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Death Company & Jump Packs


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I am just wondering what people think about DC with jump packs now? Keep them small and cheap for a counter assault element or go all out and throw a wrench into the enemies plans? My old delivery system of a Storm Raven or a Rhino doesn't seem as viable any more.





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I am going through a similar quandary. I think the DC with Jump Packs are viable now thanks to the changes in Rage. I used to use Rhinos and Ravens as delivery systems as well but I think the raven is too risky now and is better used as a gun platform. I have been tempted to use Astorath and run two squads of DC, one Jump Packing and geared up for assault. The other with a few CC weapons, (Axes, Fist) and the rest bolters to give a nasty fire base as well as tough CC in a rhino.
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More than viable... They're so hard hitting, labeit expensive, that running JP deathcompany now feels almost like cheating... Still, I have found that drop podding 10 DC all with infernus pistols and chainswords... making volley on nearest enemy unit before assaulting later is also well... not much to be affraid really... I like to deny as much as possible enemy armor saves but changing my extremely expensive power weapons into infernus pistols and whatever is left shooting the sheer volume of attacks take care of rest... I am going to enjoy current DC as much as possible before GW nerf's them...
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I'd also prefer using a drop pod and bolters to thin out an important squad directly on landing. I find them too expensive with jump packs, they are a prime target anyway and they need those additional bodies.

For the same points you can take 5 DC with jumppack or 7 DC in a pod, I prefer the second option.

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In 1500P I might take Astorath, use 20 JP marines and drop pod 10. Sure I won't score anything but it will be a friendly game. I might still add Tactical marinens in rhino or in drop pod + Flameback with 5 asms just to take few scoring elements too.
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Still, I have found that drop podding 10 DC all with infernus pistols and chainswords...




umm..you sure about this?


infernus pistols are the same cost as JP, right?


It might not be what he meant, but considering the points...just as useful?

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He means in a 10 man squad you can only have 2 Infernus Pistols. 1 per 5 men.


Indeed that is what I mean 2 per 10 man... I should not be making posts 1 am in foreign languanges... lol... one per five that means 2 Infernus for 10 man... Meant to say: "all possible inferus pistols for 10 men with chainswords".

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I should not be making posts 1 am in foreign languanges... lol...


Fear not, your grammatical errors are no worse than any others here . At least you have* the excuse that english is your 2nd, or 3rd language. FYI the preposition for reply is on in english, not like in finnish where you rely to, it's a different 'rektio'! ;)


*many on these boards would have written; are having the excuse :)


So about those DC! Anyone care to get suggest numbers in a squad, and equipment?

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I am going to try a black horde, about 18 DC chain swords and bolters with 2 Power Fists's, 4 Power Weapons, 1 Infernus Pistol and Lemartes with attached libby using shield. Everything starts on the board and charges up at the same time a drop pod DC dread comes down with a heavy flamer and a magna grapple.

Backfield are a RAS with JP priest and 2 Devi squads with 8 ML's and a bare priest. Yes I know only one scoring troops choice in this it is after all a DC list not a scoring troops list. the 18 DC work out at around 38 points a model which is okay.

I know I will get some rotten matchups but I cant see DC working without ranged firepower from the devis its either them or a storm raven gunship. I think that pod coming down and the dread/pod providing wrecked stuff/cover to get the DC across the board as soon as possible will help.

the idea is if everything is in a vehicle it cant assault me till T3 soonest I will hopefully make combat by T2. If my opponent stays in his vehicles a turn then he is going to be in trouble. I really have to get around night fighting somehow, while it might help me it alsomesses with the devis badly.

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I'm running a 9 man squad with a divination libby in a drop pod. Boltguns, plasma pistol, and a thunder hammer. It's a very cheap and reliable delivery system. Drop down, rapid fire with rerolls to hit. Even if you are out of charge range turn two (most enemies tend to move away from this unit =) you can do the same thing in turn two. If you are lucky on the divination chart you can do amazing things.
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Ive tried a plain 6 man unit all bolters with DC dread footslogging on one flank - its done well enough but i think with a Baal or 2 preds it would hold a large area well.


Fairly expensive but teh setup allows massive tactical variation considering the new rapid fire rules and the Baals scout moves.


Im thinking of just running CC DC from now on though, because 2 tacs in rhinos with a priest could do about the same job really.

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Generally how I run : 2 infernus, 1-2 fists and a Hammer per 10 man. JP or Dropodded. I'll add power weapons if I have points to spare. 6th edition does give me excuse to try out the boltgun DC...
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Well I've always found 15 with a chappy in a deep striking land raider crusader useful. Take 4 power weapons and two fists and you have yourself a killer squad. Running them as bolters gives them a nice long range capability, and with charge now being 2d6 you have a chance to whittle a squad then charge it.



