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Fluff change on the rubric?


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Hey there, I was reading through the book last night and noticed that the fluff on the Rubric seems to be different. Rather than turning them to dust it said that the change was accelerated (or something to that effect - at work don't have the book). I didn't see another thread mentioning it, but have to say that is kind of exciting to me as a non-1ksons player. In fact, the only reason I haven't played them before is that part of the fluff seemed to make them a bit boring to me. Am I reading too much into it? Has this been noticed/discussed in another thread?



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I don't see the change I have to say, about the only mention of the Thousand Sons is on pg. 228 - 'Disturbed by their decline, a cabal led by the great sorcerer Ahriman, risked the wrath of their, now daemonic, Primarch to cast a spell known as the Rubric. The spell instead brought great changes to the Legion and the cabal was banished by the enraged Primarch, forced to scatter and fight for different Traitor Legions.
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Not enough room in the book (Ironically), it gives as much fluff on the Thousand Sons as it does on the other traitor legions. When you have to sum up the entire 40k background in around 70 pages a lot of detail is going to be left out. If there are any changes to the Thousand Sons fluff they will come in the new codex. I doubt there will be, but it might be nice to see an expansion, even if it's only a couple more famous battles etc.
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I hope the only fluff the change is how rubrics function just like they did when they were 'alive' when there is a sorcerer present but as soon as there isn't they just shut down and remain frozen. The way it was described in 'Battle of the Fang' was awesome!
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  • 3 weeks later...
TBF You could use a similar mechanic to the one they used for Wraith Guard/Lords in 3rd ed. They had to test to see if they could act each turn unless they had a Warlock in the unit or were a certain distance from a Farseer.
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Haha thats only a good idea tell someone challenges or snipes the sorc out of the group and your 8 other dudes shut down.
Yeah, that would really suck and would make Tzeentch a functionally unplayable god. We all know how much the studio loves Khorne and Nurgle, though, so its entirely possible they could pull something like that on us.


TBF You could use a similar mechanic to the one they used for Wraith Guard/Lords in 3rd ed. They had to test to see if they could act each turn unless they had a Warlock in the unit or were a certain distance from a Farseer.
Isn't one of the rumors that they're only Slow and Purposeful if the sorcerer is dead and there's no IC in the unit, otherwise they're Relentless?
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Isn't one of the rumors that they're only Slow and Purposeful if the sorcerer is dead and there's no IC in the unit, otherwise they're Relentless?



IC needs to be with them at the start of the turn.


I don't see where the big problem is with the SnP now with 6th Edition. (the FAQ is void because it refers to 5th Ed).

They can still move and rapid shoot, and assault. And they are Fearless, which is better now with 6th Ed.

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Fediuld is missing the point, I think.


Overwatch is a loss because everyone other unit who are good at shooting and bad in CC (like Necrons) gets it, and Thousand Sons don't, which means that we still die to insane little-b berserker charges from Space Marine Scouts, which is frankly ridiculous.

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Look, we do have fearless (6th ed is better), inv save 4+ (find me a cover better than 5+ in 6th ed), rapid fire AP3 bolters and Sorcerers. (and according to rumours with next codex worth 20 points each marine)

Also when we charge we get I4 not I1.


Do you think overwatch isn't going to make them bit OP? Deploy other units to utilise a better mix of abilities, based on your playstyle? Also you can't rapid fire while overwatch. So I do not see the problem.

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What do you mean no rapid fire? Overwatch shots are resolved like regular shots, but only hit on 6+. It would indeed be a powerful deterrent to MEQ if they could fire overwatch shots, and according to the rumours in the coming codex they will, since they'll be relentless instead of SnP.
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Trust me, you can rapid fire while overwatching.


Why are we I4 on the charge?


As for cover saves, the number of units that can Stealth or Camo Cloak is insane, not to mention Night Fighting and the proliferation of fortifications that have taken over from ruins as the default 4+ stalking hide.


Thousand Sons are in need of Overwatch just as badly as Necron Immortals or Sisters of Battle.

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... Real the rulebook? Seriously?


The guy who's telling me that a rule that used to mean you always move as if you're in difficult terrain means we get a higher initiative when charging is telling me to read the rulebook?


Especially when it doesn't do that any more?

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Not being able to overwatch is a bit of sadness, as they do put out a high volume of shots--20 shots rapid-firing from a unit of 10 models (so ~3 hits, 1.5 wounds/kills on MEQs, and assuming no invulnerable/FnP nonsense at the front of the charging unit). But it is twin-linked things that are the real killers on overwatch due to the BS 1. Seems like a small trade-off for all the other perks.


I wouldn't mind a bit of a fluff change on the rubric marines, but mainly because I run mine as pre-rubric. Having them just be locked in their suits so the mutations don't get out would be not as cool, but I could see it. Hopefully it is just vague wording in the main rulebook due to space concerns.



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>> It's only 19 shots. Sorcerers don't have a bolter option, sadly.


Although apparently you can stand and shoot with psychic powers, if you have an offensive one that rolls to hit or is a template, which is cool.

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