... but it will happen sometimes. I think this makes the infernus pistol worth taking every now and then. I am just not sure how effective it might be because I am in transit and have not had time to play test 6th yet.

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I wouldn't rely on the Assault Sergeant to do this, as the reverse applies. They could snipe him out of the unit before he got into range. I'd use it in a tactical squad or a squad of scout snipers (since snipers have rending, pinning and precession shots.) to take out their characters and then decimate the unit. Rinse and repeat until the ground is awash with blood. :D
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Bare in mind though that a targetted enemy sergeant or IC in a squad is going to get Look Out, Sir!, with a fair to good chance of your sergeant's 1-in-6 precision shot ending up in a rank-and-file marine.

I'd rather use any precision shots from sergeants to take out rank-and-file enemy who have special weapons (e.g. The flamer marine to cut down on Overwatch when I do charge).

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I'm thinking plasma pistols over infernuses though. For most uses the extra range of the plasma is going to be more useful than the extra tank-killing power.

hmm, range versus tank killing and the ability to ignore FNP on toughness 4 models. Interesting dilemma.

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I dabbled with the thought, even double plasma pistols for the sergeant now (gunslinger), but no matter how you look at it: 15 points for a pistol is still extremely pricey, too pricey in my opinion.
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I foresee the return of Power Sword and Combat Shields (or Storm Shields) on the Sergeant. Or maybe the return of Lightning Claws. Kinda expensive, but hey! Character Killers!


I dunno, so much has changed this edition, and challenges... require much thinking on the player's part. I wouldn't run out and rip off the P-Fists off all my Sergeants just yet. I think there may be a place for them yet...

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