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Psychic Powers in 6th?


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Ok, I have been on here for a while now reading all the great advice every one has to offer and am figuring now is as good a time as any to jump in.


I was reading up on the new psychic powers in the new rule book and i'm just not feal'n it. Not so psyched to get a random power. I do like the Divination Primaris power, "Prescience" Re-rolls to hit. Or i'm thinking just stick with Rage & Blood Lance. With Rage we get re-roll 1's to hit & to wound including the Hammer of Wrath & I get to keep Blood Lance & not settle for a random power. Or what am I missing?


Typically I like to run JP assault squads 2-3 of them. Not so much a DoA, I'll start on the board.


What do people see that they like for the new psychic powers?

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Generally Divination is where it's at. The base power is strong, and the table ones range from always excellent, to situationally excellent. It pretty much works out as roll and hope for the best, accept the base if necessary.

In saying that, an Epistolary rolling on Telepathy can be a goer as well as both Warp Charge 2 powers are brutal, and the Primaris Power is also good.


Rage is still okay, when you're 3+ to hit 2+ to wound rerolling 1's is great. As is Shield, 5+ on the whole unit stacks with all the ways you can get stealth now (Nightfight/Objectives) and takes out the focus fire aspect of hugging natural 5+ cover.

Rage and Shield are a go to for me with JP Assaulters backed up by Priests. Charging in with Axes they are a very strong assault unit. If one unit gets shot up on the way in, and it will, jump the characters into another.


Still, two of the Divination table powers remove or force a reroll of cover saves for vehicles as well as being able to twin link either your JP Assault squad Melta or say, a escorting unit of MM Attack Bikes.


The ideal world could be an Epistolary with Divination and a Codicier with Shield/Unleash.


Never really rated Blood Lance in the slightest, sorry :/

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Well, not to dig too deep into the actual power details... since a lot of people probably still need to get the new book.


I actually like the new random powers, since it makes each game a little bit different and helps change your strategy. ( Plus, now I have a real reason to use my tac marines.)

I think Biomancy is pretty good. The first power in that can really turn a libby into a beast. The second one can weaken an enemy unit before you charge them ( think about charge into other marines or orkz... or even better a swarm of gaunts.) Now you have really got a good power with it. The third power is not bad, though a bit redundant for us, but does effect a whole unit. The fourth power would be great for a beast like Mephy, but I will probably still run Meph with his base powers. The fifth power is a nice one, except for how fleet works now... though might be better than I thinking. The last one, might just be really sick... or could be a complete dud. It just depends on how the dice go.

Divination powers are not bad, but seem to mainly help shooting units in most cases. Precog is not so hot for us, since it only has the psyker has the target. Personally I find the Primaris Power to be the best of these.

I don't really see a lot of use for the Telekinesis powers, the best to me is either one or four... not really BA to me.

As for Telepathy, Puppet Master could be interesting... though opponent could just use a 'Look out' if in/near a unit. Could be great against something like an Dread, Obliterator, or Broadside though.

Invisibility could be a real nice trick power. The number six power could be huge, but being Warp Charge 2 probably stops me from getting any use out of it.


So that is my take on the new powers.


Going to probably test out a dual libby list pretty soon. Going to be BA and Ultra allies... should be able to get a nice mix of powers. Also, don't forget you can get two disciplines and not just the same chart.

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With how good the Divination table is, the Epistolary option is now pretty viable. For 100pts, you get one Power. For 150pts, you cast two powers. Or two libby's to cast one each is 200pts....


With that awesome Divination table 4/6 of the powers are simply boss-- and the Primaris is superb as well. Chances are you won't roll both of the stinkers, and if you roll one of them then trade for the Primaris.


For 50% of his points increase, he gets 100% utility boost. Not to mention he can start self-comboing... The traditional BA powers don't combo as strong as the Divination table can.

