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Building Terminators Need Some Help

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I am building some Terminators I need some help:


1. Do you remove the targeting thing above the head you are building assult terminators?

2. What weapon to you put in the left hand when you have the following in the right hand:

A. Heavy Flamer

B. Assult Cannon

C. (Any other weapon that I didn't think of?)


3. Who do you recomend putting the chain fists with?

4. What goes in an Apothicary's right hand?

5. Do you put your CML in the Assult Termis or the Tactial Termis?

I am building some Terminators I need some help:


1. Do you remove the targeting thing above the head you are building assult terminators?

2. What weapon to you put in the left hand when you have the following in the right hand:

A. Heavy Flamer

B. Assult Cannon

C. (Any other weapon that I didn't think of?)


3. Who do you recomend putting the chain fists with?

4. What goes in an Apothicary's right hand?

5. Do you put your CML in the Assult Termis or the Tactial Termis?


I'm not sure this is the right place...


However your codex should show you what options you have, hell you haven't even told us what codex you are using so we don't know what options you have.

If it is in the wrong place I am sure someone will move it. As far as codex.


Either Blood Angels or Space Wolves. Sorry for not being specific.



The other thing I was wondering is on SW Termies it looks like you could field the entire unit with a storm bolter and power weapon rather than power fist. Is this correct and if so would you want to do that?



Most of these questions are all very dependent on what codex you are using, what role(s) you intend the unit to fulfill, and pure aesthetics. Having said that, I have begun a thread for crunching the numbers on various weapon loadouts for the Dark Angel's Deathwind Terminator squads, which may be worth a look.


1. Do you remove the targeting thing above the head you are building assult terminators?


No, I don't. This isn't a targeting device, it is a camera for recording a visual feed from the Terminator to aid in the coordination of the unit. Think of the dashmounted cameras in most police patrol cars... or the helmet cams from Aliens. Its an aesthetic issue though, so you can chop it off if you want to.


2. What weapon to you put in the left hand when you have the following in the right hand: A) Heavy Flamer B) Assult Cannon C. Other weapon.


This will depend on the exact wording of your codex, but in the majority of codices a Terminator will need to give up their default ranged weapon (almost always a Storm Bolter) to select a Heavy Weapon. This will leave them with their default melee weapon oppossite (normally a powerfist, sometimes a power sword). Re-read your codex army list and look for the phrase "may replace his X with Y."


3. Who do you recomend putting the chain fists with?

I like to put one on the Heavy Weapon, and one on a Storm Bolter & Powerfist guy.


4. What goes in an Apothecary's right hand?

Depends on the model, but generally the armor of an Apothecary will have his Reductor and other tools replacing the forearm armor of his armor. Looks like a small chainsaw, a few needles, and a big hydraulic spike (the spike is the Reductor proper). This kit can be on the models right or left arm.


As for weapons, the traditional loadout for Apothecaries is a bolt pistol and chainsword, but you can kit them out however your codex will let you. I recommend a pistol and melee weapon combination anyway, as Command Squads tend to end up in melee.


5. Do you put your CML in the Assult Terminators or the Tactial Terminators?

Again, this is going to depend on what options are available to you based on codex, as well as the needs of your army overall. Plus, some codices, such as the Dark Angels and Space Wolves do not have seperate Terminator squads and can mix-n-match.


Since a Cyclone Missile Launcher can be attached to a model "hands free," it generally makes since to put it on a model who would otherwise have his hands full. :P General consensus is to put it on a model with Thunderhammer and Storm Shield to enjoy the wonderful 3++ save... I'm of a different school of thought, and give it to a guy with dual lighting claws, leaving two squadmates to act as the lascannon bait protective detail. But I play Deathwing and have flexibilty in mixing "assault" and "shooty" Terminators.


6. Wolf Guard Termiantor Squads with all Power Weapons?

Again, this is going to depend on the needs of your army overall. Powerfists are much better at killing stuff, but the swing at I1 can bea major limiting factor. Powerswords strike faster, usually I4, but lack the raw strength and have troubles with 2+ saves. Since Terminators normally cannot use pistols, you won't often get bonus attacks with power weapons. I prefer the `fists on a majority of models, but it is probably worth having your Sergeant-type armed with a weapon that will strike at I4, for answering challenges or adjusting models during pile-in.


For what its worth, my favorite loadout for a squad of five Terminators is: 1x Dual Lighting Claws & Cyclone Missile Launcher; 1x Chainfist & Storm Bolter; 1x Power Sword & Storm Bolter; 2x Thunderhammer & Stormshield. Solid defense whilst closing with the enemy, good anti-marine shooting, very reliable in melee. Three or four of these squads from the base of my entire army. But that's my army, so it matches my needs and makes best use of my options.

Ajax, thanks for the nice write up and answering all of my questions. Any other suggestions are very welcome. I have three SM Codex books and I haven't decided what one to use. Since I haven't played 6th ed yet. I am not sure on the way to build units that will work well. I am not a min max gamer but I also don't want to do something totally stupid. Or put something together that always gets left in the foam box.

I think that I am going to remove it from my assult Termis just for one more littel detail difference between the two. I think of it as a Targeting thing so if you are wacking somebody up close there is no need for it. Also one less detail to paint.


Thanks for all of the info

Okay I decided to do some space wolf terminators. I have built 3 cobiplama gun arms for the right hand and had read that putting a lightning claw on the other hand was good.


Here are the options in the SW book:


Replace Terminator armour's power weapon with:

Wolf Claw- 5 pts

Frost blade, frost axe, or power fist - 10 pts

Thunder hammer, storm shield, or chainfist - 15 pts


So far pts are at:

18+15+5 = 38


I want a good combo but want it to remain points effecient. I am not too good with mathhammer so can you all tell me what you think?





Also I have the bits to make the combimelta and combiflamer. Just not sure about either of these and how well they would work.


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