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Death Company & Jump Packs


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I agree a chappy makes them VERY scary but maybe a little too scary, i have ran 11 and a reclusiarch in a raven :cuss

Am considering 14 and a TERMIE Rec in a Crusader, but I'm mad.


Remember that a model in Terminator armor stops the squad from making sweeping advances, with FNP, and all the re-rolls you have, your going to win most combats, not being able to chase them down could be a hindrance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DC in a pod suck. You drop down & do what? Fire your bolters? Maybe rapid fire if you get close? Sorry but that's just not worrying anyone. Next turn you will get shot to pieces. Also, certain armies (Nids, DE) will happily charge them, especially Nids if they can get FNP/FC or Preferred Enemy themselves. Without a Chaplain or getting Rage/Litanies off DC are just slightly better marines. I'm saying this because I tried 10xDC with a Power Fist in a Drop Pod & they got massacred, killing about 50 points worth of stuff first. DC are amazing charging, so if you aren't getting them an assault ramp then there are better units that can do their job. Tacticals are scoring, Sternguard can take combi-plasma (sick with a Divination Librarian), Frag Furiosos make better heavy support killers. I also think that DC in a Rhino suck, as I said - they want the charge, even without a Chaplain they want the charge. I vote for running them on foot (jump packs aren't needed since you can place them where you need them thanks to the SRs speed) in a Raven with a Blood Fist DCD, you zoom in & drop them off next turn, it will take a lot of dedicated fire to take out a zooming SR & if you are afraid then just Evade for a Jink save.



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Since you can now pod and move 6 inches, it's easy to run and hide into some ruin, then shoot stuff with your bolters. Cover and FnP protects you from most shooting, and if they attack you - you still have WS5, 2 base attacks, FnP and more special weapons. DC are a LOT better than standard marines, even without charging...


Just today, I podded in, easily killed the Vindicare assassin hiding in the ruin, then weathered some shooting and went on to chop some more stuff.

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At 20 points a pop for marines that are relentless, fearless, furious charging, feel no pain and able to take multi special weapon upgrades DC are amongst the elite of PA troops. The only thing is they dont hold objectives but they can certainly contest. What more do you expect for only 20 points? You can take 3 or 30 its your choice. Take 5 DC and you just got yourself a dreadnaught as a non scoring troops choice leaving your elites slot open you dont get that with 5 SWGH or GKSS

DC are up there with SW Grey Hunters and GK strike squads possibly even better DC are more utilitarian and tougher than SW or GK with their inbuilt FNP and WS5 coupled with relentless their boltguns give away virtually nothing in fire power to a storm bolter now. You will see them a lot more now with allies.

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  • 5 months later...

DC should be charging especially if you have a Chap/Rec. I'm planning to use JPs to make sure I get to charge as opposed to getting charged.


If charged, I lose:


1) +1 str from FC

2) 2 attacks from Rage

3) Rerolls to hit from Chap

4) Rerolls to wound from Chap

5) Any chance at HoW I:10 attacks


Veterans may be able to see their charges a turn or 2 ahead, but as a new player, I think those packs will give me the mobility I need to make sure I get the charge.

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I've been trying them in a raider recently, which is just insane.


Its quite scary to think 30 with bolters is 600 pts.

Three Tactical Squads and an priest is 560 pts.


I still dont see the reason for jump packs, a small counter assault unit shouldnt need them, they should be able hang back and wait for their opportunity.

In a big unit, its too much, ten is 150pts, you can buy a raider for 240 (or a good one for 250/260)

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I understand they have benefits and it is comparing apples to oranges, but for the cost of a Land Raider, you can get 7 more DC, Jump Packs and another PW.


Just FYI -

15 DC + LRC +1 Chap = 650

15 DC + 15 JPs + 1 Chap w/ JP = 650


If I had that big of a blob of DC I'd want the LRC ... just saying the jump packs aren't that expensive considering the other option.


Benefits vs Drawbacks - LRC

-Safest way to roll around

-Less chance of being wittled down by anti personnel fire

-Chance of getting stranded if LRC goes boom

-Can be roadblocked


Benefits vs Drawbacks - Packs

-Attrition from anti personnel weapons

-Better mobility in movent and charges

-Can't be stranded

-Can't be roadblocked

-HoW attack


Again I am new at this so let me know if there is a flaw there :cuss

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I have always run my death company without jump packs only because I don't like paying an extra 15 points for a jump pack and rage in 5th meant they were impossible to control properly, especially on a 10 man squad. Though I always thought that jump pack equipped troops tended to get shot up a bit too much while they crossed the field to be quite as good as their mechanised counterparts. Though with the new hammer of wrath rules and the changes to rage mean it is a viable option.


