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HumanSupreme's WIP Thread

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A few members of my slowly-being-assembled Marine army, Adeptus Astartes Chapter 1084, "The Supremacy of Man". They view Humanity as the obvious inheritors of the galaxy and have a kind of Manifest Destiny approach to pretty much everything. 'Hey, there's a system of planets over there. It's ours now, lets go get it for the Imperium.' That kinda thing.



Venerable Dreadnought. I couldn't decide whether I wanted a plasma cannon or an assault cannon, so I made a plasma assault cannon. Also, I made him about a centimeter-ish taller in the lower legs so that he'd be approximately as tall as my Chaos Dreadnought, a very slightly converted Penitent Engine. Please ignore the fact that the legs are actually facing the wrong way as I had originally magnetized the ball joint before deciding to just glue the legs and torso together, only I forgot to look at what direction they were facing when I did it. Luckily the way they are now doesn't bother me. I used some boltgun magazine pouches to hide the plasticard tubes used to heighten the model and give the appearance of extra armor.



Company Captain.



Company Champion.



Standard Bearer and Apothecary.









A couple of the Sergeants.



A few of the Tactical Marines.



A few of the Scouts. May also be used as Stormtroopers in perhaps an Allied Inquisition Force maybe? Maybe. Probably.



Vindicator. It also serves as Basilisk for my Mechanized Death Korps.



Will post more as I assemble more. After I get back from Games Day I hope to buy some Grey Knight Terminators to use for Terminators, a Rhino (possibly will be a converted IG Chimera? Who knows), a Predator, and maybe a drop pod.

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i love the plasma assault cannon, it looks so silly but its amazingly well put together


the Vindicator/Basilisk is also very nice, but i feel like its to IG for a SM army


the scouts look great, i actually use modded IG for my scouts (neophytes) in my BT army, since they arn't supposed to be quite as well trained yet

i love the plasma assault cannon, it looks so silly but its amazingly well put together

I think it looks silly too, but in a good way. At first I just held the two guns up next to each other and thought 'what if I...', and then I just went ahead and did it. All I did was cut the barrel/protrusions off the front of the plasma cannon and glue the assault cannon onto the front of it, easy as can be. I'm a big fan of simple little conversions like that. I think both guns came from the Venerable Dreadnought box too.


the Vindicator/Basilisk is also very nice, but i feel like its to IG for a SM army

I think it might be too IG as well, once I start buying Space Marine vehicles. When it is by itself amongst a bunch of Space Marine infantry it looks fine, but the IG and Marine tanks might look weird together. I'll find out after Games Day.


the scouts look great, i actually use modded IG for my scouts (neophytes) in my BT army, since they arn't supposed to be quite as well trained yet

Yeah, I love the way those scouts turned out. My first love in Space Marines was the Black Templars but I cannot stand the regular Space Marine Scout models, so when I was thinking about making a Black Templars army a while back I started looking for alternative scout models to use as neophytes and decided on plastic Cadians with backpacks from the Cadian Heavy Weapon Team sprue. Cut the tip off of the Cadian lasguns and you have shotguns. Glue a scope from the Tactical Squad sprue onto a lasgun backwards and suddenly you have scout snipers with long eye relief scopes. :)

Thanks, that's one of my fav models. I wanted all my IG vehicles to be enclosed because they are part of my Death Korps army and they'd be exposed to lots of gas attacks and such, so I took inspiration for that particular model from World War 2 tank destroyers and self-propelled guns, like the German Elefant/Ferdinand.

So I was trying to put together an Imperial Guard Chimera. It'll be used primarily as a Whirlwind in my Marine army and as a Griffon/Medusa/Hydra in my Guard army, depending on who I'm playing and what they have. This process mostly just consists of me putting random bits together until something clicks and looks amazing.


Sometimes it's a good concept but the execution is lacking.




Sometimes it just looks retarded.




And then there's this.



Johnny 5 alive! No disassemble!



Settled on this as the finished product for my Whirlwind/Griffon/Medusa/Hydra. Unfortunately, Whirlwinds don't have Heavy Bolters but I didn't think about that until I posted this post. Dunno what I'm gonna do about that. :/

Sorry guys, the shielding just didn't look natural. :)


I did finish the first of my Honor Guard/Vanguard Veteran Marines though.






Also, I think these could make some pretty badass Khorne Berzerker models.




Here it is in all its glory so far, a fleet-based crusade force comprised of an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and accompanying staff, a Death Korps of Krieg mechanized detachment, and a quick response force from the Space Marine Chapter 'Supremacy of Man', specialists in Xenos eradication.



The Marine Command element. A Captain with his Command Squad, a Jump Chaplain, a Librarian and an Emperor's Champion. I still haven't found a place for the Emperor's Champion but the model is great. The Assault Marines in the foreground will be used as Skyclaws, Assault Marines, or Vanguard Veterans depending on what codex I'm using at the time.



The grunts. Two Marine squads of five and two Scout sniper squads of six.



The Inquisitor, ministorum priests, and a squad of sanctioned psykers (with commissars keeping an eye on things).



Any religious crusade would be incomplete without some zealots (Inquisitorial henchmen).



And of course the owner of my local game store took this as an opportunity to photo-bomb me with his filthy Ork walker. :D

where is the axe from on your champion?


I also like your librarian

It looks like the one from the Sanguinary Guard set.