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Divination is awesome! I ran a Mastery 2 libby in terminator armour storm shield with 7 terminators and a Furioso libby and some scouts for troups. I roll my powers and got a Forewarning and Foreboding allowing my Terminator to have 4++ and overwatching on BS with counter attack every turn! I destroyed my opponent with just that squad while My libby Dread took Telepathy and got Terrify it really does make everything run off the broad! And the hoods stoped my army taking a single pschic attack the whole game!
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I'm warming up to the Assail power as well. It's got a nice range and pretty decent strength. I was at first worried about the lack of AP on it, but I was not reading the rule for Strikedown right. With the new knowledge it looks a lot better. As an assault army it is nice to put a hurt on the opponents initiative and with the way it is fired you can really put the hurt on anything from Marines, Bugs, and Dark Eldar. I'm tempted to run my next Libby with Prescience and Assail and see how it works out. ( I'm focusing mainly on tactics with the Primaris Powers first, since worst case those are what I will have. I'll work my way into the others as I go.)
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I asked this over in OFFICIAL RULES but I wanted to see what my Blood Angel Battle-Brothers think.



My question instead is, do you HAVE to say on your Army List what the Librarian will do, OR do you always pick codex powers and then right before the game begins you may swap the powers.... AND say for different games in a tournament, you can always choose to switch disciplines or keep your codex powers?


One way seems pretty standard, very strict and pre-planned (the way it's always been).


The way the FAQs seem to be written though, the flexible option appears correct.

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I would think if your using the codex powers, then it is still the same. But, if you choose to use the new book powers, then you would roll for them before the game. It is still mostly random, so you not able to tweak them to one opponent as easily.
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I would think if your using the codex powers, then it is still the same. But, if you choose to use the new book powers, then you would roll for them before the game. It is still mostly random, so you not able to tweak them to one opponent as easily.


Not really what I was asking.


Scenario 1)


I write my tournament list at home, I write down which two codex powers I've selected. Game 1, I decide I will swap for Divination, Game 2 I decide to keep codex powers, Game 3 I decide to swap for Biomancy.



Scenario 2)


I write my tournament list at home, I write down I'm swapping for Divination. I can only use Divination table.





Which is correct?

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I think potentially Option 3, mate.


Write down that you'll be swapping out the powers. You dont have to declare which ones youre swapping out for until you play your opponent.


edit: however, with how its written in the FAQ, you may even be able to swap out on the fly.

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Tournament-wise, wont it depend on what the organisers say? So if in doubt, send them an email :)


Now for a quick question, have I interpreted this correctly? If I choose one of the new decks I get a default power that I may either keep or roll for a new one?

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A Blood Angels Librarian (including Mephiston) may use the

psychic disciplines found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook,

instead of those in Codex: Blood Angels. If he does so, generate

two new powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Telepathy or

Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) before armies are



yeah it does appear so Morticon

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Everyone is talking about Divination, sure it's really good, but have you seen the Telepathy powers?


The bad part is that you'll need to pay an extra 50pts to use the really, really good ones (and it's only...erh...some percentage chance to get it). But...invisibility? Going up against hammernators and they'll only hit you on 6's, and you hit them on 2's? Yes please. Hallucination against some nob bikers?


And the primaris is at least ok. If combined with a allied psyker battle squad it kills everything. Too bad the psyker battle squad don't come in plastic.

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I'm testing all the rulebook psychic lores as part of my 10 game challenge. Divination's been the best so far, I've not really got much of a chance with telepathy yet (as the game was quite quick and his powers never really got needed) and I've yet to try biomancy, which I'll be doing next. I've yet to find a compelling reason to take telekinesis or telepathy over divination though.
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I'm testing all the rulebook psychic lores as part of my 10 game challenge. Divination's been the best so far, I've not really got much of a chance with telepathy yet (as the game was quite quick and his powers never really got needed) and I've yet to try biomancy, which I'll be doing next. I've yet to find a compelling reason to take telekinesis or telepathy over divination though.


Im finding this to be the case too


Divination is way too good.

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I can't shake the thought of Mephiston with iron arm (biomancy). + d3 for S, + d3 for T and eternal warrior. It's a gamble, I know. One in 6. But still.

