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I looked at this, some hings to consider. Sammie is NOT an IC, he can't join a squad (therefore, his landspeeder is probably best for him). Second is how the wing is formed. It turns into a unit of 3 bikers (sarge included), a unit of 1 attack bike, and a unit of 1 landspeeder. Alternatively, if you purchase the second set of 3 bikers, you can fieled them as 1 group of 6 or 2 groups of 3.


For a biker detachment, that scores, I'd try C:SM and Khan or a bike Captain.


Ohk I think you mean RAVENWING. Though, I'd love to see some biker terminators :unsure:

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Ravenwing is pricey, so only use them if you're going to take advantage of all of their features: Fearless, Scout, and Teleport Homer. The Homer works nicely with Deathwing Terminators (and your own BA Termies, if you run them too), but sadly not with DoA. I don't know if it works with drop pods or not, I don't think it does.


Fearless is indeed nice, and Scout gets you in position to utilize that Homer.


Build yourself a 6 man unit plus MM AB, add 2 meltas (or plasmas) and a Fist to the Sergeant, maybe, and upgrade them with FNP and/or the Banner (Sammael lets one squad get these upgrades).


Build the other as a 3 man, 2 Meltagun, MM AB tank hunter team. Scout up first, get a few shots at 12", maybe glance something to death.


Take one unit of Deathwing Terminators as an Elite, and maybe a 75 point Typhoon/MM Speeder from Fast, nothing else from DA. Don't buy Ravenwing speeders as they're 100 points for crap guns.




That sounds all well and good, but then you realize that Vanilla SM can do it much cheaper. They don't get the same advantages as DA (Teleport, Scout, 3 man combat squads, independent MM AB, FNP on one unit of troops) but they are still scoring, they come cheaper (and you get more of them), and you don't have to take crappy Sammael as an HQ. Instead, tool up a sweet-ass Bike Captain, give him Artificer Armour and a cool weapon, and attach him to a squad. If you've got the points, build a bike command squad.


Then take either two 5 man bike squads, or two 10 man bike squads with MM AB, and combat squad them. I like the first plan, and you take MM AB in your BA Fast slots.


Supplement the list with BA Jumpers, and a Divination Librarian or two, plus some priests, and you're set. Hell, put the priest or libby on a bike and they can hang out with the SM or RW bikers (though sadly they don't share the Priest's buff).

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I tried a biker squad yesterday - wasnt too impressed to be honest :(


But will need a few more games with them. Theyre quite dear for the 3+ and ifyou're using SM dex, no FNP :(


Would be worth looking at how pricey the 6man + attack bike is (with apoth).


Also, I LOVE Sammael on Jetbike. Really really hardy model !

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I'm at work and don't have my BA codex. We have zero options for bike troops do we? Not even scout bikes... Also playing with the idea of just painting up Dark Angels with a deep glossed red on their power armor, calling them Sanguine Angels, and then running them with the Dark Angels codex with Blood Angels allies. T5 power armor with a 4+ cover save at all times? Yes please.
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To me, bikers are really nice, but I find it hard to fit in a BA army. The only way I'd run them would be with Khan. Outflanking with a pair of Baals, that would be fun.


Remember they cant charge on the turn they outflank anymore- so iffy.


I'm at work and don't have my BA codex. We have zero options for bike troops do we?



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The Ravenwing Battleforce gives you 6 bikes, an attack bike, and a Landspeeder, which is basically one maxed out Ravenwing Troops unit. Not a bad deal.


You also get a tonne of amazing bits, including the stuff to modify a Landspeeder into Sammael's landspeeder. Which you shouldn't run, by the way. 205 points for 2 hull points? No thank you.


The best part of the box is the robed bikers, those guys look badass

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Balls:/ guess I'll probably just pick up the Dark Angels codex and a few Ravenwing boxes(if those are a good deal that is).


Ravenwing box set is possibly the best value for money box set you will get in the line.

AMAZING bits there too.



Should I hold off on Dark Angels stuff. Just remembered. Aren't they supposed to be the first 6th edition codex release?


rumour is they'll be released with the Chaos models wise, but not rules wise.

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Gah, eff it. I'll snag the codex and start out with just a box of Raven Wing. BTW, if anyone thinks a DA BA bike force is retarded or won't be competitive, please speak soon. Don't wanna blow a bunch of money then get face rolled lol:P


The box comes with 6 bikes, an attack bike and a speeder.


Personally, I wouldnt paint them up DA, but it depends how your people are in your area. Why not model them in a special way to be counts as BA? (Even with a biker lord from SM codex~!)



Why not try out a game or two on VASSAL? And then see how it goes if youre nervous.



Also, as a few posters have already said, you really need to make use of their abilities - fearless, homers, and scout!

Not to mention theyre all troops.

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I had the same idea OP. Got a Ravenwing box set too! I feel like I need trooper bikes (something to score quickly). I used my fast razorbacks with RAS in as a cruch last edition, and I am really used to a play style of jumping on objectives last turn. I think the changes to transports not being able to score makes bikes sooo much better. I'm gonna paint mine as Blood Angels and just use them counts as. I actually was thinking of taking Sammeal, an alternative HQ would be like 130 points (eg spacemarine captain) and for 70 points I think an armor 14 landspeeder that shoots at BS 5 twinlinked is pretty darn good. I know it only has 2 hullpoints, but its still armor 14, so except for necros, you're golden!
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