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New to 40k

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Hello all, long story short I have been wanting to play 40K for some time but distance and money were an issue. I bought Battle for McCragge years ago tried to play solo to understand the game and I lost interest. My son is 11 now and he wants to play. We have been playing the scenarios and it's a lot of fun. All of my rule books and the Chaos codex I have is old. I am going to start a Chaos army. Any tips on good ways to dive in? Also this may be off topic but my son wants to use either necrons or tyranids, any tips for starters there?

Thank you all

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I'd say necrons. For your army I'd say one demon prince and a couple squads of chaos marines would be good. Can't go into specifics because there is supposedly a new codex a month away.

And rumor also has a possible Chaos Starter Set a month after that, so...


That being said, the above wouldn't hurt, because they aren't part of the rumored list of models, and a good core to start with.

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With the newest rulebook (6th edition) just released I'd recommend it as one of your first purchases. Then either the Tyranid or Necrons, whichever you decide. Many will suggest that you go Necrons because it is a newer codex and was written knowing 6th edition was in the works, and because, at least at this point it is looking as if Tyranids got a big kick in the 'squirrel food' with the new rules according to some.


As far as your Chaos army goes, we are expecting (hoping) for the new codex to drop sometime between the end of July and the end of this year. As GW has been extremely tight lipped no one is sure when it will be, but we are all praying for sooner than later. You can always play it safe by picking up the 5th ed codex, if you have the extra funds, but expect to be having to buy the 6th ed one soon. CSM squads are a good place to start as they are always going to be a standard troops choice. They will give you something to work on during the wait.


Many will also recommend Daemon Princes, as they were a solid staple during 5th ed for competitive players. But there are still many of us who play fun fluffy games and still use chaos lords and sorcerors. The best suggestion I can give you is to do a bit of research into what type of Chaos Space Marine force you want to play. Do you want to play as one of the old legions? do you want to play as a newly turned renegade force? A combination of the two? Do some research via the interwebs and the forum here and find what you like. There are some great threads in the Hall of Honour and Work in Progress subforums, as well as here in the Chaos subforums. Good luck and welcome back to the game!




PS My 10 year old plays as well and was the reason I returned to the game after about 10 years ^_^

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Thank you all for the info. I have wanted to play but here where I live no one plays and it is quite a drive to play a game so my son wanting to play is a awesome. It is good to know that new material is coming out soon so I wont waste money on a obsolete guide. thank you all again.
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Thank you all for the info. I have wanted to play but here where I live no one plays and it is quite a drive to play a game so my son wanting to play is a awesome. It is good to know that new material is coming out soon so I wont waste money on a obsolete guide. thank you all again.



I am in exactly that same boat here in n/w Arizona. No stores closer than Las Vegas (hour and a half to 2 hours away), no GW stores closer than LA now (4 hours away), so the only people I get to play against are my son and his friends that come over and show an interest. There used to be a handful of players here over a decade ago, but I only know of 2 who still have their armies, but they never play. So when my son showed an interest a couple of years ago, I jumped back in and we began collecting several different armies; Black Templars, Space Wolves, Blood Ravens, Orks, Tyranids, Necrons, Imperial Guard and Word Bearers. We also have a few Dark Angel and Black Legion figs painted up but not enough to field in a game, yet, lol...



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