Though i still run mine without jump packs in a raven, rhino or razorback depending on the situation I have been tempted to equip them with jump packs instead. I just find the extra survivability of being in a transport on this squad given that certainly going to be targeted.


I used to run DC+Chaplain in a LR Redeemer in my old list which is a nasty combination, especially as you can pretty much guarantee getting the charge, which was another main reason for not giving them jump packs and putting them in a transport.

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I am finding all kinds of uses for them 30 DC just with bolters is a great idea I just dont have 30 DC models with bolters. I do have 20 DC with jump packs and I do use them aweful costly but so much fun.


My current load is around 6-7 DC a power sword two axes and if points allow a chaplain with power fist. A librarian will do in a pinch as divination/prescience/missfortune can really stack against a large unit. If the DC get foreboding a 4++ even better. I think an epistolary using divinationlore would really benefit the DC more than any other unit

7 DC with chaplain charged 20 blood letters, the chaplain used his corzius, the libby cast missfortune on the blood letters. 26 wounds just from the I4 DC all which required re-rolls on successful saves saw the bloodletters gone. I lost my DC too but thats fine the points were the same but the DC killed a scary 20 troop blob the instant it dropped, they were the counter charge unit protecting my troops on objectives. The jump packs mean DC get where you need them, when you want them and they are able to assault. If they are getting shot at then thats fine too because other things are not getting shot. I dont worry about terrain I seek it out just have the DC plow through it jumping. Dangerous tests on a 1 then an armour save then a FNP means they dont give a damn and are never slowed.

DC with jump packs threat range is 12 plus 7 inches for the charge thats 38 inches around them. It seems a good idea to throw an infernus pistol in the squad, if you dont have a chaplain and are relying on the librarian casting divination its now twin linked.

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I agree that the librarian/Epistolary has a lot of potential with the DC. I would love to see them with Invisibility.


Also I know it would be pricey, but I think I'll try 10 DC with JP's, 2 Plas pistos, 5 power swords and 5 power axes. They should make for a decent death star unit.

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I figured posting in a 6 month old thread was better than starting a new one to discuss something that many people have already taken the time to give feedback on.


As opposed to the expensive options, has anyone had luck with using a rhino 1st turn then having them run behind it afterwards? I am a-scared of having them in a non-assault vehicle. I suppose it would just be easier to drop pod em instead.

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A rhino you're looking at:


T1, Boost up to enemy.

T2. Rhino is either busted and the DC shot, or you get out, and the DC shot.

T3. Whats left of the DC charge.


If you want the rhino, an option is to drop them in cover (an objective, ideally) in the middle of the board through a normal rhino move, disembark move+run, then rhino boost to cover them. Then throw multiple threats at the opponent in the same turn (jumpers, raiders, meph, etc). You should get the T2 charge, if they have moved up.


A pod gets them on a flank rapidly. If you've done it right, enemy units shooting at them will have to draw LOS through their own units, so they get cover. Let them roll up a flank. Give them bolters in case the enemy repositions


Packs are good, keep the unit smaller so you can hide them, or larger if you local game place has good terrain.

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I'm finding that 15 Death Company with a Reclusiarch in a land raider crusader is pretty much the way to go. Give the death company two power weapons, two thunderhammers and a powerfist along with two infernus pistols and you can pretty much take on anything.


In my 1500pt list I add ten thunderhammer and stormshield terminators with a sanguinary priests and also a Death Company Dreadnaught in a drop pod. Really nasty stuff.

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I'm finding that 15 Death Company with a Reclusiarch in a land raider crusader is pretty much the way to go. Give the death company two power weapons, two thunderhammers and a powerfist along with two infernus pistols and you can pretty much take on anything.


I'm curious to know if you use them with bolters or CCW/BP's ?


I've decided to magnetise all my DC Jump Packs finally, but does anyone model their DC with all three weapons, or a variety of them across their DC mdoels (think Plague Marines and Grey Hunters), so you can pick and choose bolters versus CCW/BP's without having too many models?

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I love deepstriking a JP squad of 5 with a Reclusiarch HQ, an infernus pistol, 2 powerfists and 2 thunderhammers. Horrifically expensive, but that 300pt. unit has sofar slain every vehicle and/or small unit it's encountered.

That's the unit I send to lock down the 'hard targets' to hold them in place for the support elements, which also frees up the attention of my remaining units.

