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Ultramarines ++E TENEBRAE LUX++

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As Ive been posting in the main thread of the ++E TENEBRAE LUX++ on the Ultramarines thread I thought Id better start a new one before I spam the other one.


Techmarine done but for a few final highlights. Ive gone for a Borg flesh tone but Im not sure how its worked out.

Ive just realised how overexposed the photo is so I'll retake this one.


Contemptors done except for a few highlights, damage, weathering and the weapon needs cleaning up as there is some really rough resin around the mounting point Ive missed









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Thanks guys

Ive almost finished the Contemptor and started prepping Siciarus and realised how bad the finecast mold was. Its at the point where Im sending it back.

This kind of wreaked my vow so Ive swapped Siciarus for a stand in de-BT'd. I dont think there is any mistaking he's an Ultramarine!


The one thing I am doing is cleaning up the sword and making it a generic power sword. I may have to get the airbrush out.




Group shot of vow



The battle damage on that contemptor is amazing, how did you do it?


Its pretty simple


for the holes paint a chaos black spot then paint a lighter colour (boltgun metal with a spot of black in this case) in the middle leaving a darker "overhang" at the top.

Then take a bright highlight (in this case light blue) and paint a thin line at the bottom where the light will catch.

Im still new to battle damage and I think I went ott on the power fist so its really a case of trial and error

This stuff is world class. The shades of blue and red are erm.. beautiful.


The Contemptor is really really good I agree that the battle damage is a great touch.


Nice Ultramarine Captain. Will he be getting a back banner? I hear there pretty popular with you Ultras.


Great work

Just a quick vow update

Ive removed the BT'ness off the sword. I was going to paint it as a powersword but it just suited looking like plain metal.

The only thing Im not sure about is if the hilt should be gold or black. Im not sure the gold (unfinished) sits well against the blade.


Let me know what you think.


Hopefully I'll get the gems, armour joints and powerpack done tomorrow and then thats my vow complete :D





fantastic job there Ultrarich - just great! I had some reservations about the EC. Gone they are!!! :) Bravo! Have you declared completion yet? *Goes to check*


Not yet

Theres still the armour joints, gems and backpack but they should be done tonight


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