It's worth a lot to us who don't play that often to have the veterans leading the way. Thanks everybody. :)

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I can't shake the thought of Mephiston with iron arm (biomancy). + d3 for S, + d3 for T and eternal warrior. It's a gamble, I know. One in 6. But still.

It's worth a lot to us who don't play that often to have the veterans leading the way. Thanks everybody. :)



More like 1 out of 3 because you get two chances...... (2 dice times 1/6 chance = 1/3)


The only thing that 'gets' me for Biomancy Mephiston is that he trades 3 powers for only two (not too bad since then he can always activate forceweapon) but that the Biomancy table is worse than his innate powers.


JP-movement is just so clutch for him, and Str10 is godly now when hitting T5 or -any- vehicle. He's already somewhat ID-proof @T6, so basically Iron Arm would only give survivability through higher toughness (which Enfeeble would have the same bottom-line effect, so your chances just got to 4/6 for the 'survivability thru toughness'). While it is attractive to only be wounded by a PF on 4+..... if he's only hunting 3+ save Units (as he should be) then usually he can challengekill that PF first before it swings anyway.


So his innate abilities are just better all-around than even if you could hand-select Iron Arm. Just IMO but there you have it.

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I just re-read the divination powers again. The sixth one has me slightly... confused...


"Scrier's Gaze is a blessing that targets the Pysker. Whilst the power is in effect, you can roll three dice and choose the result you want when rolling for Reserves, Outflank and mysterious terrian"


To me that means only for your reserves, outflanks and mysterious terrian rolls. Or does it mean you can roll for your opponant aswell?


Maybe its becuase i'm tired but can someone give me their take on it (dunno if there is a huge rule thread on it, don't want to start another either)


However if we can roll for the opponant surely thats crazy-good. Right?

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Ok just got back from Friday night 750 pt turni. Divination is great! Prescience is a great default & there are many others that stack up with it for insane combos. I did take the Epistolary upgrade, I would say almost a must because the powers stack so well together. Highlight of the night. I cast Precognition, got shot by the Triarch Stalker (did louse one guy to that) then twin linked from 2 - 10 man squads of warriors & 1 ghost arch. I took about 18 wounds and with the 3+ 3+ 5+ I lost no one else. Then on my turn cast Prescience, Melta guns made quick work of the ghost arch & Assaulted the guys that where inside. There are many other sweet combos on the Divination page!
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I just re-read the divination powers again. The sixth one has me slightly... confused...


"Scrier's Gaze is a blessing that targets the Pysker. Whilst the power is in effect, you can roll three dice and choose the result you want when rolling for Reserves, Outflank and mysterious terrian"


To me that means only for your reserves, outflanks and mysterious terrian rolls. Or does it mean you can roll for your opponant aswell?


Maybe its becuase i'm tired but can someone give me their take on it (dunno if there is a huge rule thread on it, don't want to start another either)


However if we can roll for the opponant surely thats crazy-good. Right?


As it says 'you' can roll three dice, I would assume it only effects your turn, as you wouldn't roll your opponents dice. And i think it would be way OP if you could.

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Just played a game with 2x Epistolaries, one Terminator and one Jump-Pack (game was 1500pts).


IDK, I'm kindof starting to re-think my opinion on the Epistolary upgrade. In the game I played, most of the time I cast Prescience at the beginning of my movement phase and Forewarning at the beginning of the opponent's movement phase (and never ended up casting Precognition).


In fact, of the 7 Divination powers, #6 Scrier's is auto-replace, #1 Foreboding you will ONLY cast in the opponent's phase, and #2 Forewarning will -most- frequently cast only in the opponent's movement phase (prepping against his shooting and charging) as well. #5 Precognition is usually only useful on a TerminatorLibby and even then rarely vies for double-cast ability.


So basically there are only 2 of 6 powers that you would really want to cast at the same time as a combo w/each other or with Primaris. However chances of getting one of those powers in order to combo it is at 66% (two dice, 2/6 powers).


So you have ~33% chance that the 50pts Epistolary upgrade is 'wasted'. Not worthless, but certainly not auto-take like I had thought. I'll be saving Epistolary for the higher points level from now on.

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