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Who to take as an ally!

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You're a Word Bearer. You're taking Daemons. Its in the bylaws.


I was going to think up a worthwhile arguement but in the end, I like this answer the best. In the end, I think of daemons > cultists > traitor guardsmen when I'm considering Word Bearers.

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You're a Word Bearer. You're taking Daemons. Its in the bylaws.


I was going to think up a worthwhile arguement but in the end, I like this answer the best. In the end, I think of daemons > cultists > traitor guardsmen when I'm considering Word Bearers.

Definitely the best pattern for Wordies. Which isn't to say that there are times that one other would be better than another at certain times. The fun thing is that right now you can sort of have both! Cultists are Allied Guard appropriately modeled (with a Priest to ride herd) and Summoned Daemons added to the list, you're all good. Sadly, those daemons would miss out on some of the more delicious abilities.

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If you take IG as allies can you take more than 1 techpriest or priest in addition to a commisar lord or psyker since they don't take up any force organisation so you could take 5 techpriests and hide them behind a land raider or defiler so they can repair it????
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If you take IG as allies can you take more than 1 techpriest or priest in addition to a commisar lord or psyker since they don't take up any force organisation so you could take 5 techpriests and hide them behind a land raider or defiler so they can repair it????


I've been wondering about that myself and I don't see why not, well, apart from Techpriests being listed as 0-2, so no taking 5 of them like you suggested.

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I have about 10 karaskin models that I used as inquisitorial storm troopers, as well as chimera and a commisar, and could easily model a primaris psycher or a psychic battle squad. Am thinking of taking them as traitor guard allies for my Thousand sons, the fact I could get some leman Russ's cheap off ebay and then be able to use them as support for my thousand sons is tempting, could use some of the artillery as well.
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I've been wondering about that myself and I don't see why not, well, apart from Techpriests being listed as 0-2, so no taking 5 of them like you suggested.


I may be wrong but I don't think it would work because IG are not brothers in arms on our allies chart. Therefore I don't think they're considered friendly units.

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I've been wondering about that myself and I don't see why not, well, apart from Techpriests being listed as 0-2, so no taking 5 of them like you suggested.


I may be wrong but I don't think it would work because IG are not brothers in arms on our allies chart. Therefore I don't think they're considered friendly units.

That is correct. But they can repair Vendettas, Hydras, Leman Russes, Basilisks, etc.

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I've been wondering about that myself and I don't see why not, well, apart from Techpriests being listed as 0-2, so no taking 5 of them like you suggested.


I may be wrong but I don't think it would work because IG are not brothers in arms on our allies chart. Therefore I don't think they're considered friendly units.


I was just refering to the part about being able to take priests or techpriests in addition to another HQ choice in an allied detachment, my bad for being vague about that.

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I have had only one game with allies so far, but I can say, put a platoon of renegade IG in a building and they are nigh invulnerable... They'll shoot any assaulting forces and they'll hide behind their walls from the fire(besides, you marines are quite the capable diversion when it comes to soaking firepower).


In that game I had a blob, a ccs and a hws occupying a building, they were not moved from there by firepower and nobody got even close to assaulting them in there! You need a few squads to make orders viable, but when you have them...the IG part of your force will be awesome! :lol:

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I have had only one game with allies so far, but I can say, put a platoon of renegade IG in a building and they are nigh invulnerable...


That has not been my experience with buildings. Have you seen the damage table for buildings? When you take penetrating hits masonry and walls collapse on you, you take automatic hits that get no cover saves, horrible things like that. I lost a Havoc squad that was hiding in a church when the roof collapsed and crushed them. Poor bastards never got a shot off. If your opponent has big enough guns, they're naught but death traps for occupants, same as flyers.

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Ig for undivided, lets roll in those Iron warriors lists eg,


Chaos lord


2x10 csm


3x3 Obliterators


Techpriest with daemonic servitors (B))


10 Vets with melta madness





I dunno if its good or anything but its fluffy.

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Ask yourself these questions:


Do defiled, wrecked-up, Chaosified Valkyries look awesome?


Are Traitor Guard awesome?


Do defiled, Chaosified Sentinels look awesome?


Do scruffy, Chaos-sworn human militia / soldiers look awesome?


Do defiled, Chaosified Leman Russes and Baneblades look awesome?


Is all of this fluffy, bearing in mind what many warbands will have access to, and the myriad worlds and opportunities in the Eye of Terror, or in terms of raiding the Imperium for slaves?


For me, the answer is a massive Yes to all of those. My Word Bearers will march with an oath-sworn, devout Traitor Guard force, no question. Too cool not to.