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I had good fun in a game yesterday with a 10 man squad and Lemartes I'm not sure how it's going to go in an FAQ if it gets bought up but we ruled the Blood Crozius was a Crozius rules wise - so a power maul only master crafted. My opponent then also made the mistake of wounding Lemartes the once. After that he was strength 8 on the charge. Just by his and their performance that game they made it into my 1.5k list it's mostly a fun list but I think they're well worth it now due to the changes made in 6th.
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Personaly, I just cant justify the points.


150 points for 10 jet packs or 35pts for a drop pod, no contest.


10 DC, two fists, the rest bolters and a pod, drop them on an enemy flank you've thrown his battle plan to pieces.


Sure, with jet packs, they're faster and can redeploy, but its their job to draw fire and cause enough confusion whilst getting killed to get the rest of your still sane marines into position.

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Personaly, I just cant justify the points.


150 points for 10 jet packs or 35pts for a drop pod, no contest.


10 DC, two fists, the rest bolters and a pod, drop them on an enemy flank you've thrown his battle plan to pieces.


Sure, with jet packs, they're faster and can redeploy, but its their job to draw fire and cause enough confusion whilst getting killed to get the rest of your still sane marines into position.


I'm looking at something very simmilar, do you think its ever going to be worth the 100 or so points for a bare bones chaplain thrown in for turn 1 disruption shenanegans? Seems like there are clear benefits to keeping them relatively cheap for the suicidal role they are playing, especially if you anticipate being counter charged. But then with the chappy they go from "dangerous thorn in the enemys side" to "deal with this or be damaged to within an inch of your life!" so I'm currently thinking hells yeh to the chappy & then just have them play "tag your it" with a more defensively deployed tactical squad pod on turn 1 if I anticipate death co. just getting hoovered off the table before they do much of anything, tho I suppose theres nothing stopping you just dropping the Death co. more defensively if its your only pod unit under those circumstances.


Trying to get back properly on topic I'm of the oppinion that Jump DC are pretty awesome now, but I'd never want more than 5 or 6 due to cost. They look like they will work very well as an expensive deathstar characther unit with either lemmy or maybe astorath, but its a unit that you will have to babysit untill they can strike as they are going to be relatively fragile due to their cost. Conversely the 10 or so in a pod suggested can afford to be much more reckless in its behavior and loose a few guys before it really hurts their effectiveness, and just generally fits the bill as a gaggle of loonatics set loose to generally mess with the enemy's best laid plans, wheras as a JP unit they become so expensive that you have to treat them more like a precious glass hammer. A bare bones DC with JP is 5pts shy of a terminator but without the 2+ sv. FNP helps alot but even terminators with FNP still die too easily in a 5 man squad for you to just throw them arround willy nilly.


JP death co. very much viable yes, but in a pod with bolters they really seem to shine :)

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Lemartes I'm not sure how it's going to go in an FAQ if it gets bought up but we ruled the Blood Crozius was a Crozius rules wise


The FAQ includes a section on Lemartes's weapon being a MC Power Maul...


Ah cheers very much :) I'm on at my parents house and they have the strictest download limits ever on data so I've not checked the FAQ yet because anything could tip it over, cheers for letting me know I've been playing within the legitimate rules. Much appreciated.

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I'm running a 9 man squad with a divination libby in a drop pod. Boltguns, plasma pistol, and a thunder hammer. It's a very cheap and reliable delivery system. Drop down, rapid fire with rerolls to hit. Even if you are out of charge range turn two (most enemies tend to move away from this unit =) you can do the same thing in turn two. If you are lucky on the divination chart you can do amazing things.



I'm afraid to tell you, but the turn you drop-pod in the Librarian cannot cast blessings or maledictions-- they occur at the beginning of the movement phase and no model may use 'beginnning of movement phase' abilities when they arrive from reserves.


Deepstriking a Divination Libby is not optimal because he cannot cast when he arrives.

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I'm looking at something very simmilar, do you think its ever going to be worth the 100 or so points for a bare bones chaplain thrown in for turn 1 disruption shenanegans? Seems like there are clear benefits to keeping them relatively cheap for the suicidal role they are playing, especially if you anticipate being counter charged. But then with the chappy they go from "dangerous thorn in the enemys side" to "deal with this or be damaged to within an inch of your life!" so I'm currently thinking hells yeh to the chappy & then just have them play "tag your it" with a more defensively deployed tactical squad pod on turn 1 if I anticipate death co. just getting hoovered off the table before they do much of anything, tho I suppose theres nothing stopping you just dropping the Death co. more defensively if its your only pod unit under those circumstances.


I agree a chappy makes them VERY scary but maybe a little too scary, i have ran 11 and a reclusiarch in a raven :)

Am considering 14 and a TERMIE Rec in a Crusader, but I'm mad.

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