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IC charging 'beside' unit

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Just a quick question. If I have Calgar in TDA (cannot SA) and a unit of honour guard (can) and I charge them in, obviously the entire squad can't sweeping advance since at least one unit in the assault can't. However, what if I split them two up in the movement phase and 'attack from both sides'. I can't find the rule in the new book anywhere, but is there a rule that every charging UNIT must be able to SA?



An additional question:

Also, how would challenges work in that case? (now assuming the opponent issued the challenge) Generally, the challengee picks the character to accept the challenge. However, if you issue a challenge to a UNIT, then challenging the squad would mean only the Company Champion (or sergeant if its a different squad) could accept.

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The challenge rule is quite specific in saying that you don't issue a challenge to a specific unit. The other player may choose to accept the challenge (by nominating any character in the combat) or reject the challenge (giving you the option of nominating the character that doesn't fight).
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Just a quick question. If I have Calgar in TDA (cannot SA) and a unit of honour guard (can) and I charge them in, obviously the entire squad can't sweeping advance since at least one unit in the assault can't. However, what if I split them two up in the movement phase and 'attack from both sides'. I can't find the rule in the new book anywhere, but is there a rule that every charging UNIT must be able to SA?

This will work just fine. The only units prevented from SA are those with models that prevent SA.

An additional question:

Also, how would challenges work in that case? (now assuming the opponent issued the challenge) Generally, the challengee picks the character to accept the challenge. However, if you issue a challenge to a UNIT, then challenging the squad would mean only the Company Champion (or sergeant if its a different squad) could accept.

Challenges are issued per combat. So you would still choose between Marneus and your sergeant as they are both involved in the combat.

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