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Blood Talons


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Ideally you want a healthy mix. that being said certain chassis do better with certain weapons.


DC dread for example are probably better with fists as rage give em more attacks on the charge but Furioso's can do either and the AV13 means the will get where they want to go.


Remember the opponent cannot charge your dread if he cannot hurt it.

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I've never been one to throw a furioso at terminators, because they possess too many high strength attacks, and it would only take 1 weapon destroyed to ruin the Blood Talons.


BTs will still be great for removing swarms of enemies. We all have stories of wrecking a dozen models at a time (my personal record was 16; the squad was dead! Who knows how long I would have gone on for).

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Personal record for BT was 46 guardsmen lol =]


I think that BT are a still a staple in any BA army you just have to know where to position them. I always run a BT dread in my stormraven list cause as an assault vehicle he can still assault after disembarking making him a key position taker in the end game.

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They have been removed from my current list due to the need for more troops. The games I have played have had between 4 and 6 objectives and I was running two troop choices. Now I have four troops with one of them being 20 death company for front line objective capture and denial.

With a terminator reclusiarch they should be pretty hard to remove.

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well, considering you can cast presience on a charging dc dread... anything other than 2+ gets utterly wrecked. rerolls to hit and wound... 30 boys dead, 30 ig dead, can't attack back as nothing will be within 3inches, then you run them down:)
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I ran a DC Dread with Talons last night in 4 games, he was footslogging for the first 2 games and he managed to get hold of a 10-man marine squad in both games and killed them over 2 rounds each.


In the 3rd game he came up against Deathwing and died. The 4th game was his best moment though against pointy-ears! He loves those little guys and he killed a Dire Avenger squad with Farseer, a Warp Spider squad and wrecked a Wave Serpent before being dealt with by Fire Dragons.


Even though he died against Deathwing he won me that game because the enemy saw a dreadnought and went for it leaving my nice squishy troops alone :)

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I'm seriously considering not fielding any Dreadnoughts, or Walkers any more for that matter.


Every time I have fielded a Walker in this edition, it has died to losing all it's Hull Points. Even the Death Company Dread- sure, it ignores stunned and shaken, but it still loses a Hull Point.


On the way into combat, it gets shot 1-2 and loses a couple hull points. With Overwatch and throwing grenades now... I haven't even managed to get into close combat with mine. ;)


Sixth Edition has pretty much destroyed using Dreadnoughts for me.

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To be honest, I never saw the advantage of them, sure extra attacks, but at a lower strength, which wasnt a problem, till I faced a soul grinder and couldnt scratch it.


Either way they should never be in combat with anything with a 2+ save, chances are the something can and will wreck it.

Pretty sure my hammernators will eat dreadnaughts

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They have been removed from my current list due to the need for more troops. The games I have played have had between 4 and 6 objectives and I was running two troop choices. Now I have four troops with one of them being 20 death company for front line objective capture and denial.

With a terminator reclusiarch they should be pretty hard to remove.

Just a bit of an aside, when I was researching 6th Edition for an article, one of the things I saw was that you need a minimum of three Troops choices. I don't know the kind of comp that most people (especially Chaos, considering the current Chaos meta) are using, but it seems like the old "minimum two" is now a functional minimum of three.
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I have never thrown BT Dreads into TEQ they always get sent against MEQ troops destroying scoring elements is the strength of blood talons, troops are usually AV3 with the exception of DA and GK termies. I lost count of the number of Necrons my DC dread killed it was around 20 of them and they kept getting back up till he eventually killed the lord with the resurrection orb over 4 rounds of combat.
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