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Double pistols


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So in the weapons section it now says that any model with two pistols can fire both of them. So now that it's become an option is it worth it?

Personally I like the idea of fielding a VV squad in a drop pod with 2 inferno pistols each. Drop them on an enemy terminator squad and even if you scatter you can disembark 6" and shoot 6" which should be plenty to kill even the hardest of enemy targets. Still this costs a massive amount of points. A squad of 5 VV in drop pod with 2 pistols each would put you at 300 points. A full 10 sized squad would be 550 points. Also they would no longer be really good at close combat. (would be awesome in an apocalypse game)

Even if you don't use it like this you can still make sergeants with bolt + plasma pistols.


So anyone who thinks we can use this or can we just ignore it all?

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Vanguard's have always been a... ":)?" kinda squad for the Blood Angels. On one hand, deep striking and assaulting same turn is AWESOME. On the sensible other hand, they are an FA choice- competing for the Baal Pred and the new stars of 6th Ed: Bikes. Also, for those points, Death Company...


It's really kind of a gimmick unit. Two shots, one plasma sounds great- but you'll have that inevitable roll of 1 and Get's Hot will kick in. The Vanguard are also made for assaults- Pistol and CCW +2 base attacks, and you're paying the points for Heroic Intervention and the Power Sword on the Sergeant. Giving them two pistols takes the strength of the unit away.


When I start seeing squads like this that cost a lot of points, I start asking myself "what else could I take for that many points?"


For 225, I can take five Terminators with SS/TH. Or if I want to shoot, five Termy's with SB/PF. I could take a Baal Pred, or two regular Preds, or a Furisio Librarian and have points left over, or Mephy, or... If the rest of your army is filled out with all the bases covered, go for the VV.


Visually, it would look pretty awesome.

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I'm am SO tempted to try a Sgt w/double Hand Flamers and a 10-man RAS with 2xFlamer... not very good for points at all, but I'd run them as screening in front of opponent chargers, then set myself up for the counter-charge. 4d3 overwatch hits for lulz, and may even be legitimately useful versus a 'nids or IG opponent
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Its the same strength/AP as a bolter, with the funky bonus of not rolling to hit, and catching lots of models without much difficulty.


I run two, and got ten hits with them with little difficulty, they outshot the other 8 guys no problem.


I dont get why people dont like them, sure, they're template, but its not that small

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Nobody thought about dual PPs in a RAS instead of a VAS? Eight plasma shots instead of three?




Its the same strength/AP as a bolter, with the funky bonus of not rolling to hit, and catching lots of models without much difficulty.

Yes they do, but on the other hand they're not quite as good against mech-heavy lists. You can't even glance armor 12. PPs can glance armor 13.


I dont get why people dont like them, sure, they're template, but its not that small
They're just not quite as versatile as PPs in an RAS. Now, I'd definitely take one or two in a CSM squad under the current codex. The CSM meta expects full-on meltaguns.
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I dont get why people dont like them, sure, they're template, but its not that small

They don't hurt vehicles, nor MC's, nor characters, nor deathstar units and are shortranged. I think that's why people like their melta (and plasma).

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I think as it stands the plasma pistol gunslinger sergeants are out. However i think the unleashed rage will get FAQ'd to be cast at the start of the shooting phase the plasma pistol gunslinger sergeants will be the bomb. Re-roll 1s to hit and 1 wound on the squad... almost makes you think it was made for plasmas' don't it? My preferance would still be infernus pistols. if you get a lucky 6 to hit you can allocate it to whoever you wish that instant death abailty might be worth its weight in gold against MEQ.


To conclude... just wait til unleashed rage gets FAQ'd to be cast in the shooting phase. as it stands its stupid.

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I haven't tried it, but the double pistol sarge/double special assault squad as a combat squad in a Rhino seems appealing as a once or perhaps twice off troops option.


The Rhino can go 24" now in a turn, then deploys two special weapon units...that's pretty tasty.


Kind of like a budget scoring unit of drop pod sternies.


Of course you'd want a fairly aggressive follow up so those two units are either bait or ignored.

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I'm am SO tempted to try a Sgt w/double Hand Flamers and a 10-man RAS with 2xFlamer... not very good for points at all, but I'd run them as screening in front of opponent chargers, then set myself up for the counter-charge. 4d3 overwatch hits for lulz, and may even be legitimately useful versus a 'nids or IG opponent



That became my new MUST HAVE unit.

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What about an Honour Guard with all dual plasma pistols and jump packs. It's the same points as 4 plasmaguns and still have 8 plasma shots with the ablility to charge.

My question is: does a model get the +1 attack on the charge if they are using two pistols?

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What about an Honour Guard with all dual plasma pistols and jump packs. It's the same points as 4 plasmaguns and still have 8 plasma shots with the ablility to charge.

My question is: does a model get the +1 attack on the charge if they are using two pistols?


Plasma pistols and plasma guns are both 15 pts a pop for HG.

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1 dead marine for every 6 marines under the template. And if you're regularly getting even that many under a template then you're probably playing against people who you don't need any help beating.


If you're playing against hordes then sure, flame on, but against marines? Not so much really.

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I think that this is a sheer numbers game. I think that a plasmagun will out weigh the plasma pistol because you can rapid fire thus giving the same amount of shots within 12". Also you can get the shot for 24". With the divination primaris power giving the reroll of the get hot result with the luck to get a second you should stop running plasma spam then. Also if you get luck and get the third power you can give the squad relentless thus still allowing you to charge after rapid firiing. Just a thought. Divination is bombing for BA!
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What about an Honour Guard with all dual plasma pistols and jump packs. It's the same points as 4 plasmaguns and still have 8 plasma shots with the ablility to charge.

My question is: does a model get the +1 attack on the charge if they are using two pistols?


Plasma pistols and plasma guns are both 15 pts a pop for HG.


Yeah, I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying.

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1 dead marine for every 6 marines under the template. And if you're regularly getting even that many under a template then you're probably playing against people who you don't need any help beating.


If you're playing against hordes then sure, flame on, but against marines? Not so much really.



it takes 9 bolt pistol shots to kill an meq.

If you can get two under the template, you are as good as three pistols.


Unless you are playing on bare boards, there will be terrain terrain that forces your ennemy to bunch ect.


And of course, sometimes, you arent fighting marines...

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1 dead marine for every 6 marines under the template. And if you're regularly getting even that many under a template then you're probably playing against people who you don't need any help beating.


If you're playing against hordes then sure, flame on, but against marines? Not so much really.



it takes 9 bolt pistol shots to kill an meq.

If you can get two under the template, you are as good as three pistols.


Unless you are playing on bare boards, there will be terrain terrain that forces your ennemy to bunch ect.


And of course, sometimes, you arent fighting marines...


I'll admit that I'm biased because 95% of the games I play seem to be against MEQ and flamers simply aren't that good against them, but as my post was in response to your comment that "FLAMERS KILL MARINES", it seemed appropriate to raise the issue that they really are not particularly good at that task and are far superior at killing...well, almost anything else in the game (other than 2+ saves and vehicles). They're not bad at killing marines, just nothing to shout about.

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