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Death guard WIP +PAINT UPDATE 23/8+

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I dislike the heads for the Plague Marines.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but that hardly constitutes constructive criticism.

Personally I think using those militia heads is a good way to differentiate his own force; be unique while still looking sinister.

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I dislike the heads for the Plague Marines.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but that hardly constitutes constructive criticism.

Personally I think using those militia heads is a good way to differentiate his own force; be unique while still looking sinister.


They don't look sinister in the slightest. I find the older GW stock Plague Marines to be more adequate then those. His models are fine minus the old piping, the heads look like a group of Jason Marines. Now he just needs to give many of them machetes.

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Now he just needs to give many of them machetes.
And you know what? You should give them machetes just to make this guy look like what he is.


Huh; went back and looked and many of those DG are already armed with short, flat-pointed swords . . . close enough to machetes for Administratum work. :huh:

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I see something have happend here?!

I'm not really sure what to say about all this... okey you dont like the heads, they look like jason and jason dont look sinister enough... try to post why you dont like something in the first post and this would not happend..

And thanks guys for defending my "jasons".. kind of like calling them jasons.. "Hi I have an army of Jasons, you know after the big, (almost)immortal, killing machine with super strength" " and you have an army of twilight wannabees... good luck =)"


anyway back to topic.. i just finish my GUO (almost.. some painting left and cleaning up some mouldlines and such)..







I really liked the new nurglings and what is a GUO without some nurglings =)

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This is great stuff. The daemon prince is insane and I can't wait to see it painted. And I agree: you've put the Nurglings to good use and they're fitting very well indeed. Personally, I think they look somewhat too smooth and clean for me. I think I won't get some because I'm unsure if I'd be happy to put the effort and dirt them up. However, you're giving a great example how to use them to pimp up something bigger. I might actually get some ...


Oh, and I should probably say that I like your Jason marines. Just a matter of taste, on a personal note.


Cheers, JT

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  • 2 weeks later...

finaly i have started painting ... or at least testing some paint schemes .. so what you think?


This is the first model in painted in 4 years .. (Used to pay some one else to do it)




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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
ummm Hi....! it been a loooong time since i updated haha, or even looked at some GW stuff =P... have you heard that DA getting a new Codex msn-wink.gif (just a joke, dont kill me)

but now i'm back =)

Not much have happend but i'm gonna focus on getting my DP done and then some PMs...

So a small update on my DP

Ps. how do i change the Topic description on the "new" BC? Ds

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Your green stuff skills are indeed impressive.


Have you considered trying hoses instead of pipes for the backpacks? Wire may be easier to work with than tube. I do like the old armor dedication. Maybe some more ideas from the Horus Heresy subforum would help your quest as well.


As for that prince, I think his pose is fake looking. I appreciate that the reality of our world prevents me from actually seeing a monster man thing swing a mace, so fake might be a bad word choice, but in my mind's eye, it just looks like his balance is all cattywumpus. Perhaps if his mace were to look as though he had just followed through on an overhead swing and is stepping back, the rest of the balance would work better. It's just such a beautiful model to have a strange stance.

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