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Power armor chaos lords

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Best thing about Chaos (from a modeling perspective) is you can pick up ANY marine model and turn it to chaos. Like that Seth character from blood angels? file off the loyalist icons and add some spikes, instant chaos lord. Some are harder to convert then others naturally.


I've made Chaos power armoured lords from a dark angel model, Fabius bile, basic plastic guys, legion of the damned, Cypher etc

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Yeah, I love making Chaos lords. I've got about 6, even if they are somewhat useless under our current dex. I make em out of possessed, Khorne berzerkers, assault marines, csm, pretty much any model that has dynamic and ornate peices to make my character stand out, then I get my trusty stanley knife and some green stuff and butcher the poor model, and stick him back together in some gloriously unique pose ;)


As for options, well I'd await the new codex,if the rumour mills are correct it should be under a month, but then I'm a patient guy. If you want you're guy now, I'd take a daemon weapon! Unreliable, sure, but you don't want your glorious lord with some mundane weapon, do you? :)

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Sorry for the eye-bleed inducing old paint job. I would have redone him by now, but the 4th ed book kind of shelved him (almost exclusively moved to daemon prince for HQ, plus no kai gun anyway, though I did run him a couple times as a sorcerer with doom bolt. It worked ... ok). Anyway, he's a conversion of this guy.


I've also got another converted power armor lord based on the Games Day Archaon on foot model from however many years ago... but I can't photo it well because it's just black primer. I started him shortly before the new codex and my aforementioned shift to exclusive daemon prince use, then shelving my chaos entirely because of how boring it had become. If the eventual new book moves me to paint him, you can bet I'll post pics here.

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Horribly overpriced qualifies as worse. Also, loyalist lords can do cool things for their army organization. Or have artificer armor. Plus loyalists don't have daemon princes sitting in their book providing a blatantly superior alternative.


I'm not sure if princes are still as blatantly superior in 6th ed, but I'm not really going to bother figuring out how chaos plays in the new edition until the new codex is out.

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Well the Lord can make one unit Fearless by joining them...


Nurgle Biker Lord doesn't mean no ID, but you have to have a weapon with Special Rules to ID him instead of a Railgun or Krak Missile.


Only access to Daemon Weapons (okay, that one is as much con as pro)


No one has accused a Chaos Lord of being the complete Limberger for quite some time, especially when you have so many nasty Special Characters that show up regularly now.

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Chaos Lords aren't any worse than their loyalist equivalents, except for being horribly overpriced...

WL . possible EW. storm shield . Possible TWC turns him in to a demon prince

Cpt. storm shield . on bikes makes bikes troops , if sm . can take bodyguard . more upgrades . relic blades .


how arent they worse ?

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Well yeah chaos lords right now are kind of bland. I'm just wanting to know how to make one and plan how I'd make one stand out so I know how to design my other marines for some form of cohesion. (Maybe not the best concept for a chaos army?) I want some way of designing him. I'm making my army thematic. A chaos warlord trying to gather glory and power to his name. Probably Black Legion, but only as loyal as he's browbeat into being (like most CSM).


For tabletop I will probably use a daemon prince. Eventually I want to make some spawn models and use a winged daemon prince that spawns stuff.

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A s I play for fun and fluff, not WAAC, my solution to this has been to run a pair of HQ's. One as a chaos sorc, My Dark Apostle, and one as a chaos lord, my coryphaus. The coryphaus is in TDA as per his fluff, but I am modeling my sorc as both in PA, converting a Huron Blackheart as love the pose, just getting rid of his claw and converting his axe to a dark crozius, and I have a version of him in TDA as well....I have to agree though that having only a 3+ sucks, we should have access to the same ancient, if not more ancient, suits of PA is assinine.


As stated there are so many awesome conversion ideas and models to convert from out there it can make your head spin, which is always a good thing!



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With our current dex I ussually prefer a winged Deamon Prince with warptime for smashing goodness. I have not tried him in a game with the 6th but I think he's still the "go to guy". When I do use a power armored lord I run a "count as" Huron or a regular lord with mark of Tzeentch and deathscreamer. The army of my choice are Iron Warriors so the "Mark of Tzeentch" is translated into a deamonic infused power armour so increased save and some extra dakka. Fluff-wise logical but I would prefer a "normal" option.


From a moddeling perspective I found the Doghouse tutorials very satisfying in creating a larger and bulkier marine which is excellent for Lords. Here's my Lord Isarnax with his deamonic armour based on Doghouse's WFB Chaos Knights.




I really hope the new dex is going to give our Lords more respect so they can be a more viable option. The chances are only the cult-marines are going to shine and all the older traiter legions are getting flushed again. But my Iron Warriors will stand proud and hopfully find a loophole so that I can finally bring in more heavy machines.


Meanwhile the WIP is on hold because I can't bear the thought of completing my army only to see that half or more of my models are illegal or obsolete with the new dex.



Good luck,



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I made a rather easy one using mostly regular Chaos marine bits, bolter-melta and cloak from the loyalist captain box and a bloodletter sword and here's how he turned out:




Obviously I'm not finished painting him yet, but I'm happy with how he's turned out so far.