That Basilisk/Vindicator looks awesome even if it does have a bit of an IG look to it (SMs used to have Fellblades after all). I'm not sure where all the parts to that are from though. All I can make out is the Basilisk and Leman Russ parts. Are there Vindicator parts in there? What does the back look like?

where is the axe from on your champion?


I also like your librarian

Thanks, I like that dude too. Jackalos is correct, the axe is stolen from the Sanguinary Guard box.


where is the axe from on your champion?


I also like your librarian

It looks like the one from the Sanguinary Guard set.


That Basilisk/Vindicator looks awesome even if it does have a bit of an IG look to it (SMs used to have Fellblades after all). I'm not sure where all the parts to that are from though. All I can make out is the Basilisk and Leman Russ parts. Are there Vindicator parts in there? What does the back look like?

Like most of my conversions it's mostly just simple parts swaps. I don't know how to use greenstuff or anything like that so I just make do with whatever bits I have at the time when I'm making something like this. All of the parts used on that vehicle come from your regular Chimera/Basilisk and Leman Russ sprues, except for the exhuast pipes which are from the Baneblade and a flat square of plasticard to cover up the Russ turret mount hole on the top of the hull.


Parts needed: A Basilisk cannon and gun shield, a Leman Russ hull, six of the 1 inch by 3 inch armor plates that come in any chimera/basilisk box, and a flat sheet of plasticard about 3x3 inches.


First, assemble your Leman Russ hull as you normally would, without gluing any sponsons or the front lascannon or it's mount onto the hull.


Second, cut the part of the turret ring that sticks up about a couple millimeters or so off of the top of the hull and try to make the top as flat as possible so that you can glue the plasticard square down in it's place. You can probably skip cutting anything off and just glue the plasticard onto the turret ring, but that's up to you.


Third, flip the Russ around so that you are looking at the back of it and cut the whole engine part thing, the part that has the engine heat vent thing on top of it normally, cut that whole thing out. That is where you are going to put your Basilisk cannon later.


Fourth, flip the basilisk cannon over and you'll notice a rounded thing sticking up out of the bottom of it. Put some glue on the bottom of the basilisk cannon and glue it to the bottom of the sheet of plasticard inside the hull, pushing that rounded part up against the plasticard. You now have a lot of very visible holes all over your new tank. It's ugly, so try your best to hide all of them with the 1 inch by 3 inch armor plates you collected from all the Chimeras you bought to put your Death Korps guys in. If you didn't buy all the Chimeras and you don't have all the spare armor plates then just use some plasticard I guess.


Fifth, glue track guards on to help bulk out the vehicle and help hide some of the open areas along the sides and top of the hull where you gouged out massive chunks of plastic to put a gun into the butt of your Leman Russ because you are weird like that.


Sixth, put your Frankentank on the internet. :pinch:



Here's some closer pics so you can see what I'm talking about with the armor plates and such. Man, it doesn't seem so bad in real life but the camera really shows how I used way too much glue on this thing.



The rear of the Frankentank shows the two armor plates used to hide the lascannon mount and the driver's viewport on the front of the Leman Russ.



The armor plate you glue on underneath the rear of the Frankentank will have the same angle as the angle of the hull so it'll be easy to glue that one on and then glue the other one so that it meets up with it.



Here are the other two armor plates to hide the blank piece of plasticard you glued onto the top to hide the turret ring opening.



See that little white bit of plasticard visible beneath the gun shield? That's what you used to hide the turret opening, what you glue the bottom of the basilisk cannon to with the little round protrusion up against the plasticard so you know your gun is pointing straight forward and not dipping up or down or off to the sides or anything, unless you want it to.





Edit: I found some old pics of the Frankentank still being built, but before I carved a bunch out of the hull to make room for the gun. Hopefully these will help a little bit.



See the part that has the engine vent on top of it? That's what you cut out and where you put the gun in.






Company Champion.


Heh, your company champion looks somewhat like the librarian I'm doing.




Love that vindicator.

Thanks. :whistling:


Also, how did you do his left hand like that? At first I figured it was just the missile launcher hand but the fingers aren't flat.


Nice touch with the jump packs. Adds a lot of character to those models.

Thanks. I don't really see a need for the wings, but the Sanguinary Guard jump packs are pretty cool themselves.




I don't know who Johny Five is. I do know who Wall-E is though :whistling:

I still haven't seen Wall-E, but Johnny Five is the man. He was a robot character from a great, silly 80s movie called Short Circuit. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091949/

I still haven't seen Wall-E, but Johnny Five is the man. He was a robot character from a great, silly 80s movie called Short Circuit. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091949/

Grazie, Supreme. I'll check it out, and because I forgot to mention last time your work is incredible ;)

I still haven't seen Wall-E, but Johnny Five is the man. He was a robot character from a great, silly 80s movie called Short Circuit. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091949/

Grazie, Supreme. I'll check it out, and because I forgot to mention last time your work is incredible :D



Shape wise that looks quite similar to this - gallery_35302_7108_1468252.jpg

Clouseau Rhino Project

Perhaps if you did all your Marine tanks in a similar manner it could be alluded to be a quirk of your Chapter to have this style of vehicle. :)


This is by far one of the coolest tank conversions I have seen in a while. Very well done!

Thanks a bunch, I'm glad folks think it's as neat as I do. :o


Shape wise that looks quite similar to this - gallery_35302_7108_1468252.jpg

Clouseau Rhino Project

Perhaps if you did all your Marine tanks in a similar manner it could be alluded to be a quirk of your Chapter to have this style of vehicle. :)

I'm thinking about it. I definitely gotta find more armor plate bits now.


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