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Chapter 666 - Grey Knights WIP

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Hey all.

Long time lurker, first time WIP poster here.

I have been playing GK since they were released with the current codex. I have, however, always loved the Grey Knights and their fluff, so when I heard that they were being re-released, I knew I just had to collect them. I also have a Space Marine army, which I have been playing since the start of 5th.

Anyways, I have (almost) all the models I need for my army assembled. But I never got round to painting the little steel buggers :(

I hope that with your comments and feedback - both positive and negative - I will be able to gather some inspiration and in the end have a fully painted army.

Without futher ado, here is a pic of one of my Strike Squads with the Nemesis Force Weapons painted.


Please let me hear what you think.



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@Battlebrother Ludovic: Thanks alot! They are indeed done with an airbrush. After a lot of attempts with wet blending, layering and what ever technique that didn't involve an airbrush, I finally caved in and bought an airbrush. Makes it alot easier!

@Circus Nurgling: The OSL is unintentional and will be removed when I paint the rest of the model. I probably should have been more specific in my post. I have only painted the Nemesis Force Weapons so far. Slow progress, I know. :rolleyes:

Here are some pictures of my test figure in order to give you a clear picture of the final look for the army. Of course, the weapon will be changed to look like the above.




In relation to colours, I use the Vallejo Model Air range. They are fantastic and flow without any issues in an airbrush. More specifically, White for the basecolor, Light Sea Blue and then Insignia Blue.

I hope to paint some more force weapons on friday night (halberds). I'll hopefully throw up some pictures of that in the weekend. The challenge for the halberds will be masking the curved parts of the blade properly, but hopefully I have that covered already. <_<

I would like to batch paint all the force weapons for the entire army and then start on the actual figures afterwards.

Thanks for commenting (and thereby motivating).




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