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DC with jump packs threat range is 12 plus 7 inches for the charge thats 38 inches around them. It seems a good idea to throw an infernus pistol in the squad, if you dont have a chaplain and are relying on the librarian casting divination its now twin linked.


A Land Raider is also a 12 inch move (6 on the truck, 6 on the disembark) and then the 7 inch charge. While I agree with what you said its going to come down to size of the squad. If you're running 7 DC its gonna be more cost efficent to take those Jump Packs. But if you're running a squad of 10 or more and the two mentioned above in a LRC, I'd have to say for what you're getting that may be the way to go.


Plus you have to consider deep strike, shooting while moving, lack of fire ports and the fact that you're bringing along another shooting platform that can engage multiple targets.

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A DC unit shouldn't cost more than 250pts (not including the IC)


They aren't a Hammer, they are a diversion.


And I have no problem Drop Podding them with a Libby. Against 3+ I just take Prescience and Smite. Smite is fun out of a Drop Pod along with a selection of rapid firing bolters. Then you charge whatever is left next turn.


If your DC survive the game you either got very lucky or you aren't using them correctly.

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A DC unit shouldn't cost more than 250pts (not including the IC)


They aren't a Hammer, they are a diversion.


And I have no problem Drop Podding them with a Libby. Against 3+ I just take Prescience and Smite. Smite is fun out of a Drop Pod along with a selection of rapid firing bolters. Then you charge whatever is left next turn.


If your DC survive the game you either got very lucky or you aren't using them correctly.


This ^^, they are amazing at drawing fire from the enemy, especially mid game when you're just getting your assault squads into range. Often the tactical advantage of death company are not what they do, but what they stop the enemy doing.

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A DC unit shouldn't cost more than 250pts (not including the IC)


They aren't a Hammer, they are a diversion.


And I have no problem Drop Podding them with a Libby. Against 3+ I just take Prescience and Smite. Smite is fun out of a Drop Pod along with a selection of rapid firing bolters. Then you charge whatever is left next turn.


If your DC survive the game you either got very lucky or you aren't using them correctly.


This ^^, they are amazing at drawing fire from the enemy, especially mid game when you're just getting your assault squads into range. Often the tactical advantage of death company are not what they do, but what they stop the enemy doing.


Agreed today I played 7 DC in my list with Lemartes. They killed a soul grinder then stopped a blood crusher unit then held up a bunch of blood letters. I had one DC left at the end and and the RAS on the objective. Every game they end up either terrorising someones troops or holding a line on defence. They are very flexible. Having a 4++ from foreboding helped a lot. DC work in well with a libby in 6th Ed. The last 3 games they have been solid performers and usually never make it to the end of the game.

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In an assault vehicle, DC should have assault weapons (IE BP/CW)


On foot or a none assault vehicle, bolters.


Depends on what you want them to do,

Big squad in a raider are there to annihilate something and draw fire.

So they have to look scary, those extra 15 attacks are scary


Small squads are more likely to hold around the mid field as a counter assault unit or a reserve, they need bolters so they can do something T1-3


Exceptions are fists always get bolters and PW always get pistols.


Digging 10 DC with bolters and a fist out of cover is a nightmare, because shooting them without rapid fire doesnt work, shooting them with rapid fire means they will walk out of cover and tear your throat out, and assaulting into cover still leaves you fighting WS5 marines with 2A and FNP, assuming you dont fail the charge.

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I'm finding that 15 Death Company with a Reclusiarch in a land raider crusader is pretty much the way to go. Give the death company two power weapons, two thunderhammers and a powerfist along with two infernus pistols and you can pretty much take on anything.


I'm curious to know if you use them with bolters or CCW/BP's ?


I've decided to magnetise all my DC Jump Packs finally, but does anyone model their DC with all three weapons, or a variety of them across their DC mdoels (think Plague Marines and Grey Hunters), so you can pick and choose bolters versus CCW/BP's without having too many models?


I've been given them CCW/BP's, except for the two thunderhammer guys and the powerfist guy who have bolters. The reason being is the extra attack for the extra weapon is more useful. With WS5 you are hitting most things on 3's and with S5 on the charge you are wounding most things on 3's. Bolters are normally hitting on 3's but wounding on 4's so statistically the CCW/BP is the better option, especially if you're charging from a Land Raider, so you'll be within bolt pistol range anyway. The thunderhammer/powerfist guys get bolters because they don't get the extra close combat weapon attack anyway.

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