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Soliciting help for Shall They Know Fear VI


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Many members may have seen the Shall They Know Fear - The Bolter and Chainsword Guide to the 5th Edition Rules. We were able to create that document prior to the release of the previous edition because we were fortunate and had an advance copy of the rules. We weren't so lucky this time around and were, thus, unable to see an advance copy and write a guide beforehand. Like everyone else, we had to wait for the official release before we could get our grubby little paws on the new big rulebook


So since we weren't able to produce the guide in advance, we're now in the position of creating a guidebook after the release.


While the 5th edition guidebook was primarily developed by the "staff" of the B&C, this time around we're looking at making it more of a community thing. So we're soliciting for any interested members to assist us by creating a document similar to what we had last time. You can see the discussion forum here and the actual downloadable document here. A review of the old forum/document should give you a decent idea of what we're looking to develop this time around.


We've had a few army changes, though, so the Inquisition Armies section will be broken down into two sections. You're all probably smart enough to have already figured this out, but those sections will be Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle.


In order to participate, you'll have to have access to the new rulebook and provide an analysis of how the new rules affect CHAOS. You'll need to be knowledgeable in the codex being covered, with game play experience using that codex under the 5th edition rules.


Alternately, if you'd like to offer original art of your own for use in the new version, we'd very much appreciate it.


If you're interested in helping out, please send a PM to Brother Tyler.

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if the rumours are true, the effect of 6th edition will be short on our codex since we should get a new one within 1-2 months.


This is true, but as I posted in the Slaaneshi forum, I believe that having a foundation from which to build upon will help us adapt our new codex to 6th edition quicker and easier.


That said, if we decide to delay working on Chaos until the new codex, thats equally fine with me. Whatever is most helpful to the majority of players.

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if the rumours are true, the effect of 6th edition will be short on our codex since we should get a new one within 1-2 months.


This is true, but as I posted in the Slaaneshi forum, I believe that having a foundation from which to build upon will help us adapt our new codex to 6th edition quicker and easier.


That said, if we decide to delay working on Chaos until the new codex, thats equally fine with me. Whatever is most helpful to the majority of players.


Most will depend on GW's schedule, so we might as well get started, I don't think that there will be That much changes..

Stats and basic strategy will be mostly the same I think with the new dex for some units (I'm thinking Plague marines, bezerkers and oblits for example)

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