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Icon sniping

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It could be a problem for a few weeks with the way this current codex works, but there IS somewhat of a solution here. Use the Cults.


The cults do not depend on Icons for their bonuses, Plus the cults can pass for some units that do take Icons. Noise Marines can do somewhat the same job as Havocs when fully tricked out with a blastmaster and sonic blasters. Berzerkers can handle the assault role usually deigned to the Raptors. Plague marines can take the role of Normal Chaos Marines.


It's not a perfect solution to this particular problem, but it should ease it some.

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Oh well time to harden up and have some fun killing stuff, even if it's your own dudes.


But like I said earlier, why take out the icon when a pf got ID your expensive character. If your worried about it that much your probably facing GK and SW far to often and need to find a new gamer group.

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Oh well time to harden up and have some fun killing stuff, even if it's your own dudes.


But like I said earlier, why take out the icon when a pf got ID your expensive character. If your worried about it that much your probably facing GK and SW far to often and need to find a new gamer group.


That seems like a poor idea- your plan is essentially hoping that your opponent chronically makes bad decisions; if that is the case, army composition hardly matters if they can't figure out where to place their precision shots.

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But like I said earlier, why take out the icon when a pf got ID your expensive character.

which one . in a challange they strike [even necron] faster then the fist guy have at least 3A so unless they roll realy bad the fist dude is dead. Even if he does get to swing he still has to get through storm shields , EW , buffed T , GK staffs, shadow fields etc. Worse thing that giving the asp champ a power weapon doesnt change anything , he still doesnt kill the opposing HQ [and in meq cases is offten slower then the HQ] . Right now the only time when a champ is actualy worth it in a chaos unit is when ithe unit also has a i6 sorc inside to do duels.


And this is not a SW/GK thing , the only army when it wouldnt happen is if you got in to hth with a IG command section .

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I guess i don't worry to much about army comp, still win enough to enjoy the gaming cause I don't worry bout how my army is made but how I play it.


And It might just be my meta but all I see on hqs are thunderhammers so initiative is not a problem, and crons just annoy me cause they always take scarabs so i have a hard enough time killing them in close combat as is.


The GK/SW comment was on pallies and wolf guard being able to snipe since whole squad is characters, otherwise only seeing one or two precision shots per squad, and thats spread across the whole army, I'm really not worrying at all about all this.

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The GK/SW comment was on pallies and wolf guard being able to snipe since whole squad is characters, otherwise only seeing one or two precision shots per squad, and thats spread across the whole army, I'm really not worrying at all about all this.

then your forgetting chaos termi champions , nob units , necron courts . imagine what a low ap flamer does from a cryptek shoting it. IF he rolls a 6 he puts a wound on your sgt , considering he may hit 4-5 dudes with a flamer template there is a good chance for that happening.


again , this never was just a SW/GK only problem . and even if it was , then there is still the ally rule which means it is an all imperial problem .



And It might just be my meta but all I see on hqs are thunderhammers so initiative is not a problem, and crons just annoy me cause they always take scarabs so i have a hard enough time killing them in close combat as is.

on storm shield dudes , or dudes like lysander or a SW HQ on a wolf or a marine HQ on a bike . I mentioned those two . again your puting max 1 wound on the HQ while dieing yourself and that is only if they somehow cant accept the challange with something else.

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Just stateing what I would worry bout in my local meta not everyone.


About the hq well of course I'm not going to charge into anything I can't ID with the fist, thats just stupid, I mean HQ's on foot which a basically Hammernators minus the terminator, thats what I see more then anything bar the occasional relic blade or chaplain.

We not very competive in kiwiland I guess.


Except maybe the bajillion Wolf/knights players that popped up recently, they all must order from the same sites cause they all seem to have the exact same army lists.

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Im wondering if i should drop some fists actually. They are no longer the default choice they used to be
Swords or Lances are probaly the default choice. Lances for anyone who is likely to wipe out their opponent in 1-2 rounds of CC, swords for everyone else.
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