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Who to take as an ally!

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let me make a case for the IG. Get a veteran squad, outfit them with 3 special weapons, put them in a valkyrie, have them all in reserve. On the valkyrie, have heavy bolters & multiple rocket pods. Once they're available, zoom move onto the board (up to 36") and you're able to fire 4 out of your 5 weapons. Open up with the rockets & heavy bolters. Unless he has traitor guard with a hydra or aegis defense lines (AA) he won't be able to hit you consistently. Next turn, drop off the veterans (provided they're near an objective) and keep firing!


Okay so there's an HQ, cheap troop choice & a pretty good gunship for ~350pts. After that, you go nutty with your heavy support. 3 Russ tanks fit in one FOC slot.

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I agree with this, except I'd take a vendetta. Three twin-linked lascannons are pretty. To be honest, I'd take a couple

Agreed. And if you REALLY want to shut down any possible airforce, forget the Russes and toss in some Hydras.


Between the (hopefully upcoming) Dragons, Vendettas, and Hydras (and hopefully Flakk Missiles), you can get really nasty vs any Flying Circus army you may face.

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I really want to include some real greater daemons, and I have a whole load of daemons gathering dust since the Gavdex was released. However, I also have my Traitor IG who have been made specifically to theme up with my WB, and now I finally can!

I'm thinking a Chaos Champion (Commissar Lord) leading blob squad, and having my unit of 30 cultists (conscripts) at the front with Send in the next wave!

Maybe a squad of Battle Psychers, and some Leman Russes. Maybe my Eradicator will do more good killing snipers now than in 5ed? I also have my Sentinels/Spiderbots who look like little daemon engines who I also want to include.


IG allies sound so much more fun than daemons to be honest. More hard hitting cc units? Not exactly something my CSM need. Meatshields, tanks and light armour? That sounds interesting!

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let me make a case for the IG. Get a veteran squad, outfit them with 3 special weapons, put them in a valkyrie, have them all in reserve. On the valkyrie, have heavy bolters & multiple rocket pods. Once they're available, zoom move onto the board (up to 36") and you're able to fire 4 out of your 5 weapons. Open up with the rockets & heavy bolters. Unless he has traitor guard with a hydra or aegis defense lines (AA) he won't be able to hit you consistently. Next turn, switch to skimmer mode to drop off the veterans (provided they're near an objective) In skimmer mode you lose some ability to fire your weapons, but you do get a "jink" save. so after dropping off the vets, go back to flyer & start zooming.


Okay so there's an HQ, cheap troop choice & a pretty good gunship for ~350pts. After that, you go nutty with your heavy support. 3 Russ tanks fit in one FOC slot.


Why are you Hovering? Hovering cripples Valkyries' mobility and firepower. You're better off deploying via grav chute (You can disembark from a valkyrie via deep strike no matter how far it moves).

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Ig for undivided, lets roll in those Iron warriors lists eg,


Chaos lord


2x10 csm


3x3 Obliterators


Techpriest with daemonic servitors (:evil:)


10 Vets with melta madness





I dunno if its good or anything but its fluffy.

Need an IG HQ here. The Techpriest doesn't qualify any more than a Greater Summoned Daemon does for us (though, you still can take 2 Priests after the requirement).


Now if only the Techpriests could repair Chaos Land Raiders, Defilers, and Rhinos.



Ah yes they changed that again i noticed now, my bad.

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let me make a case for the IG. Get a veteran squad, outfit them with 3 special weapons, put them in a valkyrie, have them all in reserve. On the valkyrie, have heavy bolters & multiple rocket pods. Once they're available, zoom move onto the board (up to 36") and you're able to fire 4 out of your 5 weapons. Open up with the rockets & heavy bolters. Unless he has traitor guard with a hydra or aegis defense lines (AA) he won't be able to hit you consistently. Next turn, switch to skimmer mode to drop off the veterans (provided they're near an objective) In skimmer mode you lose some ability to fire your weapons, but you do get a "jink" save. so after dropping off the vets, go back to flyer & start zooming.


Okay so there's an HQ, cheap troop choice & a pretty good gunship for ~350pts. After that, you go nutty with your heavy support. 3 Russ tanks fit in one FOC slot.


Why are you Hovering? Hovering cripples Valkyries' mobility and firepower. You're better off deploying via grav chute (You can disembark from a valkyrie via deep strike no matter how far it moves).

actually, yes... you are correct. Scratch what I said about switching to skimmer. I thought I had seen something about not being able to disembark after a "zoom" move. But the FAQ says that we totally can, so I'll go with the FAQ. Thanks for pointing that out, otherwise I'd have been playing it wrong as well.


Edit: Alright, fixed the first post.

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