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Night Lords or Black Legion?

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Trying to decide if I want my warband to be Night Lords or Black Legion. I wanted to eventually do a force where I could use different elements such as 1k Sons, World Eaters, etc. That sounds more like the Black Legion I know. Then I've always loved the Night Lords and how they use chaos as a tool but don't worship the dark powers.


Then I thought about how sometimes CSM from one legion can end up in another over the millenia. If this were to happen how would I show on my Lord that he is Black Legion now, but that he used to be Night Lord? I guess I could put those silly ears on him. :)


Anyone else have any input on this or how you would do it or how you think I should do it?

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You could paint him as a Night Lord and just all the other marines in Black Legion colors or variations of Black Legion schemes. If you're good with sculpting you could sculpt an eye of horus on one of his shoulderpads to show he is no longer aligned with his legion.
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honestly i feel that black legion are the ultramarines of chaos. having said that i love nothing more than fighting against ultramarines....


nightlords were my first chaos army so i have a special place in my heart for them though...


why not do a black legion force with a few squads of nightlords as mercenaries? that would be cool

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You could use a custom made paint scheme ( Black with bronze trims, with NL shoulder pads / half black, half blue / use the NL decals on a black legion themed army, for example),Or you could use a combined force ( night lord chaos lord, some marines, raptors, bikers and black legion sorcerer/ Daemon prince, escorted by cult troops, oblits, possessed, and so on, for example) a third way would by by greenstuffing certain parts. With chaos, you can always find a way to tweak both fluff and modelling to achieve what you wish.
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honestly i feel that black legion are the ultramarines of chaos. having said that i love nothing more than fighting against ultramarines....

Why so? Personally, I don't see it that way at all.



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I think I'll do Black Legion, but I'll give my Lord the goofy wings on his helmet or something like that. I don't think the Black Legion would take kindly to a Night Lord joining their legion and continuing to wear Night Lord colors, but who would want to waste a perfectly good helmet? ;)
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As a Night Lords player, I picked them because they are pretty cool, with an awesome paint scheme.

That being said, I disagree with HJM on the Black Legion. They have a really great background and will be fleshed a bit more by ADB. I find their paint scheme is a little cheap, but that's me.

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Guest ShinKosh

Another Night Lord here, I'm bias since I just really started my company up but I would go with them. I like the ideas and the look as well as having read the Night Lords trilogy by ADB. Again though it’s all about what you wanna play on the table. Some Night Lords are marine purists, not using cults or daemons, other are less strict and the same could be said for any warband of Black Legion.


Right now it all comes down to if you want to paint black or dark blue. There are no rules that currently limit your selection of gear. Now in around 3 weeks’ time and August rolling around who knows what will be out them. Might be worth holding out if your than on the field until we get a sniff of the new codex, unless of course you read a piece of fluff and are suddenly like, "That’s it, Black Legion/Night Lords for me!".


Oh and either way your gonna be painting gold on the trim. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but it's a killer.

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You could paint him as a Night Lord and just all the other marines in Black Legion colors or variations of Black Legion schemes. If you're good with sculpting you could sculpt an eye of horus on one of his shoulderpads to show he is no longer aligned with his legion.


Heh, funny enough, I was going to say the opposite. A Night Lord who was formery a Black Legionaire.

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Well, I don't think CSMs get to switch legions. Especially from Black Legion to Night Lords or vice versa. Legion alliances are determined by geneseed.


That said, Night Lords all the way. It has one of the best fluffs in 40k. If I could paint lightnings I'd be a NL player.

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Gene-seed don't mean squat when it comes to Warbands. The Legions are dead, bro. Every man for himself. Ally with the most powerful mook at the time, survive, do it again; repeat until dead, a new warlord, or a Daemon Prince.
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Night lords were my first army... Under the first bland 3rd edition codex- when 3.5 came w stealth for night lords I was thrilled... Many good times w those rules and a strictly 'chaos undivided list w no daemons (other than furies) and no cult nothin...


Sadly when I got back into hammer mid 5th edition I was so dismayed that legion traits no longer existed that I repainted and remade my army and armor black to show my shame... And abaddon is (was/is...hmm) a house. So believe me I feel your pain- but I'm solid black legion now... Though night lords are incredibly near and dear to me

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honestly i feel that black legion are the ultramarines of chaos. having said that i love nothing more than fighting against ultramarines....

Why so? Personally, I don't see it that way at all.




