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Does Focused Witchfire Telepathy 'Puppet Master' work on

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Vehicle models? Page 67 lists the same rule as 5th about using powers on a unit in the vehicle. Common sense would say 'no, the crew is inside' but we know how nonspecific rules are these days. The power (pg. 423) just says 'The Target' (not unit or model). Likewise, the power is telepathic, not telekenetic. Objuraction Mechanicum in Teleknesis specifically targets machines.
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It does appear that way. But I cannot shake the feeling that this is not intended. For one, almost all other 'Telepathy' powers have an effect that only works on non-vehicles, either requiring a leadership test or causing a morale effect. As such, the other powers don't do anything against vehicles (except maybe 'Invisibility', and one of the table results of 'Hallucination'). So that makes me think that the entire 'Hallucination' discipline is perhaps meant to work only on non-vehicle models.

Another thing is that the 'Puppet Master' rule specifies that the targeted model cannot fire on its own unit, and vehicles (while temselves counting as an individual unit) do not come in units (yeah, they occasionally come in squadrons. but they are called... well, "squadrons"). So I do feel that this power is meant to have one model from a unit fire its weapon at one of its allied units, and not a Leman Russ Battle Tank or Vindicator firing their ordnance cannons.


Oh, that reminds me of another critical point. The 'Puppet Master' power states that the target model fires as if it was one of your own models. That means that if the target was a walker, you would be allowed to pivot that walker towards the intended target, enabling the player using that power to expose a walkers rear armour. I really don't think that was the intention.

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When firing with a walker, the entire walker is pivoted on the spot to face its target unit. See page 84 in the Rulebook. The paragraph even reminds the player to be careful, because the Walker's new facing will also determine which side will be exposed to the enemy when he returns fire.
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