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Sanguinary Guard


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Hey guys and girls,


With 6th now being out for a week or two now I'm looking for help with my sanguinary guard army. I'm lost as to where to head with it. Is full gold still possible? with the change to power weapons there 2+ armor is gray. The deal with there glaives are another story. Until I have some clarification I'll be running them at ap3.


With the 50% rule there goes a full drop.


And how do you arm them now? Plasma? Melts? Or should I be looking into other sections of the codex for support



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Sanguinary Guard are now pure awesome sauce! 2+ armour save is great against AP3 power weapons, which most are. At my LGS I have been using Glaive axes with power axe rules and, even though they strike at I1, they are AP2 so they ruin IC's that rely on 2+ armour and only wield an AP3 weapon.

With FNP being rolled on everything except ID weapons, Sanguinary Guard are even more awesome when supported with a jump packed priest.

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I'm sorry if I bring up a little flame war, but just had big debate on ytth and it brought up some interesting things


kharns axe[has a ton of very kooky rules]

the axe mortalis[mastercrafted power weapon]

the blood crozious[mastercrafted power weapon]


kharns axe and the blood crozious were both faq'd to be " what you see is what you get "


the only reason both of them need a faq is because they must not be following the regular rules.

they both have "special rules", which precludes them from being wysiwyg. [they have a list of special rules and mastercrafted is in there]


If the faq was only to "clear up" what unique rules meant, they would also have faq'd the axe mortalis and glaives.


the only other place you can put a weapon with a special rule is in the unusual power weapons section as there is nowhere to put a weapon with"further special rules" but no "unique rules"[if you want to define unique]


If you want polite discussion on the subject please message me:)

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I'm sorry if I bring up a little flame war, but just had big debate on ytth and it brought up some interesting things


kharns axe[has a ton of very kooky rules]

the axe mortalis[mastercrafted power weapon]

the blood crozious[mastercrafted power weapon]


kharns axe and the blood crozious were both faq'd to be " what you see is what you get "


the only reason both of them need a faq is because they must not be following the regular rules.

they both have "special rules", which precludes them from being wysiwyg. [they have a list of special rules and mastercrafted is in there]


If the faq was only to "clear up" what unique rules meant, they would also have faq'd the axe mortalis and glaives.


the only other place you can put a weapon with a special rule is in the unusual power weapons section as there is nowhere to put a weapon with"further special rules" but no "unique rules"[if you want to define unique]


If you want polite discussion on the subject please message me:)


There's another thread for this here: Dante, The Sanguinor and Sanguinary Guard


How are you gearing yours out? I'm trying to think on how I'll be taking out armor.


I have one unit with power fist and all plasma pistols and they are supported by a plasma pistol JP priest (who also has a lightning claw)

Another unit I have 2 infernus pistols, chapter banner and power fist supported by an infernus pistol JP priest (again with lightning claw)

My other 2 Sanguinary guard units have 1 infernus pistol and a power fist each.

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Seven, out of curiosity how many of the Glaives are you running as axes? All of them? I'm curious in case GW FAQs in favor of it.


And, yes, Seven is correct. Lets keep the debate over Glaives being AP3 or not to the other threads.

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Quite interesting combos. I'll admit I would think spending that many points on them pet squad would be a sink but now with 2+ and FnP I could see the justification of dropping lots of points to make them a semi death star.


Do you run pure gold our red support also?


I did have a awesome idea with sang guard and death company. 50% death company on ground so the gold can DS, if they want to. The DC can handle being shot with FnP and let the gold drop and cause the damage. Dante and Astorath.


The black and gold tide

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I have been working on a list. I was thinking 2 devi squads totalling 8 missile launchers and a furioso dread with frag cannon in a pod for support.

Dante with three Sanguinary Guard units 1-2 IPs and a power fist in each. A chapter banner on one squad. With them are three priests one on foot with the devis the other 2 jump packing and taking meltabombs and power swords. There is also a RAS with 2 MGs Sgt TH/SS. Totals 1850

The only thing I would try to fit in is a Libbbie with Sheild but is at the cost of the shooting devi squad or the Dread.

I only use AP2 axes on the models I already have built ie 1 in each squad. I will run Dante as AP3

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I remember someone mentioning in another thread that a plasma honor guard squad would go well with a unit of sanguinary guard. I liked the sound of that since the middle of 5th, but never got a chance to try it out. Plasma HG deals with termies, SG wrecks something else. Legit.


I hope gold tide is a reasonable army in this edition. Black and gold tide just sounds plain dirty! If it works well enough I might have to go that route and it's very fluffy for Night Angels!

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Seven, out of curiosity how many of the Glaives are you running as axes? All of them? I'm curious in case GW FAQs in favor of it.


