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Stunning Zooming fliers?


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Quite simply, I cant seem to find exclusions.


If this is indeed the case, this is a nice little balance I find, since the flier will have to go to hover mode to stop itself from crashing.


Im still a bit grieved that the bloody IG 'dettas (which I still believe will "break" the game) get extra armour automatically.

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I think you should read the entirety of Stunned ;):


"If the vehicle is a Zooming Flyer (see page 80) it instead can only move 18" and cannot turn." (p.74)




Weee, I once more refer to my sig! ;)

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"If the vehicle is a Zooming Flyer (see page 80) it instead can only move 18" and cannot turn." (p.74)

Interesting. 18" and can't turn might result in the flyer going off of the map (and into "Ongoing Reserves"). Since they can only turn 90 degrees and will be moving very fast (for a 6'x4' table, anyway) restricting when and how they can move can impede their ability to shoot or even be present at all, in some cases. Very interesting indeed.



Weee, I once more refer to my sig! ;)

While a bit admonishing, the point rings true. Not all of the significant rules changes are highlighted at all; many are hidden in the normal text body.

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There have been soo many rules I've found that simply don't make sense where they are placed...it really, really helps to read cover to cover instead of hopping around.
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There have been soo many rules I've found that simply don't make sense where they are placed...it really, really helps to read cover to cover instead of hopping around.

Yeah, I find that instead of just reading a particular section, it's good to rummage around a little. Like, say, challenges and the assault rules.


And of course, everyone should read the section with actual rules from start to finish at least once (preferably enough times to make it stick).

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