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Death guard WIP +PAINT UPDATE 23/8+

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been a coulpe of years since i posted anything here.... been playing with some wolves and had a 2 year break from wh40k but now im here and i miss the Death guard so im going to make a very special army,

every model are going to get the love it deserve and im going to make everyting the way I want.. but please say what you think, criticism are always good..


I havent got my plague marines from forge world yet (hopefully tomorrow).

but I have started with a champion and a Daemon prince...


Aspiring Champion (love the nurgle elk horn head=)



Daemon prince





someone will say that thats to small for a DP, but im not finish, not even close..

it will get nice big wings and it will be taller..


anyone know some wings that will look good on him?


and of course the inspiration for this model...


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Good to see you return to Nurgle!

As far as wings go, Mortarion's don't appear very rotten- I would suggest either fantasy eagle or pegasus wings. Are you gonna give him a respirator?

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Carrion wings looks good, they should be a little rotten..


im not going to give him respirator, the face are to evil and cool..


Well, that's not really a respirator, so you could preserve that evil-looking face you have there and pay homage to the artwork as well. It's a device that puts out gaseous fumes, similar to his toxic homeworld of Barbarus, which he needs to breathe. It sits in front of his face, not on it.

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That's an awesome looking start, sir. I don't like the artwork too much, but your pick of a model makes a great DP and I absolutely don't think he's too small. It's not about size, you know?

Having said that, I'm not too sure about the purity seals. I'd scrape them off or cover them with equipment, but that's really just a matter of taste. I mean, they could be like daemonic (impurity) seals.


Keep it going, I'll follow this one.

Cheers, JT

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small uppdate!!

got my FW stuff today! (warning for bad pics...)

here are my plague marines... or mkIII iron armour marines with renegade heads.. I like "Clean" non bloated marines.

not sure about the "pipe" backpacks... I will sleep on it and see if they are still good idea tomorrow..





Update on the DP... Wings!!!

I went with the cockatrice wings and they look good i think..





maybe some more better pics tomorrow...

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Wow those are bigger than I expected- looks good though. Increases is stature and makes him look suitably daemonic.

Nice use of the militia heads on the Plague Marines. Keep it up!

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More updates on PM..







Im going to have pipe backpacks later on but I having trouble to put my ideas on the PM... too tired right now

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Awesome work so far. Like you I prefer plainer Death Guard over the bloated look. Iron Armor + Renegade Heads = awesome. I like your 'pipe' backpacks, at least from the angle we see. Could we get a pick of them from behind, so we could get a better look?
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PMs got arms..





I wish that Forgeworld make some assault arms for MKIII armour because making my own sucks.... lots of cutting and fitting and cutting... and green stuff




As you can see they have no backpacks... they are still a problem.. please help me with this!!

if anyone have seen "pipebacks" please post some pics or come with some ideas

they look like this today, i hate them.... i have no good idea how to "grow" the pipes out of the backpack



I wanted a bigger nurglier DP and so I bought a skaven hell pit and a chaos daemon prince and started making this..




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Well, that backpack story is difficult. I don't like them either as they are, but I love the idea and I might fool around a bit with backpacks and plastic tubes as soon as I'll get back to my desk next week ...

I'd think you're having too much tube for a backpack. I'd try only, say, two of them, chop them down much shorter, and put them on the backpack top -- instead of taking all the effort to let them grow them out of the actual backpack front (which is the model's rear). Perhaps you could also get tubes with a smaller diameter and mix and match. The ones you've got look rather large for what I'm thinking of. But that's just my 2 cents, no idea if it's helpful at all.

You're doing a great job and I'll definitely follow!


Cheers, JT

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The backpacks. I'm not saying yours aren't good. I like the large tubes, but they need to be tempered by several smaller ones. Take a look at the Typhus model. See all the little ancillary tubes, much smaller than the main tubes? That's what I mean. That's just how I'd do it, and I'm not saying yours don't or won't look good with the greenstuff filling in the spaces, but maybe play around with the idea and see if you like it.


Your assaulty arms look good, btw. The work paid off.

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Well, that backpack story is difficult. I don't like them either as they are, but I love the idea and I might fool around a bit with backpacks and plastic tubes as soon as I'll get back to my desk next week ...

I'd think you're having too much tube for a backpack. I'd try only, say, two of them, chop them down much shorter, and put them on the backpack top -- instead of taking all the effort to let them grow them out of the actual backpack front (which is the model's rear). Perhaps you could also get tubes with a smaller diameter and mix and match. The ones you've got look rather large for what I'm thinking of. But that's just my 2 cents, no idea if it's helpful at all.

You're doing a great job and I'll definitely follow!


Cheers, JT



The backpacks. I'm not saying yours aren't good. I like the large tubes, but they need to be tempered by several smaller ones. Take a look at the Typhus model. See all the little ancillary tubes, much smaller than the main tubes? That's what I mean. That's just how I'd do it, and I'm not saying yours don't or won't look good with the greenstuff filling in the spaces, but maybe play around with the idea and see if you like it.


Your assaulty arms look good, btw. The work paid off.


thank you both for your input and ideas they really help.. I'm not gonna be home for a few days but as soon as i come home i'm gonna sit down and solve this..

i got some ideas right now what to do..



Gorgeous! That DP getting wings, or is he gonna be hoofin' it? His stance is great- quite twisted and monstrous.


He are going to fly but how? im not realy sure yet :lol:

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A little update on the DP..

the GS on the back at the pipes are going to get some detailing so don't worry it looks plain and flat..


It is pretty big, and i'm not sure there is any wings or other fly things that is suitable to it, so this will probably become a GUO... not sure yet






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  • 2 weeks later...
I love your deamon prince, never even thought of using that model as a base but it works really well. the iron armour + cutlist heads work really well too, how are you planning on painting them death guard or warband? really looking forward to painted pics.
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Unfortunately, I have not had much time with my death guards the past few weeks. so the updates are very slow.

hopefully i will post some new pics of the GUO/DP this weekend..


this is the Death Guards so they will be white and green with a touch of Nurgle =)

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had a little me and green stuff time tonight and this happend...


I made some few details on the GUO not much to show. Im waiting for som new nurgling to add and some more GS then he is ready to be painted



And then I made this.. The DP from the first post grew up >=)

This Is going to be my new daemon prince for the new codex so he is not going to get any weapons until I now what the new rules for DP are








thats all for tonight...

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