I've also made a bulkier lord using a combination of Chaos termie and grey knights bits, made to look like he's just wearing extremely bulky power armour with a massive daemon axe, but I haven't taken any pictures yet.

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Do you guys just make these out of the chaos space marines box set? (assuming you don't use a metal model like the ones available on the GW website.)

Though many moons ago I used this horribly painted metal one: link


What all options are available?
The sky is the limit, it all depends on the bits you have available + conversion skill, the concept and your fluff.

I kitbashed mine to make him stand out.

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Chaos Lords aren't any worse than their loyalist equivalents, except for being horribly overpriced...

WL . possible EW. storm shield . Possible TWC turns him in to a demon prince

Cpt. storm shield . on bikes makes bikes troops , if sm . can take bodyguard . more upgrades . relic blades .


how arent they worse ?


Yeah, that's a shame they are so freaking weak and useless when a Chaos lord should be one of the greatest warriors of the galaxy. Veteran of 10k years of endless war, blessed by the dark gods...

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Yeah, that's a shame they are so freaking weak and useless when a Chaos lord should be one of the greatest warriors of the galaxy. Veteran of 10k years of endless war, blessed by the dark gods...


I agree, but instead whenever they go up against an imperial SM character with a SS they almost always die. Just retarded. We need some sort of answer to the SS in our next codex I think. Whether its SS for ourselves or something like a dreadaxe again.

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I agree, but instead whenever they go up against an imperial SM character with a SS they almost always die. Just retarded. We need some sort of answer to the SS in our next codex I think. Whether its SS for ourselves or something like a dreadaxe again.
Chaos has always been weak in the invulnerable save department. A lord couldn't get one at all during the 3.0 era before the Crux Terminatus rule was patched in, and IIRC it was a Daemonic Gift in 3.5. I hope that changes in the next codex, but until then a power armor lord is still kinda weak compared to a terminator lord.
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Hopefully the Mark of Tzeentch won't be the only way to get a decent invulnerable save in the new book. With the new 'unit of psykers' and 'psyker pilot' rules in the core rulebook, the mark of tzeentch really could just be "is a psyker, or +1 mastery level if already a psyker", even for units or vehicles, for a more fluffy benefit while leaving tolerable invulnerable saves available as an option any chaos HQ could buy.


I guess we'll see how it turns out.

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One of my most succesful lords is combi-melta, powerfist, Mark of Nurgle. The other I play is a guy with Bloodfeeder!

I am now thinking about Undevided lord with Daemon Weapon...


Chaos Lords are cool. Chaos Lord can kill a lot, and has great variability of equip. And also can have daemon weapon!

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Anyway to the OP,


Anything goes and is fairgame in coverting your powerarmoured Lord. Just take a peak at the HQ section on this forum and see all manner of wildly converted Lords. If that doesn't spark an idea I don't know what will.


On the other hand I would personally wait before snapping on the wargear until the next dex. At the moment we don't know what options lie ahead. For the shooty attacks plasma pistols or combi-weapons will definitly be the norm (as they are now). With the new "sniping" rule these are more effective than ever.


Hopefully our Lords will restored to their (rightfully) former glory. I can't say it enough we want a decent alternative for leading our armies other then a Daemon Prince and/or (counts as) special character.





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I've used mostly parts from the basic CSM sprue -- with the exception of the chainsaw arm, which I mostly field as a daemon weapon, and the wings, both from the Possessed sprues. He would've been fine with just any basic CSM weapon arm too ... I deliberately tried to use as many basic bits as possible because he's just a basic Lord after all.


I use him to deep-strike loyalist scouts or support units far off the mid of action. He ties them up in close combat and sometimes even finishes them off, but after he does he's basically useless that far off. I'd be hesitating to get that job done with a Daemon Prince and, playing low-points games most of the time, I usually don't have that much points to spend for alternatives to get his job done. 110 pts is very expensive for a single deep-striking unit being mauled every other game or so. But he's almost always worth his points; I'd had to soak much more pinning and rending sniper fire if I didn't have him.

Cheers, JT

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I "converted" one out of the Possessed box as my Winged Lighting Claw Lord, because how it all looked put together (I'd love to have an entire unit with just that one normalish/fangy/bitey Possessed CSM helmet) because it reminded me of how I pictured Argel Tal in First Heretic-which in turn reminded me of Carnage/Venom from the Spider-Man series(s). Since I don't run possessed, I just used him as a Lord.


I made my Khârn out of parts from the Possessed, Beserker (cause they got BIG Hands) and Daemon Prince plastic parts-he has more awesome Bone Armor, and a :cuss: huge Axe.


My Sorcerer was converted from the bottom hunk of a metal Aspiring Sorcerer from the Ksons box set (started this months ago, not being impressed with how the Ksons were acting...and generally disliking how Sorcerer's were depicted) and the Space Marine Commander sprue (cape half). I really wish that Force Weapons shared the same types as Grey Knight Force Weapons (Halberds giving +2 initiative, or at least spears giving +1 Initiatve on top of their current rules but being 2 handed)

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