And, yes, Seven is correct. Lets keep the debate over Glaives being AP3 or not to the other threads.


I run two in each unit but the way I'm seeing the rules as I read (and read and read) over them I may make an entire unit with power fists just for the fun of it. 5 fists for 50 points on 2+ armour.

See my comment in the Gravis thread.


I remember someone mentioning in another thread that a plasma honor guard squad would go well with a unit of sanguinary guard. I liked the sound of that since the middle of 5th, but never got a chance to try it out. Plasma HG deals with termies, SG wrecks something else. Legit.


I hope gold tide is a reasonable army in this edition. Black and gold tide just sounds plain dirty! If it works well enough I might have to go that route and it's very fluffy for Night Angels!


Yeah that was me I think. Anyway, I'm testing an honour guard with 3 plasmaguns and a blood champion with 2 Sanguinary Guard tomorrow. One of the Sanguinary Guard units has all plasma pistols and a power fist, the other has a chapter banner, 2 infernus pistols and a power fist.

The will be supported by a unit of sniper scouts, a land speeder squadron with typhoon rockets and heavy bolters and a vindicator with siege shield. I'm facing some GK.

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I think there are some match-ups where they just won't work. Case in point: the kid playing the lash/oblit spam that I played in game 1 of the 10 game challenge then played a game against an all-Sanguinary guard army (Dante, 4 squads of sanguinary guard with some gear, Mephiston if memory serves). Same mission and deployment as we played (Relic, Hammer and Anvil). I managed to squeak out a win, the Sanguinary Guard player (who's a very competent 40k gamer) got tabled by the end of turn 3. A big problem as I see it is that with power weapons getting a nerf, a lot of people will be bringing a lot of AP2 ranged weaponry and power fists to put the hurt on terminators. Sanguinary guard, without an invulnerable save, will get absolutely hosed by this. Battlecannons and Vindicators are a nasty threat as well, since they bypass feel no pain. A pure SG army won't have the numbers, and will auto-fold to certain lists.
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Sanguinary Guard do have a huge advantage with FNP there are only a few shooting weapons that deny FNP. Demolishers S10/AP2, , Lascannon S9/AP2, Meltaguns/MM S8/AP1 and Blood Strikes S8/AP1. Krak you get 2+ a save on its AP3 and plasma gets a 5+ FNP.

Did your friend take enough priests or did he lose them early ?

Sanguinary Guard with a priest get an 2+ and/or 5+ FNP save against almost anything.


Your friend might have done better taking a librarian with shield and more priests with axes and meltabombs rather than Mephiston. I dont think Mephiston compliments a SG list very well.


Shield and FNP plus Sanguinary Guard 2+ seem to be made for each other.


I think SG have to take ample priests to be viable the priest is a workhorse now more than ever. Working a libby with shield in there is also pretty important.


Compare SG to TEQ units.

If anyone is taking 2+ walking models they are going to get shot to hell walking termies are going to take a lot of fire. The next option is to give termies a ride thats 250 points of LR on top of 200-240 pts of termies, total points there is around 450-500 there will likely be an attached character in there too but go with the base premise 5 termies in a LR = 450-490 pts thats approx 80 point for 6 models


Compare that to 10 SG with 4 IPs, 4 PF's and a JP priest plus JP librarian at 680 pts for 12 models, that is about 57 points per model. You know that the SG can be used from reserve, move faster and Dantes squad with priest and librarian come down exactly where needed to spread the FNP and shield protection to the other squad. Sure they dont quite hit as hard as the 5 termies and are not quite as resilient as a termie assault squad. I dont see SG's role there anyway. I see SG nailing PA troops and armour where their better AV and weapons will do the most damage. A lot of PA troops will be out in the open now I think we can take advantage of that.


I can see 2 Sanguinary Guard squads with a priest and a libby as a starting point for a Sanguinary Guard unit.

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I can't remember if he had priests, maths suggests he probably didn't. I know I wouldn't consider running an all-SG army without at least 2 priests and a shield librarian. Definitely wouldn't have put Mephiston in the list...frankly, chucking Mephiston is almost enough points for a librarian and 2 priests all with jump packs (only 25 points short), so that's probably the way to improve the army based on that specific build.
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why not add an priest with bike in the sanguinary guard army?

T5 is a bit better and harder? Plus they could go the same speed. if they start on board!

thinking of doing it like that ;)


As long as you add angel wings to the bike :(


"If they start on the board!" is the big problem with a priest on a bike. Personally, I would rather have the strategic flexibility of being able to deep strike my sanguinary guard over having to always start them on the board and getting a +1 to toughness for 1 dude. It's a nifty idea if you'd rather not deep strike, though.

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