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Allying with yourself?


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Can you ally with yourself to open up an extra HQ plus E, FA or HS slot?

The square in the matrix is left blank, so I don't know if that means you can ally by default, or can't ally at all, and I can't see where it is written (if it is) that you may or may not ally with yourself.

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Or use one single detachment and simply have the units painted in different colours, since they are rules wise identical and come from the same army list...

Not necessarily, since various Chapter Tactics can replace Combat Tactics, or just generally a lot of special characters impart alternative special rules or organizational structure for their armies. In that case, allying in Salamanders (with Vulkan) would be similar to allying in Blood Angels, since they both use different rules than Ultramarines.


Granted, you can do this with two detachments, but that only works at 2000+ pts.

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That's only if you want to play with special characters, which I maintain you do not need in order to play Imperial Fists, Raven Guard or any of the other Chapters. But ten you could already take Vulkan in your Lysander army and just not get his Chapter Tactics rule in 5th Edition.
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You don't need special characters in a list to make them fit a certain army; Dorn and Vulkan don't roll out with every single deployment. Paint some yellow, paint some green, make up your own names for some and live without wonky chapter tactics. <3
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I inquired about this recently (in my case it was a Chapter with an allied detachment from one of it's Successor Chapters), but sadly the answer was no.
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