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It's déjà vu all over again

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Hail Brothers,


The hobby found me back in 1997, lured me off the beaten path of computer and role-playing games. I came in just at the end of 2nd edition, so I experienced the excitements and frustrations of suddenly switching to 3rd. Made the best of it, switched armies every few months, and had a blast! Loved the 3rd War of Armegeddon and the Eye of Terror campaigns. Found the B&C in 2003, started building more than playing, due to the many inspiring modellers here. Fell into the Warp, lost track of time, and lurked in and out for a few years.


But now, I-I-I'm ba-a-ack! :P


I see a 6th edition has arrived, and I am looking forward to exploring the grim, dark future again.





[edited for mood] :)

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