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Extending Honour of the Chapter


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I know that the FAQ has extended the Honour of the Chapter special rule to only affect those from C:BA, but how does this affect if two ICs join a squad of guardsmen. Does Honour of the Chapter extend from the Chaplain to the Librarian thus giving him fearless. Then does fearless extend from him to the squad of Guardsmen?
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Okay so checking online, we all know how reliable that is, it says to change Honour of the Chapter to "He, and all members of the squad chosen from Codex: Blood Angels that he has joined, are fearless, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook." Now does this mean that "He" (Chaplain) is fearless regardless of what squad he joins even is the rest of the squad is Imperial Guardsmen? So thus making the guardsmen fearless?
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You could just add a commissar to the guardsmen. It's cheaper, fluffier and there's no rule debating over it.


Because right now, the FAQ says only units from C:BA are fearless when joined by a Chappy with that rule. But I see where you're coming from when saying that ICs confer fearless to the unit( no BRB yet, so you might better be checkin' this out before headin' off to a game), it's probably a loophole until someone can clearly quote the rulebook and say "no".


Until then, I'd keep to the FAQ: Only units from Codex Blood Angels gain the fearless USR. Pretty clear from my side.





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Well the reason that I ask is that as long as one unit in the squad has fearless the whole squad is fearless. I know this is a RAW and RAI, but commissar does not make that squad fearless only adding this chaplain will. Since the only game that I have lost thus far in 6ed had to do with my blob squad running off the table completely I would like to make them fearless.
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Well the reason that I ask is that as long as one unit in the squad has fearless the whole squad is fearless. I know this is a RAW and RAI, but commissar does not make that squad fearless only adding this chaplain will. Since the only game that I have lost thus far in 6ed had to do with my blob squad running off the table completely I would like to make them fearless.


Not sure if it still works that way - however it would be fluff rapture at its finest. :)




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But per the FAQ. It divides the the two factors or the two people that are affected, "He, and the squad." So as long as he is still affected then it should affect the squad too regardless of the codex that it is orginating from even though that it specifically applies to squad from C:BA.
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