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Psychic Powers Selection

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A small reference Table comes with the psychic power cards. I could have swarn that the table was somewhere in the appendix at the back of the BRB with the psychic powers but I don't have it in front of me so I'm not sure.
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Did anyone notice that the White Dwarf batrep (yes, yes!!) has the Daemon Prince selecting one of each power sets from the codex, and one from the new rules?




The GK dex also has a very odd clause:


"Hammerhand cannot be exchanged in this manner"



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Just got home and checked the BRB and I couldn't find it looks like its just in the card pack and on pg. 99 of white dwarf 390.


Thanks. Thought I was going mad that I couldn't find it.


I also found that it IS listed in the Codex:Space Marines FAQ so... there's that...

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Given that all the Psychic Power options are free in the FAQ(s), I shouldn't complain too much. I can only assume that the reason that the options weren't put into the core book is it allows them to change which races get which powers when they get new Codices, without causing conflict between a table in the BRB and the Codex.


Yes, 6th Edition seems to be pretty well futureproofed. Miracles can happen, apparently.

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Still no mention /thoughts about this guys:


Did anyone notice that the White Dwarf batrep (yes, yes!!) has the Daemon Prince selecting one of each power sets from the codex, and one from the new rules?




The GK dex also has a very odd clause:


"Hammerhand cannot be exchanged in this manner"



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Still no mention /thoughts about this guys:


Did anyone notice that the White Dwarf batrep (yes, yes!!) has the Daemon Prince selecting one of each power sets from the codex, and one from the new rules?




The GK dex also has a very odd clause:


"Hammerhand cannot be exchanged in this manner"




I did NOT notice that I will have to read through that when I get home. I actually brought this up during the "get to know 6th" day at my favorite gaming spot. I was told under rather flimsy context that it was all codex or all BRB not mix and match.


As for GK doesn't like almost every unit have this rule? So are they basicly just trying to keep GK's from having like 600 various powers in their army?

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Other than the immediate thought that they tend to make a lot of mistakes in their games ... not much.


Whenever people say things like that I think of Louie C.K.'s joke about people hating cell phone companies. "I hate verizon my phone was weird for like a second like 3 times. It's such a POS!! ...UH, okay well then make your own see how close to perfect it is then."

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The GK dex also has a very odd clause:


"Hammerhand cannot be exchanged in this manner"




Well Hammerhand is the Grey Knight power, so it doesn't surprise me. Just treat it as a specific rule, because it is. Permissive ruleset, GK Libbies are allowed to swap out all powers apart from that one, and get additional powers equal to their Mastery Level.

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Its the swap out thing I dont understand.



In the white dwarf the Batrep had the DP with one codex power and one BRB power.

The implication in this faq is that you trade out powers on a one to one basis, but its not what the FAQ has said.

Am I reading this wrong?

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Its the swap out thing I dont understand.



In the white dwarf the Batrep had the DP with one codex power and one BRB power.

The implication in this faq is that you trade out powers on a one to one basis, but its not what the FAQ has said.

Am I reading this wrong?


I think that's the implication in the rulebook as well, you swap all out or none.


As has been said, WD isn't the best for looking for rules, so I wouldn't trust it when it seems to conflict with the rules or FAQ etc.

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I did not want to start a new thread because this thread contained question about psychic power selection.


Q. If I am using the codex marine psychic powers do I have to randomly roll the powers I get?

Let me clarify. Can I still use the 5th edition powers stated in the marine codex? If so do I have to roll randomly for the powers or can I select them as usual for the psyker?


I know that I have to randomly generate the powers when I choose one from the 6th BRB.

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I did not want to start a new thread because this thread contained question about psychic power selection.


Q. If I am using the codex marine psychic powers do I have to randomly roll the powers I get?


Sort of... You pick the type of power (I.E. biomancy, pyromancy) and then roll a D6 you may then choose the power numbered equal to your roll or the "primus" power.

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I did not want to start a new thread because this thread contained question about psychic power selection.


Q. If I am using the codex marine psychic powers do I have to randomly roll the powers I get?

Let me clarify. Can I still use the 5th edition powers stated in the marine codex? If so do I have to roll randomly for the powers or can I select them as usual for the psyker?


I know that I have to randomly generate the powers when I choose one from the 6th BRB.


You select powers from the codex as normal.


In fact, for all codexes you select the powers within them as per the instruction in the codex and any FAQ updates to that codex.

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I'm not emotional about whether you have to swap ALL your codex powers or not.


My question instead is, do you HAVE to say on your Army List what the Librarian will do, OR do you always pick codex powers and then right before the game begins you may swap the powers.... AND say for different games in a tournament, you can always choose to switch disciplines or keep your codex powers?


One way seems pretty standard, very strict and pre-planned (the way it's always been).


The way the FAQs seem to be written though, the flexible option appears correct.

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I'm playing it by ear at the moment with that one. Strictly speaking, I don't think you needed to pick psychic powers before battle with the 5th Ed powers (barring some armies like Grey Knights, Eldar and Chaos Marines who pay for theirs). The way it's worded seems to imply you choose when you get there, for example you don't have to even pick the discipline until you roll for it before the game. So at the moment I've put in a couple of psychic powers from C:SM for my Libbies but will choose differently if I want to at the time.
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