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By the Emprah a noob!

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Hello all! I've been following the fluff of 40k for years now. I was in the process of learning the rules in fifth but once I discovered sixth was coming out I held off. Well now I'm attempting to jump in with both feet. I've always loved the Grey Knights fluff. In fact I had the old Daemonhunters codex and was planning on using it in 5th before the new dex came out. Well, I just wanted to drop a 'hello' to everyone. This site seems much more friendly than many of the other 40k forums out there which is why I decided to park myself here. /EndBabbling


Edit: Sorry for the triple post I'm not sure what happened :unsure:

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Welcome to B&C (although I'm only a recently active member myself). If you like GKs and your 40K lore then you might want to pick up some of the Black Library's HH books, notably Flight of the Eisenstein.
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Welcome Brother,


I've been into 40K for fifteen years, had a few times away from the battlefield, and am back to join in the fun of 6th edition. You are not alone, so grab your bolter and hit the ground running soldier! ;)

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