They are the default, vanilla flavour of chaos marines and space marines. You can draw some other basic similarities but you also have a lot of differences. I think it is the fact that they are the standard which other armies are measured by.



Really Black legion is one of the least played legions. I rarely ever see them on the tabletop.


Oh I don't know... If I don't count cult armies (Although I don't see thaty many EC or 1kson armies.) of which the World Eaters seem to be the most numerous the black legion have always been more common in my part of the world... Although iron warriors came close in the 3.5 days.

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Gene-seed don't mean squat when it comes to Warbands. The Legions are dead, bro. Every man for himself. Ally with the most powerful mook at the time, survive, do it again; repeat until dead, a new warlord, or a Daemon Prince.

I don't think you grasp the difference between warband and legion. A warband can be made up of CSM of different legions, but you don't switch legions. As I stated, it is due to the geneseed. Warbands change all the time, legions do not. Also, legions aren't dead. Not sure where you got that idea.


Putting this back on topic, I have only seen 2 Night Lord armies on the tabletop in the past 13 years that I have been playing. Can't count how many Black Legions I played against. Go NL! :P

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Oh, I do. And since the failure of Horus, we have existed as warbands. Some of these warbands may still carry only pure members of their legion, may even still exist as their company / grand company designations. But, they're a warband. All of us are. And, as such, many warbands will eventually adopt outsiders to fill gaps in their ranks. The Black Legion has been doing this for centuries. Most others do as well. It's just the way of things now.
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Oh, I do. And since the failure of Horus, we have existed as warbands. Some of these warbands may still carry only pure members of their legion, may even still exist as their company / grand company designations. But, they're a warband. All of us are. And, as such, many warbands will eventually adopt outsiders to fill gaps in their ranks. The Black Legion has been doing this for centuries. Most others do as well. It's just the way of things now.

No, you clearly don't. Warbands are warbands, legions are legions. What you have just described are warbands, not necessarily companies or grand companies. World Eaters and Emperor's Children are examples of legions broken up into warbands.


Heh, funny enough, I was going to say the opposite. A Night Lord who was formery a Black Legionaire.

Your quote reveals how wrong you are. A Black Legionnaire may be part of a Night Lords warband, but he cannot become a member of the Night Lords. That's because of geneseed differences. They may fight together as a warband, but they are from separate legions. You can't switch from one legion to another. There are legions and there are warbands.


That said this is not the place to debate this. If you want you can make your own thread or take it up via PM. Otherwise please stop derailing.


Sorry for the OT BrotherMoses.


EDIT: After re-reading it I might have sounded a bit harsh. Sorry about that. Did not mean to come across that way.

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Quick reminder, the OP is not asking for a discussion on the difference (if any) exist between warbands and legions, so lets move back to the original topic at hand.


On topic, I've been going through a phase now of liking dual faction armies. For myself, I'm considering Emperor's Children and Iron Warriors, so a split Black Legion/Night Lords army would be my choice. As far as justification, there are some references of the Night Lords working alongside other Chaos factions, Red Corsairs being one of them, as they tend to be portrayed as both mercenaries and lacking some of the resources of other factions.

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Unholy brothers let us not forget the example of the Dark Apostle Eliphas who was of Word Bearers gene stock. Eventually he joined the Black Legion under Abaddon.


Also, let us specifically remember the Daemon Prince (whose name I forget, but he's listed in Lexicanum under Black Legion) who was originally a Night Lord, but became a daemon prince and eventually joined the Black Legion.


So from this we know that membership in warbands and/or legions is mutable as all things are with chaos.

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That said, Night Lords all the way. It has one of the best fluffs in 40k. If I could paint lightnings I'd be a NL player.


Lightning is easy. Paint a very rough dark blue 'lightning bolt' shape (with branches if desired). Then take a light blue and paint the same shape, but more precisely, inside the bounds of the dark blue. Finally, use white and a 0.2 brush to do the same thing on top of the light blue.

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I used the very same technique on my own NL's. I honestly don't have very steady hands, yet with a little patience, you can make some very nice lightning by doing as Miko desicribed...


That said this is not the place to debate this. If you want you can make your own thread or take it up via PM. Otherwise please stop derailing

I will not. It's a horse that's been beaten past death into pulped rancid meat, with no clear right or wrong. You have your opinion, I have mine. Live and let live. No need to be abrasive.

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If you want to start your own thread discussing the status of the legions then by all means start it and I'll weigh in with my opinion. Otherwise lets try and stick to the issue at hand please.


Thank you.

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