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A flash of brilliance?


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s. I actually was thinking of taking Sammeal, an alternative HQ would be like 130 points (eg spacemarine captain) and for 70 points I think an armor 14 landspeeder that shoots at BS 5 twinlinked is pretty darn good. I know it only has 2 hullpoints, but its still armor 14, so except for necros, you're golden!


I strongly, strongly suggest considering the jetbike over the speeder ><;

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Yeah, had the option from the box to build the ravenwing masters landspeeder and I just couldn't justify it. With the jetbike he will live through AT LEAST 3 hits where the ladspeeder could be popped in one or two. The main conundrum I'm having a hard time with is whether or not I should rock the two plasma guns or two melta guns in my bike squads. I like the idea of the plasmas. I have 6 attack bikes already with multi meltas and I can always drop in my honor guard or sternguard with meltas with drop pods if I really think I'm lacking, though I have 4 Typoon speeders that I think will get the anti tank/transport roll taken care of just fine. What do you guys think?
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Jetbike sammael has Eternal Warrior, 4++, a BS5 plasmacannon (mounted on a Jetbike). He can hold his own in combat and be a general pest.


Really worth consideration imho.


Still have single single model unit issues, though. You can provide a movingcreen for cover saves withthbie,though. And he is a chalk gbeast. Jus trembler,as a single models it,hecannotrefuse challenges. But, that is part of why you bring him. That, and scoring bikers.

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