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I think my Thousand Sons will be taking some IG to represent the chaos tainted remnants of the Prospero Spire Guard, something like


Primaris Psyker (Thrall Sorcerer)

Plasma vets in a spiky chimera

Psyker Battle Squad (For some Thrall Wizards)


I'm very tempted to start a Khornate army later in the year, which would grab some bloodletters and bloodcrushers as I've always loved their models.

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thing is the spire guard were left on prospero , magnus teleported only the 1ksons . I doubt there is an alive member of the spire guard right now , unless its in someones jar or something like that.


IIRC, some of them were present at the battle of the Fang, so I guess some survived Prospero.

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Well all the dudes that ended up on the planet of sorc mutated ultra fast . If some not protected humans ended up there then they ended up as goo . I mean Ahriman had to do the whole rubric thing to not end up with a legion of spawns . I doubt the SW purge left anyone alive on Prospero , they werent known for showing mercy to enemies . So no idea how they got there . Magnus using a time portal and mind controling them is a possible option . but time travel/magic is always a too easy excuse for anything.
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Ig for undivided, lets roll in those Iron warriors lists eg,


Chaos lord


2x10 csm


3x3 Obliterators


Techpriest with daemonic servitors (<_<)


10 Vets with melta madness





I dunno if its good or anything but its fluffy.

Need an IG HQ here. The Techpriest doesn't qualify any more than a Greater Summoned Daemon does for us (though, you still can take 2 Priests after the requirement).


Now if only the Techpriests could repair Chaos Land Raiders, Defilers, and Rhinos.

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Well all the dudes that ended up on the planet of sorc mutated ultra fast . If some not protected humans ended up there then they ended up as goo . I mean Ahriman had to do the whole rubric thing to not end up with a legion of spawns . I doubt the SW purge left anyone alive on Prospero , they werent known for showing mercy to enemies . So no idea how they got there . Magnus using a time portal and mind controling them is a possible option . but time travel/magic is always a too easy excuse for anything.


Only the Thousand Sons mutated immediately (because of their unstable geneseed and new patron), there are thousands of humans and mutants on the Planet of Sorcerers and they're not 'goo', given that I'd have all of 10 vets they're simply the ones lucky enough to have been brought back from Fenris by a sorcerer who forsaw the coming schism and knew he'd want some loyal servants. I'm going to put the odd mutation in there to represent them being on the Planet of Sorcerers for so long. That's My Canon, and I'm sticking to it :D

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there are thousands of humans and mutants on the Planet of Sorcerers and they're not 'goo', given that I'd have all of 10 vets they're simply the ones lucky enough to have been brought back from Fenris by a sorcerer who forsaw the coming schism and knew he'd want some loyal servants.

10k years old dudes with mark of a god either go Lord or go Demon prince or go spawn . Everyone else is dead. The sorc and slaves on all demon worlds inside the eye are rather fresh .


and why would a 1ksons Sorc create a trans dimensional portal from reality to the planet of sorc for 10 dudes ? I mean not even magnus does that for his sons .

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Ask yourself these questions:


Do defiled, wrecked-up, Chaosified Valkyries look awesome?


Are Traitor Guard awesome?


Do defiled, Chaosified Sentinels look awesome?


Do scruffy, Chaos-sworn human militia / soldiers look awesome?


Do defiled, Chaosified Leman Russes and Baneblades look awesome?


Is all of this fluffy, bearing in mind what many warbands will have access to, and the myriad worlds and opportunities in the Eye of Terror, or in terms of raiding the Imperium for slaves?


For me, the answer is a massive Yes to all of those. My Word Bearers will march with an oath-sworn, devout Traitor Guard force, no question. Too cool not to.


Amen! Just thinking about the amount of convertion possibilities makes me excited!

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Agreed. I'm forcing myself not to buy any Guard, to avoid distraction. Right now my plate is full with Chaos Marine inspired projects that I need to see through. Once more of that is done however, I can't wait to sink my teeth into building a Traitor Guard force to accompany my Black Legion. There's just too many opportunities with Guard vehicles alone, to ignore.
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10k years old dudes with mark of a god either go Lord or go Demon prince or go spawn . Everyone else is dead. The sorc and slaves on all demon worlds inside the eye are rather fresh .

Uh, source? Time has no meaning in the warp. The Heresy happened yesterday, and an eternity ago.

Likewise, the concept of 'fresh' is of little consequence. Slaves might die or mutate, but relatively stable populations can certainly exist on daemon worlds (the maelstrom is chock-full of em).

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