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New 40k summer campaign - Battle for Cadia


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Via natfka from Faeit 212


While the rumor mill is a little too quiet, there is always something that floats on by, and this is it. A summer campaign for 40k is due to arrive soon, and during it, it appears that Cadia is under seige...... A perfect time to release Chaos Space Marines and have a secondary release of Daemons.




Here is the rumor...... Does anyone have a link to that poster on facebook?


via Mr. Mystery

Local store has just put a poster up on Facebook....

40k Summer Campaign, coming soon....Cadia will fall....




Cadia View source History Cadia Prime


Type Civilised World / Fortress World

Orbital radius 1.32 AU

Gravity 1.12 G

Temperature 20 Degrees C

Population 850,000,000

System Cadian System

Sector Cadian Sector

Segmentum Segmentum Obscurus



officially known as Cadia Prime, is a terrestrial, Earth-like planet that has been classified as both a Civilised World and as the Imperium of Man's most important Fortress World by the Administratum.


It guards the only known navigable route to and from the massive Warp rift known as the Eye of Terror, a passage called the Cadian Gate. The world's dangerous proximity to the Eye of Terror has made it necessary for the people of Cadia to heavily fortify the planet. Cadia is always the first target of the Chaos Warmaster Abaddon the Despoiler's assaults and Black Crusades, when the Forces of Chaos Undivided launch themselves from the Eye of Terror every few centuries in an attempt to break out and invade the Imperium proper as they did during the Horus Heresy.


Cadia's natural environment is much like Terra's was millennia ago, with a large ocean covering 70 percent of the planet's surface. The land mass that does exist is divided between incredibly thick pine forests and vast glaciers. The planet is slightly cooler than most human-settled worlds but not to the point that it adversely affects growing conditions. Settled before the onset of the Age of Strife by a branch of humanity that eventually fell to the worship of the Chaos Gods and played a major role in the ultimate corruption of the Space Marine Legions, Cadia was re-settled sometime in the early 32nd Millennium by Loyalist humans of the Imperium.


The world's landscape is dotted by strange black pylons of clear xenos origin called the Cadian Pylons. These devices were actually constructed by the Necrons millions of years ago to hold back the psychic energies of the Eye of Terror from the world, which was an ancient Necron military base during their war with the Old Ones. The Cadian Pylons are what create the unusual area of realspace stability known as the Cadian Gate near the Eye of Terror that is unaffected by the constant Warp Storms that surround that Warp rift. Cadia's location directly adjacent to the dangerous Eye of Terror has made it necessary for the people of Cadia to fortify the planet to an extent where almost the entire population lives in massive fortress-cities known locally as "Kasr". Thus Cadia has an odd mix of dense urban areas and vast open tundras and other natural landscapes. It is always against Cadia that Abaddon the Despoiler, the Warmaster of the Chaos Space Marines and the Forces of Chaos, fields his continual assaults or Black Crusades from his hold in the Eye of Terror.




To me it gives sense. release of dex coupled with campaign? It is pretty cinematic. No. IT IS FREAKIN' EPIC!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO KICK SOME IMPERIALS BUTTS""

But playground is yours kids. ;)

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That's cool. The B&C campaign for the Arx Rift is still going down right now, just to remind people. Right now Chaos is stomping all over the Imperials, but the Imperials have drummed up some additional support, so we'll see how this week goes.


But a GW global campaign would be cool, and I like the idea of it tying in with a new CSM codex, obviously.

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That's cool. The B&C campaign for the Arx Rift is still going down right now, just to remind people. Right now Chaos is stomping all over the Imperials, but the Imperials have drummed up some additional support, so we'll see how this week goes.


But a GW global campaign would be cool, and I like the idea of it tying in with a new CSM codex, obviously.



Yes, the Arx rift campaign we are participating in has been a blast. Lots of great fluff bits, fun games and last but not least Chaos is kicking tail, muwahaha. ;)


A global campaign would certainly be a blast as well. Looking forward to it happening!



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Why participate in a GW campaign? If the result is not like GW wants it, they will ignore it at the end, see Medusa V.


Damn GW, I'll burn their galaxy whether they like it not!

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Why participate in a GW campaign? If the result is not like GW wants it, they will ignore it at the end, see Medusa V.


Damn GW, I'll burn their galaxy whether they like it not!


Not if I have any say in it! Oh wait, never mind, I am "needed" elsewhere........(disappears)

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Why participate in a GW campaign? If the result is not like GW wants it, they will ignore it at the end, see Medusa V.


Didn't played this one. Can you tell me more ?



GW was widely accused of altering the results to suit their own needs, personally I doubt it, the campaign write-ups looked like they were written up in an afternoon and the results of the campaign have not influenced anything that's been written since, just like the Eye of Terror campaign.


I would love it if they did another campaign, they are usually good fun if you have a good local group of players. However until other stores start posting things I'm inclined to believe this is just a local shop campaign that someone created a poster for.

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Eye of Terror was tons of fun... but they haven't done anything as effortful since (well, there was that fantasy campaign that came close, but even that was a long time ago), and nothing that happened was kept in the narrative going forward. Kind of sad, actually.


As for the fluff write up... I thought the Eye of Terror was created by the Birth of Slaanesh, which happened long after the end of the Necron war with the old ones, and after they had gone into hibernation... why would the pylons be Necron tech?


Meh, whatever.

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Well, to me it's pure BS.

Can't see a random local store annonce a huge global campaign on their facebook before GW.

So, if there's really something, that's in that local store only. Hardly global.

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Why participate in a GW campaign? If the result is not like GW wants it, they will ignore it at the end, see Medusa V.


Sometimes the journey is more intriguing than the destination.

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Note that this was posted onthe FB Page of a LOCAL GW Store.


Therefore, this is local, to a specific town/city, and not national and international.


EoT was fun, even though the Dork Angles lost the plot (as Broether Anders points out ;) :P :( ), and somehow the Imperials 'lost' despite winning something like three times the number of games...


But I like how it set up the fluff as it currently is, with the 13th Black Crusade poised to sweep past Cadia, and both sides drawing more resources in to it. It suits the whole 'desperate battle for survival in a near-apocalyptic situation' that for me defines the feel of 40k.

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Just sounds like a local campaign to me.


The Pylons were built by the Necrons, and actually have nothing to do with the Eye of Terror - There are similar Pylons scattered throughout the galaxy at various other sites. It's just that the Eldar decided to tear a massive hole in the warp near one of the largest collections of them in the galaxy.


Yes, you got it: The Cadian Gate is a coincidence.

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