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Making your warband stand out

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So I'm looking at doing a chaos army. My idea is a Black Legion warband leader who is independent (when Abaddon isn't looking) and is doing his best to grab resources and allies in his own power cliche. So I'm thinking of doing Black Legion colors, but I want to set mine apart somehow and show my followers loyalty to their own warlord. How do you do this with chaos? I know loyalists form into companies. How would a chaos lord mark his troops as his own?
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With a personal icon or banner, or perhaps a piece of wargear. Black Legion are Undivided, I believe, so anything will serve. Perhaps they all carry a particular style of ritual knife, or bear a glowing rune upon their left shoulderpad.
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Yeah, BL are split into all kinds of warbands when Abaddon isn't herding them together for a crusade. Some have their own variation on the eye/star motif but you could just as easily add a lord's personal insignia to your squads in various places. There's nothing to say you have to stick to the default colour scheme either, you could tweak it a little if you wanted. A different coloured trim, gauntlet or shoulder pad can go a long way.


Specific wargear alterations, minor mutations, tattoos on bare-headed models etc are all ways you can add individuality to your warband too.

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Really piss Abaddon off, and paint your Warband sea-green with black edging, and retain the name the Sons of Horus....


Who's the true master of your Legion, anyway? ;)

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It could be something simple like a different color or symbol on one shoulder pad, or a modeling choice like they all have the same helmet or something more elaborate if you have the time. Or different wargear, like has been mentioned. Or added bits from other armies sprues, like tilt shields with personal heraldry or whatever.
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Change the shoulder trim color or the shoulder pad color to represent their section of the force for quick id. Ultramarines do it, why can't we?



Because we are better than those mongrel dogs of Guilliman!! ;)




Plenty of great advice already posted, and to add to it I'd say conversions and customization. The great thing about Chaos is the conversion opportunities! Have fun and welcome to the sinister side of the universe!




Just do us a favour...Once you realize you're never gonna enjoy loyalist armies as much as Chaos ones (and that day will come) don't walk around like Abbadon telling everyone that "Once you go Black....Legion.....you never go back!" ;)

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The armor overall should be black, but you could reasonably vary trim color, add a colored shoulder pad or warlord shoulder icon (so long as the eye of Horus was still prominent). There was also a variant color scheme with a chaos star painted over the armor in one of the codeces, shown below along with an example that has a variant shoulder color.


You could also do a variant color for the ribbed joints on the armor, or introduce some unique variation another way. A long time ago, during the 3.5 codex period, there was a gaming club that each did one of the chaos legions for a grand tournament, and the Black Legion player's army had a lot of pale purple mutated daemonic flesh, and the same purple skin on all of his models that were showing any, to tie the army together and make it more unique. The same army gave the Abaddon model wings from Morathi's pegasus to make its daemon prince, which might help you find it, but I wasn't able to find pictures of those - it was a long time ago, and GW's older event coverage pages are long gone.





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Or if you really want to make them stand out, paint them Black on Gold rather the "regular" Black Legions Gold on black :(


Mind you, that might make them a bit too....bling even for a Chaos Warband! :(


I do like Miko's idea of a "glowing" rune though ;)

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Or if you really want to make them stand out, paint them Black on Gold rather the "regular" Black Legions Gold on black :(

Oooh, even more so if they prefer Slaanesh like the Dornian Heresy White Scars....


Show Dante who's the real golden boy of the Legions!



(Okay, I'll stop with the puns.)

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Try looking through this thread. Should give you quite a few ideas on how to make your Black Legion warband stand out. ;)


Oh yes! Subtle Discords stuff is suberb.

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How would a chaos lord mark his troops as his own?

1k+ ways.


model them like scavengers . tons of weapons , ammo , mines , 'nades etc with possible missing parts of armor [naked arms , missing shoulder pad etc] .


gladiators for hire . all shoting weapons holstered models , gladiator style weapons .remember if an army doesnt have an option for shields you can put them on any unit you want . It also gives you a wicked possibility to model a cool looking sorc/DP with a trident and net[ze lash , but only for the cool effect].


the SAS/Seals/SPECNAZ. camo marines. silencers added to the bolters . warp painted faces . can you say chain combat knifes ? scopes on bolters .


The glory of old days . Resculpted armor[or use sang/BA parts] , each marines looks as if he was wearing an art armor . Marble style armor . no helmetless dudes . bright orange power weapons . awesome marble predators/rhinos . a DP that looks like if he was made of marble . awesome incaranted.


The pirates . sashes everywhere . Pimp hats everywhere[look for the WFB imperial line for parts] . ton of dudes with bandanas , bar wenches [aka ally netts] , oblits modeled as living cannons [WGB parts with sculpted body or a pyrovore/cannon hybrid]. + you can use the parrot [aka Fateweaver].



etc etc etc

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